The current forming of the Human rights council in Egypt violates Paris principles for national entities for human rights.


Al Kalema Center For Human Rights (ACHR) expresses its deepest sorrow and disappointment over the way the Egyptian national council for human rights was formed, the merits used was not transparent, unacceptable and does not comply with Paris principles and merits of Paris for forming national human rights councils (PPFHRC).

The previous Egyptian Council for human rights was formed in accordance with (PPFHRC) in 2003, however Sept 2102 witness the selection of individuals whom are well known to have negative views towards human rights principles and regard the human rights movement as part of western colonization conspiracy.

Some of those individuals appointed by the Shura (consulting) parliament in Egypt are accused by many of having a role in the murder the peaceful demonstrators of January 25, 2010.


The Egyptian Shura (consulting) parliament is dominated by the Islamic political group both Muslims brotherhood and the salafis , thus it is no wonder they would appoint Islamic figures that has publicly stated they are against the freedom of religion.

KHRC assert that article 94 of 2003 law that regulate the forming of the egyptian national council for human rights (ENCHR) state that " ENCHR will be formed from a president and a vice president , and twenty five members of public figures whom are well known to have the experience and are interested in human rights , or those who have distinguished participation in that field".

Paris principles also state "National human rights council would consist of representatives of NGO that are interested in human rights and anti discrimination, social entities and professionals bodies, human rights activists, medical doctors ,journalists ,public figures, representatives of universities, qualified experts, representatives of parliament, members of government department"

The latest appointment by the Shura (consulting) parliament and Paris principles because:

Some appointees are individuals that have a publicly declared opinions that oppose freedom of religion and does not respect those who think against the majority, to name a few Safwat Hegazy , mohamad El Beltagy.

Known thinkers, genuine representatives for the civic society and representatives of human rights organizations were deliberately not appointed in the Egyptian national council for human rights.

(ACHR) is concern that the ENCHR would be used as human rights cover the Iron fist intended to be used against those who oppose the strict Islamic approach by the current government in Egypt.


Chairman of Board of trustee

Mamdouh Nakhla

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