Now why would the police suspect the members of the ROP for any kind of wrong doing? It has to be a mistake, they’re just like the peace loving Quakers, like these two in a picture taken in Iraq. KGS

Police confirm searching mosque in Gothenburg

Sweden’s National Security Service, Säpo, has confirmed it raided a mosque in Bellevue, Gothenburg, with the help of local police, on Thursday.

A search warrant of the mosque’s offices was requested by Agnetha Hilding Qvarnström, the deputy chief prosecutor of the Prosecution Office for National Security, in relation to the investigation into a suspected terror plot against the Röda Sten (Red Rock) art gallery last weekend

inter. cc  

Egypt Overlooked in State Department’s Religious Freedom Report

Washington, D.C. (September 16, 2011) –

International Christian Concern (ICC) commends the Obama administration’s designation of eight nations as “countries of particular concern” (CPCs) – a classification appointed to countries that severely violate religious freedom – in the State Department’s Annual Report on International Religious Freedom released on Tuesday. However, the report failed to designate Egypt as a CPC despite the increase of violence targeting religious minorities and the killings of more than fifty Christians in 2011.



Muslims Blockade Christian Village in Egypt, Demand Demolition of Church

(AINA) -- Christians in the Upper Egyptian village of Elmarinab in Edfu, Aswan province, have been forbidden to leave their homes or buy food until they remove the dome of St. George's Church, which was rebuilt in its previous location. Village Muslims, backed by Muslim Salafists from neighboring villages, have threatened to demolish the church on Friday September 9 after prayers and use it as a mosque.

Despite the presence of security forces, Muslims have blocked the roads to the village, refusing passage of any Christians under any circumstance.

Click here to find out more! 

Peter King exposes radicaization methods by Muslim extremists 

In U.K., Peter King defends Muslim hearings

    House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Peter King. presides over the committee's hearing to examine the threat implications of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, May 25, 2011. | AP Photo

    King praised the United Kingdom’s government for its work on stemming radicalization. | AP Photo Close


    Rep. Peter King testified before a British Parliamentary committee on Tuesday, defending his three congressional hearings on Muslim-American radicalization against “mindless criticism” and saying he will not be stopped by political correctness.

    The New York Republican appeared before the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee inquiry entitled “Roots of Violent Radicalisation,” presenting his findings from the three hearings he has held on radicalization within the Muslim-American community as the House Committee on Homeland Security chairman.

Parliament UK 

Home Affairs Committee takes evidence on roots of violent radicalisation


13 September 2011

This is the first session of the Home Affairs Committee's new inquiry. The aim is to question Congressman King on his findings from similar hearings he held into radicalisation in the American Muslim community earlier this year, and then to explore these issues with experts on radicalisation in the UK.   


Munir Farooqi given four life sentences for terror charges

Munir Farooqi; Matthew Newton; Israr Malik

The men were involved in a plot to try to radicalise two undercover officers to fight in Afghanistan

A former Taliban fighter has been given four life sentences after being found guilty of trying to recruit undercover officers to fight in Afghanistan.

Munir Farooqi, 54, from Longsight, Manchester, was convicted of preparing terror acts, soliciting to murder and disseminating terrorist literature.


Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011

by Raymond Ibrahim


This series, developed to collate some—by no means all—of the most extreme instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month, serves two purposes:

1) To document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians.

2) To show that such persecution is not "random," but systematic, interrelated, and ultimately rooted in a worldview inspired by Sharia Law.

As will become evident, whatever the of persecution that took place, it typically fits under a specific theme, including hatred for churches and other Christian symbols; sexual abuse of Christian women; forced conversions to Islam; apostasy and blasphemy laws; theft and plunder in lieu of jizya, the additional tax that can be imposed on by Muslims on non-Muslims in a Muslin state; overall expectations for Christians to behave like cowed dhimmis, or second-class "protected" citizens; and simple violence. Oftentimes it is a combination of the aforementioned.


Nigerian Army Said to Help in Slaughter of Christians

Plateau state governor fears alleged involvement of soldiers sets dangerous precedent.

By Obed Minchakpu

JOS, Nigeria, August 28 (Compass Direct News) – Muslim extremists with the alleged help of Nigerian army personnel killed 24 Christians this month in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, area sources said.

The attacks started Aug. 11 in Ratsa Foron village, where assaults that day and on Aug. 15 left six Christians dead; also on Aug. 15 in Heipang village, Muslim extremists killed nine members of one Christian family along with another Christian, the sources said.

“They were in army uniform. I even know some of them; they came along with the Muslims to attack us,” said a tearful Nnaji John, who lost her family in the attack. “I can swear to God Almighty that the attack was carried out with the support of the soldiers; I saw them.”

guardian.co.uk home 

Al-Qaida's number two killed in Pakistan

A senior US official claims al-Qaida's second in command, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, has been killed in Waziristan

Atiyah abd al Rahman

Atiyah Abd al-Rahman rose to his position after Osama Bin Laden was killed in raid on compound in May. Photograph: AP

Al-Qaida's second-in-command, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, has been killed in Pakistan, delivering another major blow to a terrorist group that the US believes to be on the verge of defeat, a senior Barack Obama administration official has claimed.

The Libyan national who was the network's former operational leader, rose up the chain of command after the US killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden during a raid on his Pakistan compound in May.


European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
"Occupation Without Tanks or Soldiers"

by Soeren Kern 

Islamic extremists are stepping up the creation of "no-go" areas in European cities that are off-limits to non-Muslims.

Many of the "no-go" zones function as microstates governed by Islamic Sharia law. Host-country authorities effectively have lost control in these areas and in many instances are unable to provide even basic public aid such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services.


With CIA help, NYPD built secret effort to monitor mosques, daily life of Muslim neighborhoods

By Associated Press

NEW YORK — Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the New York Police Department has become one of the nation’s most aggressive domestic intelligence agencies, targeting ethnic communities in ways that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government, an Associated Press investigation has found.

These operations have benefited from unprecedented help from the CIA, a partnership that has blurred the line between foreign and domestic spying.

Image: People pass below a New York Police security camera.

( Bebeto Matthews / Associated Press ) - In this photo made Aug. 18, 2011, people pass below a New York Police security camera, upper left, situated above a mosque on Fulton St., in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant in New York. After the attacks of Sept. 11, the New York Police Department has dispatched teams of undercover officers into minority neighborhoods and used informants to monitor sermons at mosques, even when there’s no evidence of wrongdoing.

Barnabas Fund: hope and aid for the persecuted church 

Pakistani Christian beaten by Muslims for celebrating Independence Day


How can you celebrate when you are Christian? Convert to Islam if you want to join the celebration.

Muslim attackers

A Pakistani Christian man was beaten unconscious by a gang of Muslim extremists for joining in the celebrations on the country’s Independence Day.


Ashfaq Munawar was severely injured in the attack

Ashfaq Munawar was severely injured in the attack by six Muslim men, who hit him with iron rods, on 14 August; his jaw was fractured and he lost five teeth.

Barnabas Fund: hope and aid for the persecuted church 

Appeal for prayer after series of violent attacks against Egyptian Christians


Egyptian Christians have appealed for prayer after a series of violent clashes in Minya province, Upper Egypt, in which Christians have been killed and injured.


Maher Nassif Tobias (50) was shot dead in his home during an attack by thousands of Muslims on Christians in the village of Nazlet Faragallah on 7 August. The mob descended on the village firing automatic weapons; they looted and torched homes, throwing petrol bombs at several properties.


Egypt's Double Standard in Muslim and Christian Abduction Cases

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- A 15-year-old Muslim girl, Zeina, was abducted on April 3, 2011 by gunmen in two cars as she was on her way to school in the family car. The driver was beaten and tied up by the kidnappers while the girl was forced into another car. A ransom of 5,000,000 Egyptian pounds was demanded for her return from her wealthy father Effat El-Sadat, a relative of former Egyptian President Anware Sadat. The kidnappers drove Zeina through three Nile Delta provinces before releasing her near a cafeteria on the Cairo to Alexandria desert road, after getting the ransom.


Copt killed in clashes after Minya road accident  

CAIRO: A Coptic Christian was killed and four were wounded in clashes in the southern Egyptian province of Minya after clashes triggered by a road accident, a security official said on Monday.

The violence erupted on Sunday night in the villages of Nazlet Fargallah and El-Hwarta when a Copt driving a truck quarreled with mosque worker over a speed pump outside the mosque, the official news agency MENA said.


Muslims Attack Christian Village in Egypt -- 1 Murdered, Homes Looted and Torched

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Muslims attacked Christians in the village of Nazlet Faragallah, in the southern Egyptian Minya province, on Sunday evening. The attack continued until the early hours of Monday morning, August 8. One Copt was murdered and homes were looted and torched when Muslims from Nazlet Faragallah together with Muslims from four neighboring villages started their violence at approximately 8 PM, after breaking their Ramadan fast.

According to eyewitnesses, thousands of Muslims entered the village from all sides, firing automatic weapons (mostly in the air), looting and throwing Molotov Cocktails at several homes. "They even destroyed our irrigation pumps," said one witness.

Barnabas Fund: hope and aid for the persecuted church 

Iraqi Christians targeted in coordinated church bomb attacks

It was a coordinated attack to target churches at the same time

A blast outside a church injured 23 people as police foiled two further car bomb attacks on churches in northern Iraq on the same morning.


An Iraqi boy surveys the damage
to the bombed church in Kirkuk

A car bomb exploded near a church in Kirkuk at around 5.30am (2.30am GMT) on Tuesday (2 August), severely damaging the building and around 30 surrounding homes; nearby cars were also set on fire.


Families of suicide bombers given £5m in British aid cash

By Matthew Kalman


British aid cash is being given to the families of suicide bombers, it was claimed last night.

The Palestinian Authority, which gets £86million of British aid a year, has authorised payments of almost £5million to the families of ‘martyrs’.

Another £3million has been given to 5,500 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails. The payments, using taxpayers’ cash donated from Britain and the European Union, have been described as ‘ludicrous’ by one Tory MP.


Hamas militants: The families of so-called 'martyrs' are given millions by the Palestinian Authority

Hamas militants: The families of so-called 'martyrs' are given millions by the Palestinian Authority

CNN World  

Islamist militant group resurgent in Egypt

By Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, CNN  

Egyptian Salafists rally in Cairo on July 29, 2011. They are in conflict with the more radical group, Takfir-wal Higra.   

El Arish, Egypt (CNN) -- The town of el Arish in Egypt sits on the clear blue waters of the Mediterranean, its fine beaches lined by palm-trees. Developers have built luxury resorts close to this town of about 100,000 people.

As Islamic extremists declare Britain's first Sharia law zone, the worrying social and moral implications

By Sue Reid 


As a throng of Muslim families crowd around him, Abu Izzadeen speaks in a quiet voice of his plans for the future of Britain. The tall, bearded 36-year-old — who was recently freed from prison after serving a term for funding terrorism — is telling, in chilling detail, how he wants to impose Islam’s strict Sharia law on this country.

At a shopping mall in Waltham Forest, North London, Muslim passers-by listen intently. Some shout greetings in Arabic from across the street.

Determined to defeat Western 'decadence': Jamaal Uddin and, below, Abu Izzadeen

Determined to defeat Western 'decadence': Jamaal Uddin and, below, Abu Izzadeen

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