Watch Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes talk about the threat to the region's Christians 

Dr. Daniel Pipes: Mideast Persecution Becoming Genocidal

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From the Desk of Dr. John Eibner, CSI-USA CEO

John Eibner

A student beaten to death for wearing a cross necklace. A pastor sentenced to death for the “crime” of leaving Islam. Peaceful Christian protestors run over by tanks. This is the reality for Christians in North Africa and the Middle East today. Christians are under attack from radical Islamist groups and, in some cases, their own governments.

CSI has issued a Genocide Warning for Christians and other religious minorities in the Islamic Middle East. Violence against Christians in the region is gaining momentum, and the conditions are present for the eradication of the world’s oldest Christian communities.

CSI is committed to stand in solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East. We have launched an urgent petition to President Obama, asking him to announce a policy for preventing the eradication of Christians and other non-Muslim communities.

Please take a moment to sign this petition here. You can learn about the threat to Middle East Christians here.

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