Coptic Culture Conference: Past, Present, and Future

15-17 May, 2008 

Coptic Orthodox Church Centre, Stevenage, UK

Under the Care of His Grace Bishop Angaelos

The Coptic Orthodox Centre in Stevenage, UK, announces a conference on Coptic Culture: Past, Present, and Future. The conference aims to highlight the contributions and achievements of one of the most obscure periods of Egyptian history: the Coptic Period.

 An announcement by MECA  

Another Extension for Dr. Adel Fawzy and Mr. Peter Izat in custody.


A renewal of the Dr. Adel Fawzy’s and Peter Izat’s arrest  for a period of thirty days was decided upon today by the SSI, this is supposed to be the last legal extension, after this, they are either  set free or sent to an official court  and presenting actual convictions to them.

 An announcement by MECA

MECA announces its extreme dismay, anger and shock at the unfair extension of the detention of two of our members for a further fifteen days

for no just reason and without charging them.

Dr Adel Fawzi and Mr Peter Ezzat continue to be detaianed for further 15 days 


 Today was the hearing into Dr. Fawzy and Mr. Ezzat's case. The court ruled that the two activists remain in custody for a further 15 days. 

The court didn't give reasons why the custody was extended. There are no further investigations and hence no reason why the two shouldn't be let out. There are no charges pressed either.      

بيان من منظمه مسيحى الشرق الاوسط

الحقيقه فى برنامج الحقيقه


نادر فوزى
فى بدايه حديثى اود ان اوضح ان الجميع قد حذرونى من الاستاذ وائل الابراشى ولكنى وحرصا على اظهار الحقيقه وافقت على اجراء الحديث معه وكنت اظن ان الاعلام فى مصر ارتقى واصبح على قدر اعلى من المصداقيه ولكن للاسف ... ولذلك اجد نفسى مضطر لتوضيح بعض الحقائق


The departure of the late

Chemist Samir Awadalla

Once In A Lifetime!
An Event Not To Be Missed!!
An Unprecedented And Not To Be Repeated Gathering Of Old Friends!!!


Under The Patronage 
His Grace

Bishop Raphael

Call for 
Medical graduates of the Academic years 1978-85
Of The Egyptian Medical Schools

Stop Forced Islamization of the childern Mario and Andrew 

The Egyptian Coptic Christian Twins Andrew and Mario beg your help to stop their Islamization by the Egyptian Government. 

Courtsy of Copts United  

By : Dr. / Jack Attallah

Egyptian Police Release a Convert to Her Violent Muslim Family

Islamist relatives beat young woman; her life is threatened by Muslim extremists.


by Barbara G. Baker 

ISTANBUL, July 23 (Compass Direct News) – Egyptian police in Alexandria who last week arrested a Christian convert woman today handed her over to her fanatical Islamist family, who beat her before driving her away.

Egyptian Police Torture Christian Convert Woman

Estranged Islamist relatives vow to kill young wife.

by Barbara G. Baker 

ISTANBUL, July 18 (Compass Direct News) –

Security police in Alexandria, Egypt have repeatedly tortured a young woman convert to Christianity in custody since Monday (July 16).

The arrest and torture of Convert (Eman mohamed el sayed) 26 y 

by Egyptian police 

CAIRO – On Monday, July 16, 2007, the arrest and torture of Sister (Eman mohamed el sayed) 26 years old , a Muslim Background Believer of four years, has occurred in the midst of a local fair in Al-Azareeta, Alexandria.

بيان هام 

حدث اليوم الاحد 15 /7 / 2007 الساعة العاشرة والنصف صباحا ومازال يحدث اعتداءات بالمئات من المتطرفين المسلمين فى قرية الروضة مركز طامية محافظة الفيوم على الكنيسة الانجيلية حيث تم تدمير سور الكنيسة بالكامل رغم وجود تصريح بالبناء مع المسؤلين بالكنيسة.


A Call to rally for support 

The Middle East Christians Association calls upon Christian organisations, especially those involved in human rights. We need your support.

On the 26th of July 2007 there will be a civil hearing in the Egyptian courts demanding compensation for the victims of Al-Kosheh.

حملة لإنقاذ "العائدون الى المسيحية" من حكم الردة

 من موقع الأقباط متحدون

مصر ملتزمة بتوفير حرية العقيدة للمواطنين طبقآ للدستور والمواثيق الدولية .إخلال محاكم القضاء الإدارى ووزير الداخلية بحقوق الأقباط سيؤدى الى لجؤ الأقباط  للمحافل الدولية.

Attacks by Muslim fundamentalists occured in Alexandria following a quarell between a Muslim and two Christian youths on Thuresday 7th June. 

The organised co-ordinated attack was which was carried out on Friday 8th June 2007 by a large group of Muslim criminals and drug dealers armed with knieves and swords led by a well known drug dealer in the area called Haras El-Deeb resulted in damages to large number of Christian proprties in Abdel-Qadir Bahari area.  Haras El-Deebwho Yasser Hassan on his head with a sword burned 8 shops and damaged two chuches, St. George and St.Mary churches. the TV in Arabic. Courtsy of Copts United

أحداث مؤسفة في الإسكندرية... حادث الإعتداء على الأقباط في منطقة عبد القادر بحري بالإسكندرية

بدأت الأحداث يوم الخميس بمشاجرة بين 2 شباب مسيحي ومسلم و في يوم الجمعة بعد الصلاة تجمعوا على إحدى المقاهي المقابلة للكنيسة وأتفقوا على الهجوم بعد صلاة العشاء ثم صلوا العشا جماعة وفي الساعة 9:45م قام بلطجي يدعى هراس الديب تاجر مخدرات وتحرش بالمسيحيين وقال لهم أقفلوا المحلات يا كفره و قام بسب كل المسحيين وقام بضرب الأستاذ ياسر حسان (مواطن مسيحي) بالسيف في رأسه 

يا أحرار مصر والعالم وفرنسا شاركوا معنا


يا أقباط العالم وفرنسا إنتفضوا وأرفعوا رؤوسكم
لا سكوت بعد اليوم، وكفانا تنازلات ومصالحات مفروضة ومغشوشة


April 24, 2007


Man Who Played Jesus Christ in TURK-7

Easter Broadcast Martyred   

Necati Aydin, husband and father of two young children, was one of three men brutally murdered on April 18th in far eastern Turkey. 

The three were workers at a Christian publishing house in the city of Malatya.  Mr. Aydin was also an amateur actor who played the role of Jesus Christ in a stage play made by TURK-7 and broadcast on the new SAT-7 Pars channel during the Easter season, only a week before the tragedy.      

Zurich declaration of the foundation of “The Organization for the Defense of the Rights of Minorities and Women in the Middle East and North Africa


The suffering of minorities and women in the Middle East and North Africa is part of the suffering of their peoples, which stems from the absence of democracy, human rights, and the tyranny of majorities and the steady growth of religious extremism.  

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