“Revolution Muslim” Brothers Preach Radical Islam In Manhattan

By Jim, posted in News


Inside the sleek, modernistic house of worship located in Manhattan, Imam Shamsi Ali preaches against the violence that now sweeps many Muslim countries, CNN reported.


Army Doctor, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan held in Fort Hood Rampage


Sgt. Fanuaee Vea embraced Pvt. Savannah Green while trying to call friends and family outside Fort Hood, Tex., after the shooting. More Photos >


Named: The five British soldiers executed in cold blood by Taliban 'police' assassin

By Ian Drury and David Williams

  • Taliban claim responsibility for attack which left five dead, eight wounded
  • British military and Afghan police launch hunt for killer
  • Victim Sergeant Matthew Telford, 37, a father-of two, due home in two weeks
  • Armed forces suffered bloodiest year of action since Falklands War

Cops Kill Islamic Leader During Gun Battle in Detroit Suburb

Federal agents working on a counterterrorism task force in Detroit, Michigan reported that during a gun battle they shot and killed the Imam of a radical Islamic group. Agents say the gunfight began after Luqman Ameen Abdullah failed to surrender and face with various criminal charges.

Abdullah is the spiritual leader of a group that is alleged to have engaged in violent activity over a period of many years, and known to be armed.

Hundreds mourn slain mosque leader

Last two men linked to Abdullah arrested in Windsor

Santiago Esparza / The Detroit News

Detroit -- Hundreds of mourners gathered for the funeral Saturday of a local mosque leader killed earlier this week in an FBI shootout.

Services for Luqman Ameen Abdullah, 53, were held at the Muslim Center. Abdullah was killed by the FBI on Wednesday at a Dearborn warehouse as he was being arrested in connection with several charges, including conspiracy, receipt of stolen goods and firearm offenses.

Egyptian Christians Fear More Muslim Violence Egypt
Egyptian security forces have intensified their presence in the Upper Egyptian town of Dairout, in anticipation of a recurrence of Muslim violence against Christians. Copts expressed their fear over leaflets entitled "These have to Die!" which are being distributed to all Muslims in Dairout and neighborhoods, enticing them to "burn, vandalize and clean the country of these evil immoral infidels."

Coptic Blogger in Egypt Pressured to Convert in Prison

Christian critical of Islamization of society, Orthodox church jailed without charges.

By Will Morris

ISTANBUL, October 31 (Compass Direct News) — A Coptic Christian blogger in Egypt entering his second year of prison without charge is being pressured to convert to Islam in exchange for his freedom, his attorneys said.

On Oct. 3, 2008, Hani Nazeer, a 28-year-old high school social worker from Qena, Egypt and author of the blog “Karz El Hob” (“Love Cherries”), was arrested by Egypt’s State Security Investigations (SSI) and sent to Burj Al-Arab prison.

Church Renovation Prompts Muslim Mob Attack in Egypt 

Egypt (AINA)

On Tuesday evening, October 27, a Muslim mob attacked the Church of St. George in the village of Nazlet Albadraman, located in the Deir Mawas District, Minya Province. The Priest and the congregation were held inside until they were freed by the village mayor after security forces dispersed the mob. The attack was prompted by the restoration of the Church's tower, for which the Church holds the necessary permit.

Intimate Photos of Muslim Girl Spark Riot Against Christians in Egypt


Sectarian violence targeting Christian Coptic inhabitants of the Upper Egyptian town of Dairout, 313 kilometers south of Cairo, erupted on Saturday, October 24. Hundres of Muslims, mainly from Al-Azhar Institute in Dairout, and secondary school students chanted 'God is Great' while attacking and looting Christian-owned homes and businesses, as well as churches and the Coptic Orthodox Diocese building. They were demanding revenge from the Christian young man who "shamed the Muslims."

Sectarian violence targeting Christian Coptic inhabitants of the Upper Egyptian town of Dairout, 313 kilometers south of Cairo, erupted on Saturday, October 24. Hundres of Muslims, mainly from Al-Azhar Institute in Dairout, and secondary school students chanted 'God is Great' while attacking and looting Christian-owned homes and businesses, as well as churches and the Coptic Orthodox Diocese building. They were demanding revenge from the Christian young man who "shamed the Muslims."


Clashes Erupt After Murder of Christian Man in Egypt

christian post

By Aaron J. Leichman|Christian Post Reporter

Clashes broke out in a southern Egyptian village Saturday after Muslim youth began throwing stones at Coptic Christian churches and homes in the area in response to the extended detention four Muslim murder suspects.

in the village of Attaleen Sunday, Oct.18, 2009 , in Assuit province, southern Egypt by unidentified attackers who accused his son of having an affair with a Muslim girl
Christian Copt  

(Photo: AP Images / Mamdouh Thabet)

Police officials check the site

where a Christian Copt was killed

The suspects, all related to a girl at the center of the latest Muslim-Christian row, are being probed by police over their involvement in the murder of a Coptic man who was shot dead on Oct. 18 in the village of Attaleen, near the southern city of Assiut.

Saudi Talk Show Female Producer Sentenced to 60 Flogs.

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information,

ANHRI, refrains from commenting on the verdict; leaving it to the Arab reader to comment on such a blow to freedom of opinion and expression

The District Court of Jeddah sentenced a young Saudi woman, Rosana, to 60 flogs after being convicted of violating the "common decency law". The young woman is a producer to the show "Ahmar Bel Khat El-Arid" aired on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC). The verdict was in response to an episode of the show where Mazen Abd El-Gawad, a young Saudi man, boasted about his sexual adventures. The verdict is final and executory.

Mohammedan Kills Copt Over a Rumor, Mohammedans Get Violent With Murdered Copt's Family 

The Forgotten Minority 

Just a typical Friday in Egypt. Mohammedan women cannot date or marry Christians under Sharia.

The Mohammedans were upset because some of them were detained for a couple of days after committing murder. Seriously.


CAIRO — Muslims and Christians clashed in southern Egypt on Saturday following an earlier murder of a Christian villager by attackers accusing his son of having an affair with a Muslim, according to witnesses.

Egypt Muslims stone Coptic churches in sectarian clash

CAIRO — Muslims students stoned Coptic Christian churches and homes in a southern Egyptian village on Saturday after four Muslims suspected of killing a Copt were kept in custody, police said.

The unrest began when the prosecutor extended the detention of the Muslims in the village of Dairut who are suspected of killing an elderly Copt in his home last week, a police official said.


How FBI traced Egyptian American Tarek Mehanna in his quest to become a jihadi


Informants helped the FBI track Tarek Mehanna to the Middle East in search of terrorist training, according to government documents. Agents also copied his computer hard drive.


Saudi concern rises over Al Qaeda activity in Yemen

Two Yemen-based militants dressed as women, one of whom was a former Guantánamo prisoner, were intercepted at a Saudi checkpoint last week.

Cleric Indicted In Alleged NYC Terror Plot  


A Muslim cleric and funeral director from New York has been indicted on charges that he lied to federal agents about a Colorado man who has been charged with plotting a terrorist attack in the city.

Ahmad Wais Afzali, 37, was indicted late Monday on four counts of making false statements to federal agents, according to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

Egypt: Christian Murdered Over Rumored Affair With Muslim

Ever since Obama's Islamic loving speech in Cairo, it appears that the attacks on Egyptian Christians are on the rise. Has Obama emboldened the enemy? Of course he has.


CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -
A Christian man was killed in southern Egypt by attackers who accused his son of having an affair with a Muslim girl, police said yesterday.

Story Image 

Preacher Anjem Choudary will lead the march








FURIOUS opponents last night called for a mass rally by radical Muslims to be outlawed over fears it could spark violent clashes.

Handsome Muslim men accused of waging 'love jihad' in India

Muslim fundamentalists in India have been accused of waging a "love jihad", using charming young men to lure girls into converting to Islam with promises of marriage.

Christian and Hindu groups, which have themselves clashed over the sensitive issue of religious conversions, have joined forces to combat the alleged campaign.

Call for more checks on madrassas

British Broadcasting Corporation 

By Sukhi Hayer
BBC Asian Network

Islamic madrasa
There are 2,000 official madrassas in the UK, but others are run in homes








Unofficial Islamic schools, many of which use teachers who have not had criminal record bureau checks should be better regulated, an MP has demanded.

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