Men who dragged a 70-year-old woman through her village naked because her son was rumoured to be having an affair with a Muslim woman are acquitted by a court in Egypt

  • Soad Thabet, now 74, was paraded naked during the sectarian violence in 2016 
  • It was accompanied by the torching of homes and calls for Christian expulsions
  • A father and his two sons were cleared at retrial after earlier getting prison term 

Christian woman Soad Thabet, pictured, was attacked after her son was rumoured to have had an affair with a married Muslim woman

Three men who stripped and dragged an elderly Christian woman through an Egyptian village over rumours that her son was having an affair with a Muslim woman have been acquitted by a court.

المبادرة المصرية تعرب عن قلقها من الحكم الصادر في قضية تعرية " سيدة الكرم" وتطالب النيابة العامة بالتقرير بالطعن 

العدالة الجنائيةالحريات المدنية

بيان صحفي

17 ديسمبر2020


تابعت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية بقلق بالغ الحكم الصادر اليوم من محكمة جنايات المنيا، ببراءة المتهمين الثلاثة في قضية تعرية سعاد ثابت، والمعروفة إعلاميا بـ "سيدة الكرم" بمركز أبوقرقاص بمحافظة المنيا، على خلفية الاعتداءات الطائفية التي شهدتها قرية الكرم خلال مايو 2016. وتحذر المبادرة المصرية من تداعيات عدم إدانة المتورطين في هذه الاعتداءات، والتي ترسخ لغياب العدالة والتمييز بين المواطنين على أساس الدين وتشجع على تكرار مثل هذه الاعتداءات الطائفية، بالإضافة إلى ما تمثله من رسالة  للتساهل مع وقائع العنف ضد المرأة بشكل عام. 

EGYPT: Riots Follow Blasphemy Accusation


Monastery in Egypt

Roughly ten percent of Egypt's population is
Christian, the majority of which are Copts.

Egypt's Minya Governorate region erupted in violence on November 25th after rumours spread that a young, barely literate Christian man named Girgis Sameeh posted a message on Facebook that was considered insulting to Islam. In al-Barsha, Girgis' hometown, hundreds of Muslims attacked the homes of Coptic Christians, also looting and destroying local businesses. The fury of the mob spread to the church of Abou Sefin, where the congregation was celebrating the beginning of a fast for the Advent season.

Punjab, Christian mother and son, killed by Muslim neighbours in quarrel
by Shafique Khokhar

The woman and her 25-year-old son were killed in front of their home. Nobody in the village helped them. For human rights activists, the fact is "a huge example of intolerance and hatred that spreads against Christians", also nourished in schools. Central and state government’s silence and failure to defend minorities.

Gujranwala (AsiaNews) - On November 9, Yasmeen and her only son, Usman Masih, 25 (photo 2), were shot dead by two of their Muslim neighbours, Hassan Butt (photo 3) and Khizer Butt. At first, some media reported that the killing was due to a case of blasphemy, but later it emerged that the reason was more trivial: a heated discussion between two women, Yasmeen and the mother of the two killers, Ishrat Bibi (photo 4).

Chadwell Heath Church DESECRATED and the Establishment & Broadcast Media stay silent!

Man accused of tearing down cross on Baptist church 'committed religiously-aggravated offence', court hears

  • Footage from Sunday showed a man attacking wooden cross in Chadwell Heath
  • Yussef Alwali, 21, appeared in court charged with religiously aggravated offence
  • Barkingside Magistrates Court heard there are 'ongoing concerns' about Alwali 

By Luke May For Mailonline