Fear of Massacre Grips Christian Village in Egypt; Crops Destroyed 


Fears of an impending massacre has gripped the Christian Copts in the village of Ezbet Boshra, El Fashn, which was scene to Muslim mob attacks on Copts on Sunday (AINA 6-22-2009).

Egyptian State Security has placed only Coptic villagers under curfew since the Muslim assaults on Sunday. According to correspondent Mary Bassit of Copts United, The terrified villagers fear that being confined to their homes, while Muslims are free, might encourage Muslim fanatics to massacre them, especially with the bias of the security forces.

Muslim Mob Attacks Church and Loots Christian Homes in Egypt 


An Egyptian Muslim mob attacked a church on Sunday, 6/21/2009 in the village of Ezbet Boshra-East, El-Fashn, smashing its windows and assaulting Copts with clubs and white weapons, wounding 25 Copts, in the presence and with the instigation of the State Security.

On Monday 6/22/2009, El-Fashn prosecution issued an order for the village priest, Reverend Isaac Castor, to appear before them, on charges of sectarian sedition after three Muslim women accused him of hurling stones at them from inside the church.

Christian Coptic Twin Boys Struggle Against Forced Islamization 

Cairo (AINA)

The Egyptian Court of Cassation ruled on Monday, June 15, 2009, in favor of Mrs. Camilia Lutfi, giving her the right to retain custody of her twin boys Andrew and Mario, in spite of their father's conversion to Islam, thereby ending the 5-year legal battle over the custodial rights between her and her ex-husband, Medhat Ramsis.

Muslim prisoners get their own cells after sharing row

A prison has agreed to give Muslims their own cells after they complained about sharing with other inmates.

They were said to be unhappy at praying and eating near non-Muslims at Birmingham’s Winson Green jail.

Rescue of Coptic Girl in Egypt Prompts Muslim Attack

Police randomly arrest Copts as ploy to portray symmetry in ‘sectarian clash.’ 

By Michael Larson

ISTANBUL, June 16 (Compass Direct News) – Egyptian news sources report security forces have wrongly detained two Christians for nearly a month as part of a ruse to cast a Muslim attack on Copts as “sectarian violence.”

Taliban dupe boy, 12, into planting bomb

Times Online

Columnist Libby Purves


On his face is an angelic smile, in his pocket a blood-stained 50-rupee note. Ishaq Khan, a 12-year-old schoolboy, was given the money – equivalent to just 40p – to carry a bag to a spot in a busy bazaar in Kohat, a town in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan.

Bolivia Becoming a Hotbed of Islamic Extremism, Report Concludes

A poor, agrarian, landlocked country in South America with a nearly 100 percent Christian population is hardly the place one would expect to become a hotbed of Islamic extremism in the Western Hemisphere.

Conversion to Christianity Threatens Public Order: Egyptian Court


An Egyptian court refused on Saturday, 6/13/2009 a request by Muslim-born Maher El-Gowhary, who converted to Christianity 34 years ago, to order the Civil Registry to alter his religious designation on his ID. The Civil registry had refused to amend his State identification documents to show his Christian name Peter Athanasious and his Christian affiliation, leading him to file a lawsuit against the Ministry of Interior.



Egypt Denies Right to Convert to Second Christian

Maher El-Gohary provides requested documents, but judge dismisses them. 

By Roger Elliott

ISTANBUL, June 16 (Compass Direct News) – A Cairo judge on Saturday (June 13) rejected an Egyptian’s convert’s attempt to change his identification card’s religious status from Muslim to Christian, the second failed attempt to exercise constitutionally guaranteed religious freedom by a Muslim-born convert to Christianity.

The Cultural Genocide of Egypt's Christian Copts




The Egyptian Government, In a new step in long-term and premeditated process of obliterating Coptic identity and history, has decided to change the name of the Coptic village of Deir Abu Hennis, in the Upper Egyptian province of Mallawi, Minya. The village was founded in the 4th century AD on the grounds of the Monastery of St. Hennis the Short, a much revered Coptic Saint. The new name chosen by the Government is "Valley of Peppermint."

'Shoe-bomber' Richard Reid on hunger strike in US prison

Times Online

Richard Reid

Richard Reid

The British shoe bomber convicted of trying to blow up a transatlantic flight is being force-fed in America’s toughest jail after going on hunger strike, court papers disclose.

Suspect tells AP soldier's killing was justified

AP – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad stands in a Little Rock, Ark., courtroom Friday, June 5, 2009, for his initial …

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A Muslim convert charged with fatally shooting an American soldier at a military recruiting center said Tuesday that he doesn't consider the killing a murder because U.S. military action in the Middle East made the killing justified.

Family of Abducted Christian Coptic Teenager Assaulted By Muslim Mob


Cairo (AINA) -- In another incident of abduction and forced Islamization of Coptic minor girls, 16-year old Nermeen Mitry was abducted by a Muslim man to coerce her into converting to Islam. She was successfully recovered on the same day by her family, who did their own investigation and search to locate her.

Policemen in Egypt Sentenced to Only Five Years for Killing

Officers convicted of manslaughter despite evidence of deliberate murder.

By Damaris Kremida

ISTANBUL, June 8 (Compass Direct News) – Two policemen convicted of killing a Christian in Giza, Egypt have received only a five-year prison sentence for what lawyers are calling the cold-blooded murder of a Copt who stood up for his rights.


New York Post


    BREEDING GROUNDS: Detainees are allowed to pray, keep the Koran (inset), and study other other Islamic texts at Guantanamo Bay. The suspected terrorists have access to anti-Western literature, thanks to the detention camp's library, where books aren't screened for content, unlike those at federal prisons.

BREEDING GROUNDS: Detainees are allowed to pray, keep the Koran (inset), and study other other Islamic texts at Guantanamo Bay. The suspected terrorists have access to anti-Western literature, thanks to the detention camp's library, where books aren't screened for content, unlike those at federal prisons.THE Pentagon now confirms that at least 74 former Guantanamo detainees have resumed terror ist activities after claiming they weren't terrorists.

Italy: Five accused of plotting terror attacks

Milan, 4 June (AKI)

Italian police have issued arrest warrants for five North Africans accused of plotting terror attacks in the northern cities of Milan and Bologna in early 2006. The five are alleged to have planned attacks against the subway system in Milan and the San Petronio cathedral in Bologna which dates back to 1390.

Muslim convert Andrew Ibrahim made explosives and suicide bomb vest

Times Online

Andrew Ibrahim

Andrew Ibrahim was a sixth form student in Bristol

A Muslim convert made explosives and a suicide vest with the intention of blowing himself up in a terrorist attack, a court was told yesterday.

Abu Hamza still preaching hate in prison

The Mirror


Hook-handed cleric Abu Hamza is preaching hatefuelled sermons from his prison cell.

Dozens of inmates - many jailed for terror offences - have been gathering to listen in the cell next to where the Muslim extremist is being held at high-security Belmarsh Prison in SouthEast London.

Taliban target Britain on 'orders' from al-Qaeda

A Taliban-trained terrorist was part of a cell sent to bomb Britain as revenge for their presence in Afghanistan, it has emerged.


Two Egyptian Copts Re-Arrested in Abu Fana Murder

Brothers Refaat and Ibrahim Fawzy Abdo have been incarcerated for a year.

Christians fear police coercing them to drop charges of Muslim attack on monastery.

By Michael Larson

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