Christian Father Arrested for Rescuing Daughter from Muslim Husband

Christian Post 

A Coptic Christian man was reportedly arrested, abused and forced to pay a large sum of money for rescuing his 20-year-old daughter from her Muslim husband, who was said to be holding her against her will in Alexandria, Egypt.


Daily Express - Breaking news, sport and showbiz from the World's Greatest Newspaper

Story Image 

A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.

The fanatical group Islam4UK has ­announced plans to hold a potentially ­incendiary rally in London later this month.

France charges nuclear scientist suspected of al Qaeda links

French magistrates charged a nuclear scientist suspected of Al-Qaeda links with "membership of a terrorist group" on Monday, judicial officials said.
The 32-year-old engineer, who was studying the universe's birth -- the Big Bang -- at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), was arrested on Thursday last week by police intelligence.

Forced Islamization of Christian Conscripts in the Egyptian Army

By Mary Abdelmassih


(AINA) -- Mistreatment of Christian conscripts in the Egyptian army, including beatings, psychological harassment and torture, at the hands of radical Muslim officers to force them to convert to Islam is widespread, but is rarely reported by conscripts for fear of reprisals.


Bloodthirsty German Al Qaeda fanatic poses with 2ft-long knife for beheading British soldiers in Afghanistan

Abu Askar

Warning: Abu Askar records a video while holding the knife

An Al Qaeda fanatic who trains fellow Europeans to fight in Afghanistan has given a stark warning to our troops - by posing with a 2ft-long beheading knife.

Coptic Family Forced to Surrender Woman Rescued in Egypt
With extortion and violence, authorities pressure father to return daughter to Muslim husband.
State Security Investigations (SSI) forces in Egypt arrested, abused and then extorted money from a Coptic Christian for rescuing his daughter from her Muslim husband, who was holding her against her will in Alexandria, according to sources in Egypt.

The calls to treat Dr Sayed El-Qimni as apostate "to  behead him" 

An appeal to the world's conscience
From the Egyptian writer and academic researcher
of Islamic Affairs
Dr. Sayed Mahmoud El Qemany
who is being exposed to incite to assassinate him

Source:hegabs, nekabs & other trash blog

In the context of my academic research and practical work I have been able to provide an important set of motion in the stagnant Egyptian situation. I have attempted to make reforms from the inside and worked on the disarmament of those who exploit Islam politically and make it a source of livelihood at the expense of simple good people of Egypt. I have therefore created a secular movement that has imposed its presence, although still at a formative stage.


Christian Arrested for Distributing Tracts in Egypt  

Written by Will Morris     

Protestant Copt, 61, illegally detained then released without charges after four days.

ISTANBUL, October 6 (Compass Direct News) - An Egyptian Christian arrested in Cairo for handing out gospel leaflets and held in prison illegally for four days has been released, the freed Protestant Copt told Compass.

Egyptian Police Arrest Christian Father for Attempting to Free Kidnapped Daughter

Mary Abdelmassih

Alexandria, Egypt (AINA) -- At dawn on Saturday, October 3, 2009, Egyptian State Security forces arrested a group of Christian Copts in different parts of the city in Alexandria, after severely assaulting them in front of their neighbors.

UK to release 30 top jihadis early to cut terror risk

The Times of India

Up to 30 “high-risk” terrorists — including some of the most dangerous men in Britain —are due to be released from jail in the next year.

More are being freed in the wake of a ruling by Britain’s most senior judges that long sentences for terrorist crimes could “inflame” rather than deter extremism.

"I swear that my blood is as fire in the desire for Jihad"

Jihad Watch

Much is made here of the fact that Hosam Smadi seems to have been torn between contemporary Western values and Islamic ones. This is, however, something we have seen in jihadis before. In fact, the jihad plotting itself may be an attempt to outweigh the negative effect of the sins the jihadi has incurred. Dallas jihad plot update. "Internet postings show two sides to accused terrorist," by Byron Harris for WFAA-TV, October 1:

Westchester man admits sending aid to terrorist training camp in Afghanistan

A Westchester County businessman pleaded guilty Tuesday to funneling money to a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan.

Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari admitted in Manhattan Federal Court that he wired the $152,000 overseas, believing the money would buy night vision goggles for killers in a terror boot camp.

Muslim Kills Egyptian Christian, Villagers Attack Mourners At Funeral
Egypt (AINA)
Nayer Mansour Sahrab, a Muslim minibus driver, stabbed four Christian Copts on Sunday, September 27, in the village of Delga, Deir Mawas, Al Minya Governorate, killing one and seriously injuring the other three. The incident led thousands of angry Copts to rally and demand an end to the government's policy of indifference in dealing with Coptic issues. State Security forces have cordoned the village and are still heavily present near the church

The Jihadists are mushrooming inside America

Walid Phares 


It is unprecedented in American counter terrorism annals: in one day the nation was dealing with three separate Jihadist plots to blow up civilian and other targets inside the Homeland. Although the cases were addressed at different time periods by the FBI and other agencies, nevertheless, the thickening web of Terror attempts breached the crossing line of US national security.

Egypt: Detained blogger assaulted and asked to convert to Islam in exchange for his freedom






posted by Noha Atef 

The lawyer of the arrested blogger Hani Nazeer still not allowed to visit his client. However, the Christian blogger Nazeer managed to contact The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information revealing that he was assaulted and asked to convert to Islam in exchange for his freedom:

Lethal fight in Minya angers Copts
By Teresa Kamal
A Copt died and three others were injured in a fight in the village of Deir Mawas in Minya Governorate yesterday.

Coptic residents of the village crowded in front of the public hospital where the victim was being treated.

Muslim Convert to Christianity Prevented From Leaving Egypt 

They basically sentenced him to death. This is so illegal and so sad. He and his daughter will have to risk their lives to save their lives.

Mary Abdelmassih








Egyptian authorities have prevented Maher El-Gowhary, a Muslim-born Christian convert, from leaving the country. He was detained at Cairo Airport. His passport confiscated and he was advised that he is barred from traveling on orders from a 'higher authority'.

Muslim assailant disembowels and beheads Copt Christian, then attacks two other Copts with knife, on same day

Islamization Watch

Thursday afternoon (Sept. 17), about 1,000 people gathered at Georgy’s funeral to protest the killing and assaults on Coptic Christians.

Mourners Protest Islamic Attacks on Copts in Egypt

Muslim assailant gruesomely slays Christian, attacks two others with knife.


By Will Morris

ISTANBUL, Sept. 23 (Compass Direct News) – A funeral for a Coptic Christian gruesomely killed on a village street north of Cairo by a Muslim assailant last week turned into a protest by hundreds of demonstrators in Egypt.

Muslim Man Beheads Christian in Egypt

Egypt (AINA)


Osama Araban, a Muslim man riding a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, went on a rampage last week in Egypt, killing 63-year old Coptic Christian Abdo George Younan, in the village of Bagour, before traveling onwards and stabbing with intention to kill two other Copts in two different villages, at least 10 km apart (AINA 9-18-2009).

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