Muslims oppose vast mosque plan in London 


Times on line 

Fear that complex would stoke tension. Sect challenged by the moderates


The architect’s vision is of a 21st-century Alhambra, a place for prayer, education, debate and the celebration of Islamic culture.


But the plan to build Europe’s biggest mosque beside the London 2012 Olympic Park is attracting opposition from the Muslim community.    

Egyptian govt 'annoys US' 


Washington - The state department expressed annoyance on Tuesday with the Egyptian government for refusing to grant timely access for the United States consular officials to an American being held for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks.  

Two Egyptian inhabitants arrested for suspected terrorist links         

People’s Daily 

The Egyptian authorities have arrested two inhabitants in Egypt's new industrial community Sadat City for suspected role in a terrorist organization, reported Egyptian news agency MENA on Wednesday.  

Mounir Ahmed Mabrouk and Mohammed Fahim Tahoun at Sadat city, 90 km northwest of Cairo, were arrested Saturday and are now being questioned at the Supreme State Security Prosecution , Egyptian Assistant Minister of Interior Major General Ahmed Dia-Eddin told a meeting of Egyptian Parliament's National Security and Defense Committee.  On Monday.

French, US, Belgian amonge arrested foreigners  Egypt says

egypt security forceCAIRO (AFP) – 

A group of foreigners arrested in Egypt included French, US, Belgian, Syrian and Tunisian nationals with links to terror groups who were recruiting Islamists for "jihad" in Iraq, the authorities have said.  

Egyptian police arrest foreigners for allegedly plotting terror attacks

 (Cairo, Egypt-AP) December 4, 2006 –  

The State Department says US officials are "seeking consular access" to an American who was arrested in Egypt about a week ago. 

Egypt Monday announced that it had arrested an American, 11 Europeans and several others from Arab countries for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks.

Imams disputes tie to Hamas 

Wahington Times 

Mr. Shahin is the spokesman for the imams who attended his federation's conference last week in Minnesota and were evicted from US Airways Flight 300 because of suspicious behavior.

The imams dispute the account of seven witnesses, including two law-enforcement


البابا يطلب من قادة العالم احترام الحرية الدينية


Pope Benedict 


No hate crime for suspect accused of beating Egyptian-born Detroiter 


DETROIT -- A 19-year-old Detroit man was charged today with two felonies in an alleged attack that an Islamic civil rights group called a hate crime. 

How the Egyptian imams terrorized an airliner 

Front Page Magazine 

“I never felt bad in my life like that. I never. Six imams. Six leaders in this country. Six scholars in handcuffs. It’s terrible.”  

Muslim jailed for killing British queen's swan to break Ramadan fast 

Middle East Times  

LONDON --  A Muslim man who was so hungry while fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan that he killed a swan to eat was jailed for two months at a court in Britain Wednesday.  


Thousands denounce papal visit to Turkey


Yahoo News 

Tens of thousands of protesters denounced Pope Benedict XVI as an enemy of Islam at a rally that highlighted the deep strains in Turkey before hosting the pontiff this week.

BA to review uniform policy after outcry over crucifix  

The Telegraph 

London: British Airways paved the way on Friday for a climbdown over its refusal to allow a Christian worker to wear a crucifix over her uniform.

Al Azhar rejects Egyptian minister’s veil comments

 Source AFP  

CAIRO • Al Azhar University, the preeminent academic institution in the Sunni Muslim world, repudiated Egypt’s culture minister yesterday for objecting to the growing practice of women wearing the veil.

School sacks woman after veil row   

 BBC News 

Ms Azmi's lawyers said they were unaware of the decision to sack her A Muslim classroom assistant suspended by a school for wearing a veil in lessons has been sacked.




BA uniform review after cross row   

 BBC News 

Nadia Eweida said she had been "overwhelmed" by public support

British Airways is to review its policy on uniforms in the wake of a row over a worker ordered to stop wearing a cross.


أقباط صفط اللبن يستغيثون


اسم الكاتب : ريمون يوسف

Courtsy of 

الأمن يتساهل مع المتطرفين المسلمين
والأقباط حقوقهم ضائعة، من يحمى الأقباط في قرية صفط اللبن محافظة المنيا من المتطرفين والبلطجية

Speaker asked all women to leave a Medical Seminar, Saudi Arabia 

Arab News  

RIYADH, 22 November 2006 — A presenter from King Saud University at an international medical seminar at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center caused a stir yesterday when he insisted that all women — including medical and media professionals — leave the room before he would enter the room to give his presentation.


Students protest at Al-Azhar and culture minister's refuses to apologise. 

Herald Tribune 

CAIRO, Egypt: Nearly 1,000 students protested at a top Egyptian Islamic university on Tuesday against the culture minister after he criticized the Muslim veil, and dozens of lawmakers demanded his removal.  

Jordanian: British are enemies of Islam 


AMMAN, Jordan — A Jordanian accused of opening fire on Western tourists in Amman's Roman amphitheater, killing a Briton and wounding six others, insisted in court Wednesday that God "blessed" him for the attack and said the British are enemies of Islam. 

U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane


cair personsReuters Muslim leaders expressed outrage on Tuesday after six imams were removed from a commercial airline flight in Minnesota for what they said was nothing more than trying to say evening prayers.  

"They were treated like terrorists ... humiliated," said Abu Hannoud, civil rights director for the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said the men were taken off the US Airways flight in handcuffs.

Six imams ejected from US flight   

BBC News  

The imams deny reports that they refused to leave the flight


A key Islamic rights group is demanding an immediate inquiry after six Muslim imams were removed from a US flight.



Egyptian Actress Taunted for Wearing Hijab         

 Source Egypt Election 

The latest allegations made by young Egyptian actress Hannan Turk against prominent actress Yusra has caused criticism to surface. Hannan, who had recently wore the Islamic headdress Hijab, stated that Yusra had repeatedly attempted to convince her to remove the Hijab.hannan  


Translation from Copts-United   

Copts-United learned from reliable sources that Police Intelligence Major Ahmad Ali Abu-Zeid has arrested two Christians named Amir Gaber Salama and Emad Adly Aziz on a false and fabricated charges in an attempt to silence and pressurize the Christians in the village to accept the last two events of violence against them resulting in the death of a Christian and the severe injury to the other which took place a month earlier. Copts-United will update you with information as they arrive.



 Source Adnki 

Cairo, 17 Nov. (AKI) - The parliamentary bloc of the Muslim Brotherhood has issued a statement calling on the prime minister, Ahmed Nazif, to force the resignation of the culture minister, Farouk Hosni, for his comments that the traditional Muslim veil for women "is a symbol of backwardness".

استجواب وزير الثقافة المصري في البرلمان بسبب الحجاب ا

 ب ب سى

قال الدكتور فتحي سرور رئيس مجلس الشعب المصري ان المجلس سوف يستدعي وزير الثقافة فاروق حسني لاستجوابه في جلسة خاصة أمام لجنتي الشؤون الدينية والثقافية، حول تصريحاته المعارضة للحجاب.

Covert preaching of banned cleric, Bakri on the internet



 Bakri Mohammed is broadcasting incognito, the BBC has learned  

Bakri's comments  A banned cleric is still preaching support for terrorism to young British Muslims by appearing incognito on the internet, the BBC has learned.

إساءات ضد طالبات بريطانيات حاولن الصلاة في المدرسة 

 ب ب سى 

طلبت ياسمين، البالغة من العمر 14 عاما، وشقيقتها سندس، البالغة من العمر 11 عاما، وهما من أصول عراقية، طلبتا من مدير مدرستهما، ومن خلال والدهما، تخصيص غرفة لهما لتصليا فيها خلال فسحة اليوم الدراسي.

لكن الامر استغرق عدة أيام حتى تم توفير الغرفة المطلوبة.

وخلال أيام الانتظار قررت ياسمين وسندس وتلميذات أخريات إقامة الصلاة في ساحة المدرسة 

German Population Plunge “Irreversible,” Federal Stats Office Admits


 Expected that one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025 

Life Site


 BERLIN, Germany, November 9, 2006 ( - Germany’s downward spiral in population is no longer reversible, the country’s federal statistics office said Tuesday. The birthrate has dropped so low that immigration numbers cannot compensate. 

Egypt arrests another blog critic   

 BBC News 

Ayyoub's blog has posted criticism of the government

Police in Cairo have detained a blogger whose posts have been critical of the Egyptian government.


Muslim veil breaches ‘norms of decency’: Anglican archbishop


Daily Times 

LONDON: The second-highest figure in the Church of England waded into the row over Muslim veils, saying they did not conform to “norms of decency” in Britain, in a newspaper interview published on Monday. Doctor John Sentamu, the archbishop of York, questioned whether Muslim women should expect public acceptance for wearing the veil in Britain.

Loses fight to wear cross, Ms Eweida said she was standing up for her faith


A British Airways (BA) employee has lost her fight to openly wear a cross necklace at work at Heathrow. Nadia Eweida, 55, of Twickenham, has been on unpaid leave since her bosses told her she could not visibly wear her cross at the check-in counter.

Egypt: New concerns about freedom of expression


13 November 2006  

Amnesty International is concerned by the arrest and detention of blogger and former al-Azhar University student Abdel Karim Sulaiman Amer apparently because of his critical writings about Islam and Egypt's al-Azhar religious authorities, and the recent imprisonment of Tal’at Sadat, a member of parliament, for “spreading false rumours and insulting the armed forces".

Egyptian lawmakers demand debate over minister's remarks against veil 

Daily Star  

Eighty Egyptian lawmakers on Sunday called for a parliamentary debate to discuss Culture Minister Farouq Hosni's controversial remarks describing the Islamic veil as regressive, parliamentary sources said.

Egyptian police arrest 8 at anti-harassment rally

Jerusalem Post 

Police arrested eight men and women Tuesday as they tried to stage a protest against the sexual harassment of women, police and political activists said.

Dutch to ban wearing of Muslim burqa in public


The Dutch government agreed on Friday a total ban on the wearing of burqas and other Muslim face veils in public, justifying the move on security grounds.  

Leave Christmas alone, say Muslims 

The Telegraph 

Muslim leaders joined their Christian counterparts yesterday to launch a powerful attack on politicians and town halls that play down Christmas. They warned that attempts to remove religion from the festival were fuelling Right-wing extremism. 

Egypt Islamists demand minister quit over veil remarks 


Egypt's largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, has called for Culture Minister Faruq Hosni to be sacked for saying the wearing of Islamic veils was a "regressive" trend.

Race-hate laws to be changed after BNP case fails


Times on Line  

NEW laws to clamp down on racism are being prepared by the Government after the leader of the far-right British National Party was cleared of stirring up racial hatred by attacking Islam.  

That's not a pregnant belly - that's a bomb. 

Women terrorists real threat, sez NYPD 


The NYPD is warning business owners to be on the lookout for female jihadists who can hide explosives by faking pregnancy or sweet-talk their way past security officers.

Al-Qaida plotting nuclear attack on UK, officials warn


The Guardian

British intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is determined to attack the UK with a nuclear weapon, it emerged yesterday. The announcement, from an officially organised Foreign Office counter-terrorism briefing for the media, was the latest in a series of bleak assessments by senior officials and ministers about the terrorist threat facing Britain.

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