Priest Risks Life for Churchless Christians in Egypt

The Christian Post

By Ethan Cole

Christian Post Reporter  

A Coptic priest who renovated his home to accommodate Christian ceremonies in his churchless village is not afraid of the death threat Fatwa issued against him, he declared.


The jilbab or expulsion. The new Taliban Emmara "state" in Gaza

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Hamas has instructed schoolgirls in the Gaza Strip to wear the jilbab (Islamic long-sleeved dress) and head scarves or face being expelled from school.

Palestinian school girls.

Palestinian school girls.
Photo: AP

The movement has also banned girls from wearing jeans at school.

Islamist preacher banned from addressing fundraiser home

An Islamist preacher has been banned from addressing a major British fundraising event amid claims he backs attacks on UK troops and supports terrorist organisations linked to Al Qaeda.

A Christian on the run in Egypt

Maher El Gohary is something his Muslim compatriots can't fathom: a convert to Christianity. He and his daughter live like fugitives, moving frequently to avoid those who'd like to see him dead.

Sectarian strife

Christians and Muslims clashed in 2005 at St. George's Church in Alexandria, Egypt, where Muslims demanded an apology for a play they said was offensive to Islam. (Alexandria Tomas / EPA / October 22, 2005)

Egyptian Coptic Priest Banned From Village, Under Death Threat




On August 14 Rev. Estefanos Shehata, a Coptic priest, sent a letter to the Middle East Christian Association (MECA) stating the Muslim elders of his village have issued a death Fatwa (religious edict) against him, and have banned him from entering his village because he wants to convert part of his family home into a hall where he can carry out funeral rites and marriage ceremonies.


Two Copts in Egypt Imprisoned after Reporting Attack

One other Christian, victim of assault, remains hospitalized.

By Will Morris

ISTANBUL, August 20 (Compass Direct News) – Two Coptic Christians in Egypt have been arrested and are being held without charge after reporting to police they had been beaten by a mob, an attorney for the men said yesterday.

German Islam convert regrets attack plan

Defendant Daniel Schneider is seen at a courtroom in Duesseldorf,

DUESSELDORF, Germany — The youngest member of an alleged radical Islamic terrorist cell whose plot to attack U.S. targets in Germany was foiled by authorities testified Wednesday he would not repeat his actions.

Swimmers are told to wear burkinis

British swimming pools are imposing Muslim dress codes in a move described as divisive by Labour MPs.

Muslim convert Carole  who was banned from using a swimming pool in France for wearing a 'burkini'

UK councils running restricted swimming session for Muslims

Afghanistan passes ‘food for sex’ law

Deccan Herald 

Afghanistan has quietly passed a law permitting Shia men to deny their wives food and sustenance if they refuse to obey their husbands’ sexual demands, despite international outrage over an earlier version of the legislation which President Hamid Karzai had promised to review.

 A young Afghan woman looks on as she listens during a women’s gathering held to discuss the country’s forthcoming presidential elections in Kabul. AFP

The new final draft of the legislation also grants guardianship of

 children exclusively to their fathers and grandfathers, and requires women to get permission from their husbands to work.

“It also effectively allows a rapist to avoid prosecution by paying ‘blood money’ to a girl who was injured when he raped her,” the US charity Human Rights Watch said.

Radical Leader Killed in Gaza Clashes

Associated Press

Abdel Latif Moussa, leader of the Warriors of God, died early Saturday in an explosion.

Death Fatwa against Priest for Wanting to Open a Prayer Hall

By Mary Abdelmassih

Father Estefanos Shehata sent an urgent plea to Middle East Christian Association (MECA) on 8/14/2009 as the village elders issued a death fatwa (ruling) against him for wanting to open a prayer hall.  He has also been banned from entering  Ezbet Dawood Youssef,  where he serves and where his family lives.

Minnesota Muslim pleads guilty to joining jihad terrorists in Somalia

USA Today 

A third man has pleaded guilty to terrorism-related charges for fighting with Islamist militants in Somalia.

Kamal Hassan of Minnesota admitted in federal court today that he had been trained by and fought with al-Shabab. He confessed that he had lied to the FBI when he said he had gone to Yemen after his training. Hassan also acknowledged he had concealed the identities of people he associated with in Minnesota and Somalia.

Sudan trouser trial 'travel ban'  


A Sudanese woman charged with dressing indecently for wearing trousers says she has been stopped from going abroad.

Lubna Hussein says she tried to leave Sudan on Tuesday to visit Lebanon where she had been invited to appear on a television programme.

Ohaio Runaway teen who fears Muslim family after Christian conversion ordered to DCF custody

Orlando Sentinel







Double Click on the photo to watch TV interview

Pastor Blake Lorenz of Global Revolution Church hugs a 17-year-old runaway during a custody hearing before judge Gail A. Adams, on Monday, August 10, 2009, involving an Ohio runaway who fled to Orlando, fearing her Muslim parents after converting to Christianity. The girl] came to Orlando because she met a local couple during an online prayer group. The girl -- who is not a U.S. Citizen -- is worried about what might happen if she is returned to her parents. (RICARDO RAMIREZ BUXEDA, ORLANDO SENTINEL / August 10, 2009)

Abduction and Forced Islamization of Christian Coptic Girls Continues in Egypt

(AINA) -- The systematic abduction and forced Islamization of Coptic minor girls in Egypt is a frequent, dangerous and a rapidly escalating phenomenon, The problem was brought to light by the Coptic Pope Shenouda III as far back as December 17th, 1976, when he protested during a conference held in Alexandria that "there is pressure being practiced to convert Coptic girls to embrace Islam and marry them under terror to Muslim husbands" and demanded that the abducted girls be brought back to their families.

Muslim Europe: the demographic time bomb transforming our continent

The EU is facing an era of vast social change, reports Adrian Michaels, and few politicians are taking notice

Muslims in Europe

Europe's low white birth rate, coupled with faster multiplying migrants, will change fundamentally what we take to mean by European culture and society. Photo: AFP/GETTY

Police arrest 31 at demonstration against Islamic fundamentalism


By Daily Mail Reporter

A man with a Union Jack flag is attacked after the protest sparked violence 

More than 30 people were arrested today after disorder broke out during a demonstration billed as a protest against Islamic fundamentalism.


Pakistan: Is there an end?
Time and again religious minorities have demanded repeal of the Anti-blasphemy law often used to target minorities, but the government remains indifferent.
-Photo by AFP

Indonesia police kill man suspected to be Noordin of Gama'a Islamia 


JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian police have shot dead a man suspected to be fugitive Islamic militant Noordin Mohammad Top during raids in Central Java and were trying to identify his body, a police source said on Saturday.

Pakistan: ‘Blasphemy’ claims three more victims

* Factory owner killed by workers for ‘desecrating holy Quran’ in Sheikhupura

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: A factory owner and two others were killed along Muridke-Sheikhupura Road when factory workers attacked them for allegedly desecrating the holy Quran, reported a private TV channel on Tuesday.

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