U.S. Hunts for More Suspicious Packages

President Obama said two packages that contained explosives, sent from Yemen and bound for Chicago, were a “credible terrorist threat against our country.” More Photos »

The discovery of the explosives packed in toner cartridges for computer printers, based on a tip from Saudi intelligence officials, set off a broad terrorism scare on Friday that included the scrambling of fighter jets to accompany a passenger flight as it landed safely in New York.

Cargo planes were moved to secure areas of airports in Philadelphia and Newark for searches, and a United Parcel Service truck in Brooklyn was stopped and inspected. No additional explosives had been discovered by early Saturday morning.

See full size image 

Cargo plane bomb alert: 'ink cartridge bomb' found on plane in London

A suspicious device that authorities fear may have been part of a bomb has been found on board a cargo plane at a British airport, it has been reported.

A suspicious device that authorities fear may have been part of a bomb has been found on board a cargo plane at a British airport, it has been reported.

A United Parcel Service jet is surrounded by emergency services on a runway at Philadelphia International Airport Photo: AP


Muslim Tortures, Accuses Christian Who Refused Slavery

Land owner falsely charges young man with illicit sex, calls villagers to beat, burn him.

By Jawad Mazhar

SARGODHA, Pakistan, October 29 (Compass Direct News) – A Muslim land owner in Pakistan this month subjected a 25-year-old Christian to burns and a series of humiliations, including falsely charging him with having sex with his own niece, because the Christian refused to work for him without pay. 

Fayaz Masih is in jail with burns on his body after No. 115 Chitraan Wala village head Zafar Iqbal Ghuman and other villagers punished Masih for refusing to work as a slave in his fields, said the Rev. Yaqub Masih, a Pentecostal evangelist. The village is located in Nankana Sahib district, Punjab Province.

Islamic Fundamentalist Mass Media Targets Egyptian Coptic Church
AINA- By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- The majority of Coptic Christians and liberal Muslims in Egypt believe that Fundamentalist sheikhs and their mass media have played a vital role in the latest wave of incitement against the Coptic Church, orchestrated by Egyptian State Security.

The Salafi (one who follows the ways of the first Muslims) television channels, airing their programs from Egypt, supported by their affiliated fundamentalist journalists and mosque imams, have engaged in a coordinated smear campaign against the Coptic Church and its Pope, designed to terrorize the Copts.

Conference on The Plight of Minorities in Arab and Muslim Countries

A conference hosted by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia titled "The Plight of Minorities in Arab and Muslim Countries: What Should the United States Do?" was held on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C., USA. 26/10/2010

Dwight Bashir, United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition, Clare Lopez, Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Coptic-Egyptian representative and Ramesh Rao, Hindu American F

On 26 October 2010, the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia (CDHR) played host to a gathering of organizations representing minority groups with populations in Arab and Muslim countries. The Copt, Hindu, Baha'i, Kurdish, Muslim and Jewish communities were among those represented. The conference's objective was to find ways to improve the basic human rights of all minorities as well as the rights of women.


Christians: Egypt's New Scapegoats

On Wednesday morning, October 20, 2010, Dr. Monir Dawoud, president of the American Coptic Association, led a rally in front of the United Nations' New York headquarters to "demonstrate [against] the impending massacre and ethnic cleansing of our people — the Coptic-Christians of Egypt — by the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood groups helped by the Egyptian government of Hosni Mubarak."


Egyptian Christians threatened with a “bloodbath” by Islamists

Government alleged to be complicit in rising tide of persecution

Fears for the safety of Egyptian Christians are growing after a series of false allegations, violent threats and mass demonstrations against the Church in Egypt.

Muslim anger was ignited last month when entirely unfounded accusations were made on Al-Jazeera TV that Egyptian Christians were aligned with Israel and stockpiling weapons in preparation for waging war against Muslims. Tensions were also fuelled by baseless rumours circulated by Islamist leaders that Christians were kidnapping and torturing women who had converted to Islam.


Sharia-Sanctioned Marital Rape in Britain -- And North America

Andrew G. Bostom


As reported in the UK Independent, president of the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain, Sheikh Maulana Abu Sayeed, has reiterated alarming comments made during a March, 2010 interview, sanctioning marital rape.


Pregnant new bride dies after being set on fire in garden

By Chris Brooke

A pregnant woman has died after being found on fire in her garden.

Neighbours said the 23-year-old woman – named locally as Asiyah Khan – arrived in the country earlier this year and had an arranged marriage.

She was rarely seen outside the house, which she shared with her husband Naveed, mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law.

Scene: Police conduct their investigation in the street behind which the woman was found

Scene: Police conduct their investigation in the street behind which the woman was found

The Independent 

Hardliners call for deaths Ahmadiyya sect.


By Jerome Taylor, Religious Affairs Correspondent

The Ahmadiyya Muslim community during Friday prayers at Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden, London  
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community during Friday prayers at Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden, London

Islamic extremists have started openly calling for the destruction of a controversial Muslim sect in a major escalation of sectarian conflict within British Islam, an investigation by The Independent has revealed.


Germany charges eight with aiding al Qaeda online

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany said on Tuesday it had charged seven young men and one woman with spreading militant Islamist propaganda in support of al Qaeda.

Seven of the suspects were Germans aged 18 to 30, including a 23-year-old woman, the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe said. The other suspect was a 17-year-old Turkish citizen. All live in Germany, where the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States were planned.


Prominent European Islamic Terrorist Renounces Extremism

Jason Walters plotted to murder Dutch MPs Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders. 




A key figure in one of Europe's most infamous Islamic extremist networks has written a public letter renouncing whole swathes of the ideology that led him to try to murder non-believers. On Saturday a Dutch newspaper published what Jason Walters, an imprisoned member of the Netherlands-based "Hofstad Group," calls a "review document." The letter offers a window into the mind of a man who dedicated his life to spreading a militant version of Islam, by force when he deemed it necessary. It joins a small but important list of similar recantations, which have become a tool for counterterrorism officials seeking to understand why some people adopt terrorism and, more importantly, why they stop.

afrol News from Africa


Copts in Egypt "intimidated" by Muslim majority

Coptic Pope Shenuda III

Pope Shenuda III of the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church

One tenth of Egyptians are Coptic Christians. With a trend of Islamic revival in the country, many Copts now feel increasingly targeted and forced into silence and invisibility.

Islamic students at top university 'are preaching hard-line extremism

image City Universty

Think tank finds evidence of moderate Muslims being radicalised and Jewish students intimidated

Radical Islamic extremism is being openly practised at a leading university campus, a report today claimed.
Think tank Quilliam said they had evidence of hard-line Islamist ideology being promoted through the leadership of the university's student Islamic Society at City University in central London.


Car ploughs into Rochdale nightclub crowd

Scene of Rochdale hit-and-run

Nine ambulances were sent to the scene

Twenty three people were injured, two of them seriously, when a car was deliberately driven through a crowd outside a Greater Manchester bar.

People were standing outside Dali Bar in Rochdale when a Saab mounted the pavement and was driven at door staff.

The car went along the pavement for up to 200 yards before being driven away.

Al-Azhar calls for the humiliation of Christians

and call them Ah-Alkitab to mislead who do not read Arabic, see the last paragraph

The link 


Sham on the Egyptian government and Al-Azhar to allow this incitement


we demand this article to be removed. 




DR. Maryam Jameelah

How can we be certain that Islam is the only infallible Truth? 




Reuters Africa 

VATICAN: Arab Christians face political Islam threat-official says

By Deepa Babington

synod bishops 1

(Photo: Bishops at a Mass opening of the synod of bishops from the Middle Eastern at the Vatican, 10  Oct 2010/Tony Gentile)

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The rise of political Islam in the Middle East poses a threat to Christians in the Arab world and must be faced down together, a senior Roman Catholic official told a synod of Catholic bishops on Monday.

Coptic Organization Warns of Violence Against Copts in Egypt

By Mary Abdelmassih (AINA)

Coptic Solidarity, a worldwide Coptic Human Rights Organization, issued a statement on October 14, warning that the alarming upsurge of significant anti-Coptic activities over the recent weeks could eventually "degenerate into wholesale violence against the Copts and their spiritual leaders" in the upcoming volatile period of political changes in Egypt.

Gerson Lehrman Group - Intelligently Connecting Institutions and Expertise. 

Militant Islam gains ground in the Balkans

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A recent online music video featuring Macedonians praising Osama bin Laden has fueled fears that Southeastern Europe could be emerging as the latest breeding ground for homegrown Islamist militants. It focuses attention on Muslim charities active in The Balkans since the wars in former Yugoslavia in the mid-1990s. Many of those charities are funded by oil-rich Saudi Arabia and propagate Wahhabism - the kingdom's austere and puritan interpretation of Islam.

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