Australia: Three more suspects charged over terror plot



Three more men have been charged in Australia with plotting a suicide attack on a Sydney army base. One of the men, Wissam Fattal, had an angry outburst when he appeared in a court in the southern city of Melbourne on Wednesday.

Saudi imam who called Jews "scum, rats, pigs, monkeys" speaks in London -- Geert Wilders still barred


Geert Wilders, an international champion of free speech, is barred from Britain, but a Jew-hating Islamic supremacist is just fine with UK authorities. Absurd Britannia Alert: "Anti-Semitic Saudi chief imam feted in London: Senior cleric of Mecca's Grand Mosque speaks at East London Mosque," from Peter Tatchell, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Oxford East, August 4 (thanks to Pamela):

Al-Qaeda's second-in-command Al-Zawahiri threatens the United States, Israel and France: Our Special Report.

ABC News

PHOTO: Zawahiri

In a 90-minute question-and-answer video released to Islamist forums on Monday, al-Qaeda's second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri extended a truce offer from the terrorist group to President Obama if the U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan. However, "the 'mujahedeen' opened the doors to start a new relationship, but (the Americans) insist that their relationships with the Muslim world must be based on hurting us and oppressing us," he warned.


Pakistani Christians: Police did not stop carnage

Outside, hundreds of enraged Muslims called the victims "dogs" as they fired guns and burned house after house in the Christian neighborhood of this eastern Pakistani city. The weekend rampage left eight Christians dead. All but one were relatives of Hameed.

Pakistan: Eight Christians burned alive in Punjab

Asia News

by Fareed Khan


One of them is a child of 7 years. Among the dead there are 4 women. Religious and militant Islamic fundamentalists were inciting the crowd. The fuel is the same as that used in the destruction of Shanti Nagar (1997); Sangla Hill (2005) and Koriyan, a day before. The police accused of negligence.

Gojra (AsiaNews) - Pakistani special forces have taken control of the town of Gojra (Punjab) after yesterday’s bloody episode in which at least 8 people - including 4 women and a child of 7 years - were burned alive and 20 others wounded.


Fanatics’ call to prosecute Queen

Anjem Choudary

Extremist ... Anjem Choudary

FANATICS led by a sponging Islamic extremist enraged MPs yesterday by publicly demanding the Queen is prosecuted - for GENOCIDE.

Egyptian Christian Father Demands Justice for His Murdered Son
Malak Adel Fawzy, a 19 year old Egyptian Coptic man, was murdered on 4/9/2009 in a savage attack. The tragedy took place in Tanta, 94 km north of Cairo, when Amir Aziz, a friend of Malak Fawzy, had a quarrel with Motaz-Bellah El-Hefny; the quarrel was stopped by bystanders. Motaz later phoned a few friends, two of whom are registered with the police for violent behavior, to join him near a coffee house where Amir Malak, were. The defendants lurked in an alley and saw Malak leaving the coffee house, who upon seeing them tried to run away.

Al-Qaeda supporters 'joined MI5'


MI5 building, Millbank, London
MI5 was caught up in an "unseemly rush", Mr Mercer said

A senior Tory MP has asked the home secretary whether al-Qaeda sympathisers were mistakenly recruited by MI5.

Patrick Mercer, chairman of the Home Affairs counter-terror sub-committee, said he was told six recruits were ejected after worries about their past. Two allegedly attended al-Qaeda training camps while the others had unexplained gaps in their CVs, Mr Mercer told the Daily Telegraph.


Violence Again Erupts in Upper Egypt over Quest for Worship Site

Two Copts wounded in Minya province over plan to use building as church venue.

By Roger Elliott

ISTANBUL July 31 (Compass Direct News) – The recent eruption of sectarian violence in Egypt’s Minya province continued last week as local Christians again faced harsh reprisals from Muslims for trying to convert a building into a worship facility.

Muslims Abduct Two Christian Coptic Girls in Egypt



Mrs. Samira Markos, who lives in Alexandria, sent an appeal to Egypt4Christ advocacy, pleading with them to rescue her daughter from forced Islamization. The mother said that her daughter Amira Morgan (born 9/9/1992) was abducted on 7-18-2009 on her way to work in the plastics factory near their home.


خطف قاصر أقل من 17 سنة بالإسكندرية القاصر / أميرة يوسف عزيز موسى مرجان

كتب رشا نور 

لا  نعرف مالذى يحدث الأن فى الإسكندرية -  فقد بعثت لنا السيدة / سميرة أنيس أبادير مرقس -  والمقيمة بمنطقة الزوايدة التابعة لمنطقة خورشيد - بجوار بنزينة الزوايدة - بجوار قهوة السيد - رابع منزل من القهوة – والتابعة لقسم المنتزة أول – هذه الأستغاثة التى تقول فيها الأتي :ذهبت ابنتي القاصر / أميرة يوسف عزيز موسى مرجان ( أقل من 17 سنة بشهرين حيث أن تاريخ ميلادها 9 / 9 / 1992  ) فى صباح يوم السبت الموافق 18 / 7 / 2009 لتذهب إلى عملها بورشة تصنيع البلاستيك القريبة من المنزل .. وفى الساعة العاشرة

Nigeria: 157 killed in riots started by Islamic "Education Is Sin" group

Sectarian violence spreads, 157 feared dead in Borno, Kano


THE sectarian violence, which broke out in Bauchi on Sunday, has spread to Borno and Kano yesterday, claiming over 157 lives.

In Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, over 154 people were killed when armed members of the Islamic fundamentalists sect, Boko Haram, led by Mohammed Yusuf, a cleric, attacked the police headquarters around 10.00 p.m. and burnt 12 offices and quarters of the police and 11 patrol and personal vehicles.

Legendary Christian coach canned after student converts

Muslim principal allegedly irate that wrestler left Islam to be baptize



Fordson High School, Dearborn, Mich.

A high school hall-of-fame and Christian wrestling coach in Dearborn, Mich., claims he was muscled out of his long-tenured coaching job by the school's principal, a devout Muslim, because the administrator was furious over a student wrestler who had converted to Christianity from Islam.

FBI confirms link between terror indictments, missing Somalis

MPR News

Larger view

Salah Osman Ahmed of New Brighton, Minn. has been charged with providing material support to terrorism, and conspiracy to kill people outside of the U.S. (Photo courtesy of Anoka County)

Salah Osman Ahmed of New Brighton, Minn. has been charged with providing material support to terrorism, and conspiracy to kill people outside of the U.S. (Photo courtesy of Anoka County)

St. Paul, Minn. — A federal grand jury has indicted two men on terrorism charges in connection with the ongoing investigation of about 20 missing Somali-American men from the Twin Cities. Authorities think the men joined an extremist Islamic group with ties to al-Qaida in their homeland.

Sharia law: a recurring violence trigger in Nigeria

click here to go to the IC Publications home page 

Clashes between security forces and radical Islamists which claimed at least 65 lives since Sunday are a grim reminder that religion remains an explosive issue since the 2000 introduction of Sharia law in 12 of Nigeria's's 36 states.

If the bloody unrest in the oil-rich Niger Delta of the past three years appear to be based on economic demands, repeated religious riots in the north represent a deep-rooted tendency with serious consequences for the unity of the Nigerian federation.

Gaza female lawyers ordered to wear religious headscarves in court

JURIST - Legal News & Research


Ximena Marinero 

[JURIST] Chief Justice of the High Court of Justice in Gaza [JURIST news archive] Abdul Ra'ouf al-Halabi Sunday announced an order requiring female lawyers to wear traditional religious robes and headscarves or hijab [JURIST news archive] for any court appearances. The order, originally issued July 9, also establishes new guidelines for male lawyers. The decision has been criticized for establishing different courtroom garb rules for Palestinian areas in Gaza and the West Bank.

Bid to convert house into church sparks violence 

Gulf Times

Hundreds of Egyptian Muslims tried yesterday to set on fire the home of a Coptic Christian in southern Egypt after he announced plans to turn it into a church, a security official said.

Religious unrest in Egypt  


MINYA (Egypt) - HUNDREDS of Egyptian Muslims tried on Friday to set on fire the home of a Coptic Christian in southern Egypt after he announced plans to turn it into a church, a security official said.

The Christian had angered Muslims in the village of Hawasliya, near the southern town of Minya, earlier this week by saying he would turn his four-storey house into a church, he told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Egyptian State-Sponsored Terror or Muslim "Vigilantism" Against Coptic

By Mary Abdelmassih

In less than one month, just in the Upper Egyptian province of Beni Suef, Copts in three hamlets and villages, came under attack by Muslim mobs, masterminded and incited by the State Security, according to various eye-witnesses and Coptic Church sources. Muslim vigilante mobs took the law into their own hands, under the pretext that Christians are 'praying without a liscence' and went on a vandalizing of Christian places of worship spree, in addition to assaulting Christians and looting their homes.

"Islamists" Denounce Capitalism, Call for Global Caliphate

New American

Willis TowerA militant Islamist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir al Islami (The Islamic Liberation Party), held a recruiting conference in Chicago on Sunday July 19. Not surprisingly, the major liberal-left media pretty much ignored the event, as they have done with countless similar events in recent years.

Also not surprisingly, some of the media usually designated as "conservative" — led by Fox News — went in the other direction, hyperventilating with headlines that almost gave the impression Osama bin Laden himself might be appearing at the conference.

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