[Her life is in YOUR hands]
Asia Bibi was sentenced to death in Pakistan for her Christian faith. Recently, her death sentence was upheld by the Lahore Court of Appeals. We need to intervene by calling upon the U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, urging him to use all diplomatic tools at his disposal to save Asia's life!
Sign this petition!
I'm writing to you today with the utmost urgency. I need you to sign CitizenGO's petition to rescue Asia Bibi (http://citizengo.org/en/14415-rescue-asia-bibi), a woman who was recently condemned to die in Pakistan for her Christian faith.
In recent months, CitizenGO has collected more than 100,000 messages of support for Asia, which were delivered to her family by our president Ignacio Arsuaga last May (the video from this trip is available at the petition link).
Unfortunately, on October 16, the Court of of Appeals upheld Asia's death sentence. Here's the literal translation of a message that we received from Asia's lawyers, describing exactly what happened during the trial:
"As soon as the trial of the case began, some mullahs (the Muslim equivalent of the priests) have paraded one by one before the court. In 10-15 minutes 20 were ushered across. [...] The judges cleared all the other operations, leaving them only a small space for oral argument, and they listened to dozens of interventions from the mullahs. "
It is not difficult to see how the outcome of the process has been completely distorted. A Christian woman accused (falsely) of blasphemy can not be judged impartially when the debate is focused only on the statements of dozens of Muslim religious authorities.
Asia welcomed the news of her death sentence with words of incredible faith and hope. She said, "I look at the Cross of Christ, in the certainty that many brothers and sisters around the world are close and pray for me. ... I pray and I hope that the judge receives the light of God and has the courage to see the truth."
Now Asia and her lawyers have appealed to the Supreme Court. We are not optimistic about the Supreme Court's final judgement, especially taking into account the climate of intimidation and bias that plagued the appeals court.
The last hope to save Asia Bibi is call for a diplomatic mobilization of Western countries, including the United States and United Kingdom. They can exercise decisive influence upon the government and judges in Pakistan.
Each time a user signs our petition, our system will send an email to the American ambassador in Islamabad, Richard Olson, asking him to work to save the life of Asia Bibi.
I am sure that you, Nagui, will want to take a few seconds of your time to support this noble cause by signing our petition:

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