Many in congregation doubt investigators' hasty declaration of electrical mishap.


Written by Will Morris

ISTANBUL, September 18 (Compass Direct News) - The congregation of a Coptic church that was destroyed by fire last week is divided over whether it was a case of arson.At 3 p.m. on Sept. 8, a fire broke out in the rear of the Church of Saint Paul and Saint Peter near the main entrance of the building. Located in the town of Shebin al-Kom some 37 miles (60 kilometers) northwest of Cairo, the church building along with its icons, relics and most of its furniture was destroyed.

Tension in Egypt over attacks on Coptic Christians

Egypt's Coptic Christian community are upset over what they perceive to be organised attacks against them in the north of the country. 

by Robert Williams, Christian Post

Security officials said a large crowd of Christians gathered in front of a church on Wednesday to protest the apparently orchestrated attacks in al-Bagur in Manufiya province, in which one Coptic Christian was killed and two others stabbed.

Video of the funeral from Free Copts

Church firebombed in Egypt after "opposition from Muslim neighbors"

As usual, and as also in Pakistan, the police are on the side of the Islamic supremacists. Islamic Tolerance Alert: "Church Firebombed in Egypt After Opposition From Muslim Neighbors," by Mary Abdelmassih for the Assyrian International News Agency, September 12 (thanks to Hal):

Cairo (AINA) -- The Coptic Church of Saint Paul and Saint Peter in the town of Shebin el Kom, 60 kilometers northwest of Cairo, was burnt on 9/8/2009, No casualties were reported. There were conflicting reports as to the cause of the fire, the Egyptian police told the media that it was caused by a "short circuit" even before carrying out an arson investigation, while others believe it was arson.

Egyptian Christian Girl Abducted to Force 'Reconciliation' in Murdered Brother's Case
By Mary Abdelmassih

Egypt (AINA) -- Amal Estephanos, a 19 year old Catholic Copt, was abducted in broad daylight on Saturday 12th September 2009, by a Muslim to force her father to accept reconciliation with the families of the Muslim murderers of his son Amir Stephanos.

Riot police quell clashes at anti-Islam demo in London



LONDON (AFP) – Riot police intervened Friday to quell clashes between Muslims and anti-Islamic extremists protesting outside a London mosque on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, an AFP correspondent said.

Steven Gash Head of SIOE talk to Radio4 before his arrest speaker 

Church Firebombed in Egypt After Opposition From Muslim Neighbors

Cairo (AINA)

The Coptic Church of Saint Paul and Saint Peter in the town of Shebin el Kom, 60 kilometers northwest of Cairo, was burnt on 9/1/2009, No casualties were reported. There were conflicting reports as to the cause of the fire, the Egyptian police told the media that it was caused by a "short circuit" even before carrying out an arson investigation, while others believe it was arson.

Ten arrested over mosque protest

 BBC News


Police and youths clashed in Harrow video 

Ten people have been arrested during a demonstration outside a mosque in north-west London where an anti-Islamic protest was planned.

At least 1,000 people gathered outside Harrow Central Mosque as activists from Stop Islamification of Europe planned to demonstrate outside the mosque.

A Protest Attacked; A Blogger Threatened With Execution

Brussels Journal 

Emotions are running high in parts of Britain. Only a couple of weeks ago, rumors that a “Right wing” group was planning to march through the Bury Park region of Luton were spreading through the Muslim communities of the city. This turned out to be false. When no one turned up, the Muslim youths that had congregated attacked the police, throwing missiles and hurling abuse [video]. 50 extra police had to be drafted to contain the situation.

Ramadan Arrests in Egypt Called Unconstitutional


 An Egyptian clampdown on religiously prohibited eating and drinking during Ramadan is producing human rights abuses, advocates say.

They claim moves by the country's Interior Ministry to arrest those who eat and drink in public during daytime fasting hours of the Islamic holy month are unconstitutional. The group Copts for Egypt has instituted a campaign called "Save the Homeland" to oppose the arrests, al-Arabiya reported Wednesday.

Egyptian Police Arrest Christians, Muslims for Eating


On August 30, 2009 Egyptian police forces in the Upper Egyptian town
of Aswan, launched an unprecedented and unconstitutional campaign to enforce the
Ramadan fast, the Muslim month of fasting, arresting 150 for publicly eating,
drinking or smoking.

Ramadan Eating’ Arrests in Egypt

Written by Rachelle Kliger

Reports of unprecedented arrests of Egyptians accused of breaking the Ramadan fast in public have drawn anger from human rights organizations.

The Egyptian Interior Ministry has reportedly initiated an unprecedented campaign against people suspected of breaking the traditional Ramadan fast in public, but the arrests cannot be corroborated.

Three guilty of airline bomb plot

British Broadcasting Corporation

(L to R) Tanvir Hussain, Abdulla Ahmed Ali and Assad Sarwar 

(L to R) Tanvir Hussain, Abdulla Ahmed Ali and Assad Sarwar were found guilty









Three men have been found guilty of plotting to kill thousands of people by blowing up planes flying from London to America with home-made liquid bombs.

Violent race riot flared after mosque chief urged Muslims to confront right-wing 'English Defence League' protesters

A police officer restrains a man during as the demonstration becomes violent


The most influential Muslim leader in the West Midlands urged his followers to 'vent their feelings' against Right-wing protesters during a Birmingham rally that ended in violent clashes and 90 arrests.

Race riot flared after Muslims were urged to confront right-wing protests

Times Online

Protesters clash in Birmingham

English Defence League supporters and anti-fascist supporters clash

Birmingham’s top Muslim leader urged his followers to “vent their feelings” against anti-Islamic protesters during a weekend rally that ended in violence and dozens of arrests, The Times can reveal.

Muslim man claims he was kidnapped and threatened at knifepoint over prayer sessions home

Racist attack

Noor Ramjanally now fears for his life after his home was firebombed and he was kidnapped after starting prayer sessions in Loughton. Photograph: Graham Turner

UK hate preacher demands Koran-bashing author’s trial under sharia court
Top News IN 
UK hate preacher demands Koran-bashing author’s trial under sharia court
London, Sep. 4 : British hate preacher Anjem Choudary has controversially demanded capital punishment for Koran-bashing author Sebastian Faulks if he is found guilty under sharia law.

Ahmadinejad's Imam: Islam Allows Raping, Torturing Prisoners

by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

A highly influential Shi'a religious leader, with whom Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly consults, apparently told followers last month that coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime.

Warning: The imam's question-and-answer session, partially reproduced here, contains disturbing descriptions of the sanctioned brutality.

Building a Church is a 'Sin' Against God, Says Egyptian Muslim Council
A controversial Fatwa (Islamic edict) prohibiting the construction of new churches in Egypt has provoked considerable discussion and spiraled into a crisis, involving the Fatwa Council, Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh, Christian and Muslim religious personalities, and the media. It was also reported on 8/26/2009 that the jurists who issued the Fatwa are under investigation on orders of the Grand Mufti and the Justice Minister.

Saudi tightens security to protect oil plants

Gulf Daily News - The voice of Bahrain

KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia has tightened security at oil facilities after the country's anti-terror chief, Deputy Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, escaped a suicide attack, guards at Abqaiq, the world's biggest oil processing plant, said yesterday.

80 percent of US mosques have been radicalized by Saudis according to expert on terrorism

Charlotte Evangelical Examiner

Richard Bean

According to Yehudit Barsky, head of the AJC's Division on Middle East and International Terrorism, over 80 percent of mosques in the US have been radicalized by the Wahhabi form of Islam.

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