Assyrian International News Agency

Egyptian Islamists Hijack Tahrir Square Demonstration, Demand Islamic State
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- The worst fears of many Egyptians and non-Muslims were realized today when Islamists hijacked today's million-man sit-in at Tahrir Square. The planned sit-in was intended to be a form of pressure to achieve the demands of the revolution, mainly cleansing from corruption, freedom and social justice, as well as reuniting the revolutionary groups.

Another Fort Hood terror plot? Army Pfc. Naser Abdo arrested.


Army Pfc. Naser Abdo was arrested with weapons and bombmaking explosives in his motel room near Fort Hood in Texas. It is raising suspicions about a 'lone wolf' terror scenario.

By Brad KnickerbockerStaff writer / July 28, 2011 

Details about a Muslim-American US Army soldier arrested with guns and explosives near Fort Hood, Texas, remain sketchy.


In this 2009 photo, Todd Spittler of Houston pays his respects to the victims of the Fort Hood shooting at the main gate of Fort Hood. The FBI says bombmaking materials were found in the motel room of an AWOL soldier arrested near Fort Hood, Texas.

Sonya N. Hebert/The Dallas Morning News/AP/File 

Related stories

Egyptian Christians abused and tormented by Muslims: U.S. lawmaker

"The Egyptian government has failed to initiate credible investigation into the cases of the abducted women, and that does have perhaps the intended consequence of creating a climate of impunity for the perpetrators. If there is no penalty for this terrible abuse and violence, it only encourages more violence." - U.S. Rep. Chris Smith.

Although President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other members of the Obama Administration -- through their rhetoric and actions -- treat the Egyptian revolution as a positive movement, there is nothing mentioned by them or their supporters about the treatment of Christians at the hands of the Muslim population and government.

Lawyer Accuses Egyptian Military Council of Burying Church Bombing Case

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Joseph Malak, lawyer for the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, accused the military council of ignoring the church bombing case. The bombing occurred on New Year's Eve in in front of the church, and claimed the lives of 25 Copts and injured over 100 others who were attending midnight mass.


Pakistani Muslims Convicted for Beating Christian to Death

Court gives life sentences to three men who killed merchant for refusing to convert to Islam.

By Jeff M. Sellers

LOS ANGELES, July 22 (Compass Direct News) – Three Muslims convicted of killing a Christian in Pakistan’s Punjab Province for refusing to convert to Islam last year have been given life sentences, according to attorneys for the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) in Pakistan.

PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring 

CSI Sheds Light on Abuse of Coptic Christian Women In Egypt

WASHINGTON, July 22, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Christian Solidarity International Board Member Michele Clark testified on Capitol Hill today about the continued abuse of Coptic females in Egypt, a nation struggling to come together in the aftermath of this Spring's Arab revolution.

The U.S. Helsinki Commission, more formally known as The U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, held today's hearing to examine the recent escalation of violence toward Coptic Christians in Egypt, as well as reports of disappearances, forced conversions and forced marriages of Coptic women and girls.


Islamist group pilots “sharia-controlled zone”

Muslims Against Crusades are targeting the London borough of Waltham Forest to be the first “sharia-controlled zone” as part of a new “Islamic Emirates Project”.


This message is being distributed in certain Muslim enclaves.

The announcement comes after the Islamist group released Islamic Prevent, as reported by Operation Nehemiah last week, which called upon Muslims in Britain to create enclaves in major cities where sharia will one day be implemented.


Investigation exposes Muslim campaign to convert Christian girls in Egypt



Alexandria, where the Muslim ring was uncovered

An Egyptian human rights organisation has exposed a highly organised Muslim ring that promotes sexual exploitation and blackmail to force Christian girls to convert to Islam.

Egypt4Christ, which monitors the abduction and forced Islamisation of Christian minors, published the findings in a new report last week. It launched an undercover investigation after a church leader in Alexandria reported that a ten-year-old Christian girl had been sexually abused by a 20-year-old Muslim university student.

Egyptian Muslim Ring Uses Sexual Coercion to Convert Christian Girls: Report
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- The number of Christian girls abducted and coerced into converting to Islam since the Egyptian "January 25 Revolution" has skyrocketed, according to Father Filopateer Gamil of St. Mary's Church in Giza. "More than two to three girls disappear everyday in Giza alone," he said. "The cases that are brought to public attention are few compared to what the numbers actually are."


Radical Group Seeks Islamic World Order

By Steve Emerson

A radical Islamist group which claims a presence in nearly 50 countries is so confident it can help establish a global Muslim government — or caliphate — that it distributed a draft constitution during a recent conference outside of Chicago.

It calls for the death penalty for apostates and for creating a government department dedicated to jihad.

The latest
Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT) gathering drew more than 300 people to a DoubleTree Hotel ballroom on June 26.

Although it is officially committed to nonviolence, HT preaches a virulent brand of hatred for the United States, and for Western democracy in general. Its alumni include such violent Islamists as Khaiid Sheikh Mohammad, mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, and the late Iraqi jihadist Abu Musab Zarqawi.


The Spread of Radical Islam

Share By Matthew Heimbach.

The rising tide of Islam has come to a new high water mark. The extremist group Muslims Against the Crusades or (MAC) has officially declared that within the United Kingdom they are establishing three fully autonomous Islamic states that are under Sharia law, not the laws of England.

This is the same group that protested England's Remembrance Day. This holiday is the United Kingdoms version of Veterans day where the red poppy is used to signify the blood that was sacrificed by the men and women who have served in the armed forces. During the this years Remembrance Day, Muslims shouted "British soldiers burn in hell" and "British soldiers – murderers, British soldiers – rapists, British soldiers – terrorists." during a moment of silence to commemorate veterans while burning poppies in front of crowds of veterans and their families.

Two Christian Girls Disappear From State Care Home in Egypt

(AINA) -- Parents and lawyers of Christian teens Nancy Fathy and her cousin Christine Fathy, who allegedly converted to Islam, were shocked to learn the two girls have been taken by security officers from the care home where they were entrusted by the attorney general and held in a undisclosed place without knowledge or consent of the attorney general.


Muslims obligated to resist democracy, say radicals

Linton Besser

July 4, 2011

Twentieth-century Islam ... Bilal Merhi speaks at the <i>Uprising in the Muslim World</i> Conference in Sydney.

Twentieth-century Islam ... Bilal Merhi speaks at the Uprising in the Muslim World Conference in Sydney. Photo: AFP

MUSLIMS in Australia were urged yesterday to join the uprisings that have toppled regimes across the Middle East, to renounce moderate forms of the religion and to reject democracy, during a day-long conference sponsored by a radical Islamic organisation.


Sexual Harassment of Christian Wife Turns Into Violence Against Christian Villagers in Egypt

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- On Thursday evening, June 30, Muslims looted and torched Christian homes and businesses in the village of western Kolosna in Samalut, Minya province. It was reported that some 10 Christians were injured, but none went to hospital and first aid was administered at home.

Muslim violence broke out when a Coptic couple was returning to Kolosna by bus when the wife was severely sexually harassed by Muslims at the bus terminal. The husband tried to defend his wife but was severely beaten.

Egyptian Muslims Torch 8 Christian Homes on Rumor of Church Construction
By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- A mob of nearly 200 Muslims torched eight Christian homes on Saturday morning in the Upper Egyptian village of Awlad Khalaf. The attack was initiated by a rumor that a house which is being built by Wahib Halim Attia will be turned into a church. Two Christians and one Muslim were injured, no fatalities were reported.

Wahib Halim Attia obtained a license to build a house in the village on a 95 square meter plot. The house grew to an area of 350 square meters but was still on agricultural land that he owns. This gave rise to the rumor that he intended to build a church instead.

Fox News - Fair & Balanced 

Suspect in Custody for 'Suspicious' Backpack Is Marine Corps Reservist

An Ethiopian-born man, in custody for carrying a backpack with "suspicious items and products" inside Arlington National Cemetery overnight, is a U.S. Marine Corps reservist.

Yonathan Melaku, 22, of Alexandria, Va., was arrested Friday morning on suspicion of trespassing after he was found inside Arlington Cemetery overnight when the cemetery was closed, carrying "items which caused initial concerns about the public's safety," the FBI said in a written statement.



Muslims Surround Church in Upper Egypt, Threaten to Kill Priest

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Hundreds of Muslims surrounded the church of St George today in the village of Beni Ahmed West, 7 KM south of Minya, vowing to kill its priest Father George Thabet, who was serving the morning mass and was locked in the church with a number of parishioners. Security forces arrived five hours later and escorted Father George in a police car to the Coptic Diocese in Minya. "Father George looked as if he was the criminal, leaving his church in a police car." said one of the eye-witnesses. The Coptic youth who were attending mass remained inside church to defend it from Muslim attacks.

Eyewitnesses reported the Muslim mob, in their white dresses and long beards, chanted "We will kill the priest, we will kill him and no one will prevent us." One of their leaders said that they will "…cut him to pieces."

It was reported that no police or security of any kind was present during the events.


Sudanese Military, Militias Kill Christians in South Kordofan

Two dead, two others tortured on day when at least three church buildings are attacked.

Special to Compass Direct News

KHARTOUM, Sudan, June 17 (Compass Direct News) – Military intelligence agents killed one Christian, and Islamic militants sympathetic to the government slaughtered another last week after attacking churches in Sudan’s embattled South Kordofan state.


Indonesia Hands 15-Year Sentence to Radical Cleric (for incitment. When will Egyptian judiciary reacts same way against salafis?)  



JAKARTA, Indonesia — A leading radical Islamic cleric, whom the United States had pressed Indonesia to prosecute aggressively for the past decade, was convicted Thursday of supporting a jihadi training camp following a four-month trial on terrorism charges. The cleric, Abu Bakar Bashir, 72, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

A district court delivered the verdict in Mr. Bashir’s trial as thousands of extra police officers and hundreds of soldiers fanned out across the capital on a busy workday. In recent days, the authorities had been alerted to vague threats of a bombing campaign to coincide with the ruling. Jeers from his supporters outside the courthouse could be heard when the chief judged announced the sentence Thursday afternoon, but no incidents were reported in the city.


Eritrean Christians facing 'unimaginable suffering' in Egypt


by Amy ShankPosted:

Eritrean Christians fleeing persecution in their homeland are facing imprisonment, torture, beatings and sexual assault in Egypt, reports Barnabas Fund.

The charity, which supports the persecuted church worldwide, estimates that hundreds of Eritrean Christian refugees have been subjected to terrible abuse after arriving in Egypt.

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