UK Jail loos turned from East away from Mecca 

The Sun 

JAIL bosses are rebuilding toilets so Muslim inmates don’t have to use them while facing Mecca.  Thousands of pounds of taxpayers money are being spent to ensure lags are not offended. 

British Beheading Plot Was 'Days Away' 

 ABC News 

A plot to kidnap and behead a British soldier on videotape was only "days away" and led to the arrests today of nine men in Birmingham, England, a Scotland Yard source tells ABC News.   

Most of the nine men are described as British citizens of Pakistani descent who are being held under Britain's new anti-terror laws.   

Major Police Operation target 'terror plot' in Birmingham 

 BBC News 

The raids took place at 0400 GMT on Wednesday morning Eight people have been arrested under the Terrorism Act in Birmingham after a "significant" operation involving police and security service MI5. A number of addresses in the city have been sealed off after morning raids.  

Latest Pictures From The Scene from “SKY TV”

Egypt's top cleric rules Islam bars women from presidency 





Islam bars women from becoming head of state, Egypt's top Muslim cleric or mufti, Sheikh Ali Gomaa, ruled in an official fatwa or religious edict published.  

More young Muslims back sharia in UK, says poll 

The Guardian  

A growing minority of young Muslims are inspired by political Islam and feel they have less in common with non-Muslims than their parents do, a survey reveals today.

Sydney conference speaker demands Islamic state 

ABC News 

A speaker at a conference in Sydney's south-west says a revolution or a civil war may be necessary in order to create an Islamic state, or caliphate. 

Muslim doctor in UK urge to shun 'unholy' vaccines

Sunday Times  

A MUSLIM doctors’ leader has provoked an outcry by urging British Muslims not to vaccinate their children against diseases such as measles, mumps and rubella because it is “un-Islamic”. 

Torture blogs damage Egyptian image


A wailing woman hangs, her arms and legs tied to a pole balanced on two chairs. She's racked with pain and with a quivering voice she speaks to someone off screen. She has no choice but to confess that she committed a murder. It's not known who the woman is, or what has become of her.

Net sting results in an arrest; Egyptian student tells authorities his computer hacked  

Benton Courier 

Saline County Sheriff's Department authorities have made another arrest in the department's continuing Internet sting operation. 




مقتل مواطن مصري وإصابة 32 في مصادمات بين مسلمين ومسيحيين وقوات من الشرطة بسبب برج اتصالات

الشرق الأوسط


القاهرة: أحمد عبد الرحمن

تفجرت مصادمات في مصر أمس بين مسلمين ومسيحيين وقوات من الشرطة أسفرت حتى مساء أمس عن مصرع مواطن وإصابة 32 آخرين بينهم 7 من رجال الأمن،

French Muslim jailed for attacking gynaecologist  


PARIS: A French Muslim who attacked a male gynaecologist for examining his wife just after she had given birth, saying it was against Islam, has been jailed for six months by a Paris court.   

Egyptian court refuses bail for blogger accused of insulting Islam  

Associated Press CAIRO, Egypt -

A court Thursday refused to release on bail a writer accused of insulting Islam and causing sectarian strife in postings on his Web journal in Egypt's first prosecution of blogger. 

Replace Muslim schools says top Blair aide Rob Waugh 

Yorkshire Post 

SCHOOLS which are dominated by children from Muslim families should be closed and replaced with "multi-faith" academies, a senior Government adviser has said.

Egyptian authorities arrest more Islamists 


The Egyptian authorities have arrested seven more leaders and members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood movement.  

Nine Years For Nothing: Egyptian Blogger Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman Goes on

nabilJanuary 24th, 2007 by saraghorab

Sara Ghorab  

Egyptians have a strong aversion to being compared to animals.

Perhaps it’s the centuries of Islamic thought that have made them cringe at the insults “homar,” “hayawan” and “kalb” (donkey, animal, and dog, respectively), but what can you expect from a religion that calls Christians and Jews “apes and pigs”? (And monkeys, for that matter.)  

Muslim father gets legal aid to fight school over veil ban 

Daily mail 

 A school may be forced to allow a 12-year-old Muslim to wear a full-face veil because its local council is refusing to fund a court battle against the child's fundamentalist father.  

ABC to Shed Light on Egyptian Students' Arrests 

ABC News 

OMAHA, Neb. -- A report airing Monday night on ABC's "World News Tonight" may shed light on why some local authorities were so interested in a group of Egyptian students in Iowa this summer. 

Egyptian minister stokes debate over full-face veil   

Gulf News  

Cairo: Egypt's religion minister has fuelled controversy over Muslim women's garb by vowing not to employ women who wear the niqab [full face veil] as religious counsellors.  

Details Emerge About Possible Terror Threat. Suspects, Reportedly Tied to Al Qaeda in Iraq, Sought Student Visas 

ABC News 

WASHINGTON, Jan. 22, 2007 — Mimicking the hijackers who executed the Sept. 11 attacks, insurgents reportedly tied to al Qaeda in Iraq considered using student visas to slip terrorists into the United States to orchestrate a new attack on American soil.   

Warning for Muslim WPc who refused to shake Met chief's hand 


Scotland Yard said yesterday that a Muslim woman police who refused to shake hands with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police at her passing-out ceremony would be dismissed if she did not "engage" with people as other officers do. 

Utah imam is fired amid allegations of domestic violence, shirked duty


 The Salt Lake Tribune  

WEST VALLEY CITY - Imam Shuaib-ud Din has been terminated from his position as religious leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake amid allegations of domestic violence.    

Egyptian Minister Zakzuk Removed Woman with Headscarf from Meeting



Egyptian Minister on vakuf (religious property), Makhmud Khamdi Zakzuk, demanded to remove adviser on religious affairs from meeting refused to take off her headscarf (Muslim women’s head wearing), RIA “Novosti informs referring to information spread by Egyptian mass media. 

Egypt cracks down on 'Islamists'     


Egypt has detained "73 Islamists" in the Nile Delta pending investigation into what ties, if any, they have with the banned Muslim Brotherhood group, security sources have said. 

'Suicide bomb' CCTV shown to jury   

 BBC News 

The jury was shown CCTV pictures taken on a train A jury has been shown CCTV footage of the moment an alleged suicide bomber tried to detonate a device on a London underground train on 21 July 2005.


Sheik Al-Hilali due back as controversy continues in Australia



It might sound improbable, but Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali is hoping to sneak back into Sydney next week quietly and without fuss. 

Saudis May Ban Letter ‘X’

News Max

A group of Islamic clergy in Saudi Arabia has condemned the letter "X” because of its similarity to a hated banned symbol – the cross.

Accused Egyptian Blogger, Abdel Karim Nabil Stands Trial 


CAIRO, Egypt -- An Egyptian blogger went on trial Thursday on charges of insulting Islam and causing sectarian strife with his Internet writings.

TV documentary accused of misrepresenting UK Muslims 

Arab News 

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is accusing Channel Four commercial channel of attempting to foment division and sectarianism among Britain's 1.8 million Muslim community. 

Congratulation to Nadia Eweida, BA drops ban on wearing crosses 

 BBC News   

Nadia Eweida had challenged the ban on her cross necklace British Airways is changing its uniform policy to allow all religious symbols, including crosses, to be worn openly. BA announced a review last year after a row erupted when Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweida challenged a ban on her visibly wearing a cross necklace.  




Muslim-only kitchen kit for jails in UK 

The Sun 

JAILS are spending thousands on colour-coded kitchen tools for Muslims, it was revealed last night.  

Sydney Police probe firebrand cleric


 Sydney Morning Herald 

A firebrand Islamic leader who urged young Muslims to become holy warriors and labelled Jews as pigs could face charges of incitement to violence. 

British girl banned from wearing cross at school 


LONDON - A British schoolgirl has been barred from wearing a crucifix necklace in class, the Daily Mail reported Saturday.  

Abu Hamza must pay £1m for trial, judge said

abu hamzaBBC News 

Abu Hamza's £220,000 house could now be seized Jailed radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been told to pay back more than £1m in legal aid spent defending him against race-hate charges. The cleric was jailed for seven years in February 2006 for soliciting to murder and inciting racial hatred.  

Muslims want an Islamic NHS 

The Sun 

MUSLIMS should get special treatment within the NHS, a top medic claimed last night.  Prof Aziz Sheikh called for “faith-based health services”. He wants same-sex doctors, information to ensure treatments do not contain alcohol or pork, extra prayer rooms and circumcision for baby boys on the NHS.  

“Terrorist suspect flees police in mosque. UK Home Secretary in further embarrassment 

Times on Line 

A British-born terror suspect was on the run last night after breaking his control order and evading police by taking shelter in a mosque.   

Egyptian president's warning against political Islam

 Herald Tribune 

CAIRO, Egypt: Egypt's largest opposition movement, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, rebutted on Friday accusations by President Hosni Mubarak that the fundamentalist group poses a national security threat, saying his claims are aimed at stirring fears in the Egyptian public. 

Accused bomber 'fled London wearing burka'


News @Yahoo 

One of the alleged July 21 bombers fled London after the attempted attacks disguised as a woman wearing a burka, their trial heard.  

Korean Court rules Egyptian Christian convert is a refugee

 Asia News 

The Court has ruled Ibrahim deserves refugee status because, if he returned to Egypt, he is "unlikely to receive governmental protection against persecution by Islamic group who threaten him." 

German court upholds headscarf ban 

The Globe and Mail 

MUNICH, Germany — A court on Monday upheld a ban on Muslim teachers wearing head scarves in the schools of a German state under a law that says teachers' attire must be in line with “western Christian” values. 

Converted Egyptian Christian Recognized as Refugee in Korea 

Korea Times  

A Seoul court ruled Tuesday that the government should grant refugee status to a 40-year-old Egyptian who fled his home country after converting to Christianity 

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