Egyptian Policeman Shouted 'Allahu Akbar' Before Shooting Six Christians

(AINA) -- Six Copts were shot by an off-duty policeman on a train between Assiut and Cairo on Tuesday. One Copt was killed and five remain in critical condition. The gunman, identified as Amer Ashour Abdel-Zaher, was on his way to work in Beni Mazar police station when he boarded the train at approximately 17.00 hours in the town of Samalout in Egypt's Minya province, roughly 260 km south of Cairo. He shot the six Copts after chanting "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great) then attempted to flee but was apprehetnded by passengers.

Egyptian police attack The Good Shepherd a Coptic hospital in Samalot
الامن يضرب مستشفى الراعى الصالح

Policeman kills Christian on Egypt train

Egyption Muslims and Christians, activists, politicians and intellectuals demonstrate


While Muslim sexual predators have been jailed, it is white Britain's hypocritical values that are to blame

By Melanie Phillips 

Not for the first time, Jack Straw has ignited a firestorm of controversy by expressing serious concerns about behaviour within the British Muslim community.

Mr Straw, whose Blackburn constituency is heavily populated by Muslims, spoke out after two British men of Pakistani descent were jailed last week for a series of rapes and sexual assaults on vulnerable young girls, whom they also groomed for sex with other gangs members or their relatives.

This was far from a one-off case. Police operations going back to 1996 have revealed a disturbingly similar pattern of collective abuse involving small groups of Muslim men committing a particular type of sexual crime. 

Controversial: Blackburn MP Jack Straw said some British Pakistani men regarded white women as an easy target

Controversial: Blackburn MP Jack Straw said some British Pakistani men regarded white women as an easy target

لعن الله إسرائيل

مدحت قلادة


لعن الله إسرائيل تلك الشماعة الحاملة كل خطايانا وتخلفنا وتطرفنا، لعن الله إسرائيل هؤلاء الأوغاد الذين يوسوسون للبعض منا، فيخضعون بإرادتهم الحرة للأعمال الشيطانية، لعن الله إسرائيل لأنها صاحبة قرار الخط الهمايونى، والقرارات العشرة المقيدة لبناء الكنائس، وصاحبة عقيدة الاستحلال فقتلت وسرقت ونحرت باسم الدين، لعنها الله لأنها تشترك فى تعيين أئمة الضلال ونجوم الكراهية، لعنة الله على إسرائيل لأنها اختارت محافظى مصر "مؤدلجين" بفكر طالبانى.

Anti-Christian drumbeat loud before Egypt attack


By MAGGIE MICHAEL, Associated Press – Tue Jan 4, 9:29 pm ET

CAIRO – In the weeks before the New Year's Day suicide bombing of an Egyptian church, al-Qaida-linked websites carried a how-to manual on "destroying the cross," complete with videos on how to build a bomb and the locations of churches to target — including the one that was attacked.
Egyptian Security Guards Withdrew One Hour Before Church Blast, Say Eyewitnesses

Shouting allah akbar after the explosion in front of the church, car on fire. 

(AINA) -- The car explosion that went off in front of Saints Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria killed 21 and injured 96 parishioners who were attending a New Year's Eve Mass. According to church officials and eyewitnesses, there are many more victims that are still unidentified and whose body parts were strewn all over the street outside the church. The body parts were covered with newspapers until they were brought inside the church after some Muslims started stepping on them and chanting Jihadi chants (video showing dead bodies and limbs covered with newspapers in the street).


Christians clash with police after Egypt bombing

The bomb exploded in front of the Saints Church about a half hour after midnight early Saturday, as nearly 1,000 worshippers were leaving a New Year's Mass.

Ninety-seven people were wounded, according to Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahine. It's not known if all the victims were Christians.


Egypt bomb kills new year churchgoers

At least 21 dead and more than 70 injured after bomb explodes outside Coptic church in Alexandria

A man observes the scene of the bomb blast from within the Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt 

A man observes the scene of the bomb blast from within the Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt.

Photograph: Ben Curtis/AP

At least 21 people have been killed and more than 70 injured in Egypt in a suspected suicide bombing outside a church in Alexandria as worshippers left a new year service.


Bomb outside Egyptian church kills 21

A forensics worker on a ladder takes samples from the blood-spattered wall of a mosque opposite, outside the Coptic Christian Saints Church, unseen, in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, Egypt, Saturday, Jan. 1, 2011.  (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

A forensics worker on a ladder takes samples from the blood-spattered wall of a mosque opposite, outside the Coptic Christian Saints Church, unseen, in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, Egypt, Saturday, Jan. 1, 2011. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

The Associated Press

Date: Saturday Jan. 1, 2011 7:32 AM ET

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — A powerful bomb exploded in front of a crowded Coptic Christian church a half hour into the New Year early Saturday, hitting worshippers emerging from a holiday Mass in the Egyptian city of Alexandria and killing at least 21 people in an attack that raised suspicions of an al-Qaida role.

The Independent 

Five suspects arrested over Danish cartoon 'massacre plot'

Militants 'planned to attack newspaper that printed images of the Prophet Mohamed'

By Tony Paterson

Pakistani Islamists protesting in March 2008 against the publication
of a cartoon in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten depicting the Prophet Mohamed

Danish and Swedish police said yesterday they had foiled a potentially devastating terrorist attack after arresting five suspected Islamic militants who wanted to "kill as many people as possible" in the offices of a Copenhagen newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohamed.

See full size image 

Terror suspects in custody over 'pre-Christmas plot'

The two defendants from London

The two defendants from London 

Nine men charged with conspiracy to bomb high-profile London targets in the run-up to Christmas have been remanded in custody after appearing in court.

They were also charged with preparing for terrorism by agreeing potential targets and testing materials.

The court was told that one of the potential targets was the London Stock Exchange.

The men are aged between 19 and 28 and three are from Cardiff, two from London and four from Stoke-on-Trent.

Israel News

Report: Hamas torturing 250 Eritreans in Egypt

NGO reports Eritreans traveling to Israel to seek asylum are being held captive by terrorist group in northern Sinai. 'Extortion, organ trafficking fund Hamas and al-Qaeda," EveryOne co-President Roberto Malini says

Menachem Gantz

Approximately 250 Eritrean refugees have been held captive and tortured for the past month by Hamas in northern Sinai, human rights organization EveryOne reported.
The Italian-based organization sent an urgent plea to the Egyptian government last Thursday, claiming that the refugees, who were making their way to
Israel to seek asylum, were captured by human traffickers.


'Christmas is evil': Muslim group launches poster campaign against festive period

Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil.

Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.

They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead.


Outrage: The poster that has appeared in the Tower Hamlets area hitting out at the festive period

Outrage: The poster that has appeared in the Tower Hamlets area hitting out at the festive period

The National 

France tacitly supports anti-Islam extremists


Last Saturday, the French capital hosted an anti-Islamic conference entitled "The Islamisation of Europe" that attracted delegates from 10 European countries and extremist rightist organisations as well as famous anti-Islamic figures. The conference looked into various ways to counter the spread of Islam in Europe.

See full size image 

Arrests halted 'significant' terror plot - Lord Carlile

Police officers - generic  

The operation was described as large-scale, pre-planned and intelligence-led 

The arrest of 12 men in four cities stopped a "significant" terror plot, the independent reviewer of counter-terrorism powers has said.

Lord Carlile told the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee that charges were "very possible" within days.


Anti-terror raids lead to 12 suspects being held

Arrests in Cardiff, London, Stoke and Birmingham as counter-terrorism detectives act to prevent alleged plot

Street in Stoke The street in Stoke where three addresses were raided by anti-terrorism officers. Photograph: Lindsey Parnaby/Newsteam

Five men in Cardiff were among 12 arrested yesterday by counter-terrorism detectives acting to prevent an alleged plot to attack multiple targets in the UK.

Three of the suspects were detained early yesterday morning in Riverside in Cardiff, an area close to the Millennium Stadium with a large Bangladeshi community. Two others were arrested in Ely, a largely white working-class area.

The Star 

More than 100 Canadians named on Al Qaeda-affiliated website

VANCOUVER—More than 100 Canadian-Arab Christians are listed on an Al Qaeda-affiliated website, apparently targeted because of their alleged role in attempting to convert Muslims.

Some of those named say concerned Canadian intelligence officials have contacted them.

The Shumukh-al-Islam website, often considered to be Al Qaeda’s mouth piece, listed pictures, addresses and cellphone numbers of Coptic Christians, predominantly Egyptian-Canadians, who have been vocal about their opposition to Islam.


Jihadists Threaten More Airplane and Parcel Bombs During Christmas


Jihadists Threaten More 'Umar Farouq' Airplane Bombers, Parcel Bombs, Targeting Of Churches During Christmas

In advance of the anniversary of the attempted Christmas Day bombing by Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab, online jihadists have increased their calls to emulate his attack, promising special "presents" to Western countries during the holiday season.

Shumukh Al-Islam jihadi forum member "ayman435" called upon fellow Muslims to "target churches during Christmas celebrations, meaning at a time when the churches are packed [with worshipers]." The member was referring to the churches in Egypt, where such attacks would come as a response to the increased sectarian tension between the Coptic Church and Muslims in Egypt. 
Egypt Attempts to Convict Christian to Justify Muslim Riots

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- The high profile criminal trial of 21-year-old Christian Copt Girgis Baroumi, accused of sexually assaulting a Muslim girl, is viewed by the Coptic community as an example of how the Egyptian government, using all its organs, including the Attorney General, Interior Minister and Parliament Speaker, has conspired to use him as a scapegoat to justify deadly Muslim assaults on Christians.

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