Al Qaeda leader is aiming for Atomic Attack



Sky News




Al Qaeda is trawling the world for the technology to mount a nuclear strike on the West, a senior Foreign Office official has warned.  


Christian charity bans Christmas themed children's gifts .... (so only buy Christmas themed cards) 

 Daily Mail 



Christian charity Samaritan's Purse fears anything relating to Jesus may offend Muslims So its decision to ban Jesus, God and anything else connected with its own faith has been greeted with little short of puzzlement.  

Netherlands moves toward total ban on Muslim veils

The Guardian

The Netherlands may become the first European country to ban Muslim face veils after its government pledged yesterday to outlaw the wearing in public spaces of the niqab, or veil, and the burka, or full-length cloak covering the head.

Far-right leader cleared of race hate 

Source The Australian

THE leader of the far-right British National Party walked free from court overnight after being cleared on race hate charges in a re-trial. Nick Griffin, who was acquitted of using words or behaviour intended or likely to stir up racial hatred, emerged from the courthouse making the victory sign as supporters greeted him waving flags, wielding bottles of champagne and chanting "Freedom". 

مجلس الدولة المصري: النقاب من الحريات الشخصية ولا يجوز منعه


الشرق الاوسط
القاهرة: خالد محمد
فى خطوة من المتوقع أن تثير جدلا كبيرا حول تلك القضية، أكد تقرير لهيئة المفوضين بمجلس الدولة المصري حق المرأة في ارتداء النقاب والدخول به الى أي مكان بدون ان يتعرض لها أحد، فيما شدد المستشار عبد القادر قنديل نائب رئيس مجلس الدولة ـ الذي أعد التقرير ـ ان النقاب زي مباحٌ للمرأة، وارتداءها له من حريتها الشخصية والعقائدية والجسدية ولا يجوز حظره أو منعه لأن في ذلك مساسا بالحرية الشخصية والعقيدية.


 BNP Leader Cleared of Race Hate (But He Insulted Islam) 


BNP leader Nick Griffin and party activist Mark Collett have been cleared of inciting racial hatred after a retrial at Leeds Crown Court.


Mr Griffin, 46, from Powys, Wales, had denied two charges of using words or behaviour intended to stir up racial hatred in a speech in Keighley.


Muslim demonstrator found guilty of stirring up race hate, but not inciting murder 

Source Daily Mail

 A website designer was found guilty today of stirring up race hate during a march by Muslims protesting at an anti-Islamic cartoon.  

Egyptian cleric allegedly abducted by CIA recounts torture in Egypt 

Herald Tribune 

ROME: An Egyptian cleric who was allegedly kidnapped by the CIA in Milan in 2003 said he was tortured with electric shocks, left in a cell where rats crawled on him and threatened with rape when he was taken to Egypt, an Italian newspaper reported Thursday.

Demolition of Christian Family House Rumered to be used as a Church in Kom Elofy,Samalot, El-Minya

لنك لموقع "الكلمة"

هدم منزل مسيحي في المنيا لأنتشار اشاعة انة كنيسة
شهادة السيد : سعد كامل شحاتة . قرية كوم اللوفى ، مركز سمالوط ، محافظة المنيا
إننى رجل مسالم مشكلتى إننى أصرفت عمرى كله فى الكد والتعب لأجمع لى ولاسرتى بعض القروش لأبنى بها بيت يحمينا من صهد الصيف ومن صقيع الشتاء 

Row as immigration lawyer twice defies judge to remove veil

 Source Daily Mail 

An immigration tribunal had to be stopped after a lawyer twice refused a judge's request that she remove her veil.

Egyptian convicted for Madrid bombings

Source: China Daily

An Italian court yesterday sentenced an Egyptian accused of being one of the masterminds of the 2004 Madrid bombings to 10 years in prison for terrorist association. Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, also known as "Mohamed the Egyptian," was arrested in Milan three months after the March 11, 2004 blasts that killed 191 people and wounded 2,000 others. He is the first suspected Madrid plotter to be convicted following the attacks.

 Egyptian Blogger Abdelkareem Nabil Soliman IMPRISONED For Anti-Islamic Comments 

Anyone who knows about the wonderful freedoms today’s Islamic Egypt affords her citizens will be surprised to hear that a harmless 22-year-old blogger who wrote an anti-Islamic essay was thrown into jail recently. 

Egyptian police arrest 30 members of outlawed Muslim Brotherhood

Source Herald Tribune

Egyptian police arrested 30 members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood on Sunday, police said.A police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said most of the detainees were students of Helwan University who were arrested for alleged illegal activities.

Bishop attacks 'victim' Muslims in UK

Source Times on Line 

THE Church of England’s only Asian bishop, whose father converted from Islam, has criticised many Muslims for their “dual psychology”, in which they desire both “victimhood and domination”.


Saudi court sentences rape victim to 90 lashes


A Saudi court has sentenced a gang rape victim to 90 lashes of the whip because she was alone in a car with a man to whom she was not married.


Islamist groups clash with government forces on Egyptian campuses 

Murcery Newspapers 

CAIRO, Egypt - Tensions between the Egyptian government and a powerful Islamist opposition force spilled onto university campuses last week with clashes that erupted when security forces barred some candidates from running for student elections.   

Jack Straw says he doesn't regret remarks on women's veils 

Source Herald Tribune

LONDON: Former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said Thursday that he had no regrets about the article he wrote on Muslim women's veils that triggered an emotionally charged debate around Britain and as far away as the Middle East. 

Egyptian views on the s respond to street violence from BBC 

Three young women in Cairo give their reactions to news that women were assaulted by crowds of young men in the city during Eid celebrations

Veiled Muslim stopped from boarding a bus in Manchester UK






Source Manchester Evening News





A MUSLIM woman was prevented from getting on a bus in Greater Manchester because she would not remove her veil. 

German clergyman who set fire to himself dies

Source The Australian 

November 02, 2006

A RETIRED German clergyman who set fire to himself apparently in protest over the spread of Islam, died in hospital today, a Church spokesman said. 

Khamenei Warns: Beware of watching non-Muslim women 



Source Y Net News



Nader Shukry

The church bells of St Samaan al-Kharraz, St Simon the Tanner’s monastery in Muqqattam hill overlooking Cairo chimed joyfully in the first hours of last Wednesday to herald the release of the seven Copts who had been detained by the State Security Investigation (SSI) apparatus since 30 September.

EGYPT – Christian convert from Islam jailed

bahaa aqadSource Open Doors


Police flout court order to release former sheikh Bahaa el-Akkad

A Muslim sheikh jailed in Egypt for 18 months has declared from his prison cell that he is under arrest for 'insulting Islam' by becoming a Christian.


Source Compass Direct

Secret police flout court order to release former Muslim sheikh.

Bahaa el-Din el-Akkad
October 18 (Compass Direct News) – A Muslim sheikh jailed in Egypt for 18 months has declared from his prison cell that he is under arrest for “insulting Islam” by becoming a Christian.



Muslim Council of Britain backs imam in 'uncovered meat' row 

Source Times on Line 

ONE of Britain’s most senior Muslims has defended as “a great scholar” the Australian imam who likened scantily clad women to uncovered meat that draws predators.

Egyptian Muslim preacher threatened with death in veil row

Gulf News


Cairo: A female Muslim preacher has been threatened with death for declaring that the niqab (a veil which covers the whole face except for the eyes) is not obligatory.

خبر عاجل

أفاد مندوبنا بالمنيا إن اعتداء وقع أول أمس على أسرة مسيحية  فى قرية صفت اللبن التابعة لمركز المنيا  أسفر عن إصابة ثلاثة أشخاص بجراح خطيرة نقلوا على أثرها للمستشفى في غيبوبة كاملة كما تم حرق الصليب الموضوع على الكنيسة الرسولية بالقرية؛  هذا وقد سبق أن تم الاعتداء على نفس الأسرة منذ أسبوعين وقتل احد أفرادها وفر الجاني هاربا وقيل انه سافر إلى الجماهيرية اليبية وقد نصح الأمن اهالى القرية بتغيير الصليب المحروق ووضع آخر بدلا منه وسوف نوافيكم بآخر التطورات فور وصولها

 اخبار الاعتداء من البالتوك M.E.C.A Audio

The United States barred a British Muslim leader from flying to New York 

The United States barred a British Muslim leader from flying to New York from London on Thursday morning, the U.S. Department of      

Source Reuters

The department's Customs and Border Protection section would not elaborate on why Kamal Helbawy, 67, a founding member of the Muslim Association of Britain, was told by airline staff to get off his flight shortly before it was due to leave London.

Egyptian Couple Sentenced For Enslaving Girl

Source CBS News 

An Egyptian man and his ex-wife were sentenced Monday for enslaving a girl from their home country for two years while forcing her to work under harsh conditions for no pay.

Muslim women 'hidden' behind veil: Italian PM


 'You can't cover your face ... you must be seen,' Prodi says
Echoes recent remarks made by senior British politician Jack Straw



ROME—Prime Minister Romano Prodi said yesterday that Muslim immigrant women should not be completely "hidden" behind full veils if they want to integrate and become part of Italy's future.

Archbishop Williams joins faith symbols row

 Source BBC

The Archbishop of Canterbury has entered the Muslim veil debate by saying people should be free to wear visible religious symbols.

Prominent Egyptian Islamist detained 

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian authorities have detained prominent Muslim Brotherhood member Hassan el-Hayawan, the Brotherhood said on Wednesday.

New Kidnap of a 16 years old Coptic Girl 

 Mirna Thabet, Student Third Year Secondry School, born 1990 and resides at Street Number 15 branching from Street 45 Alexandria.

Mirna according to the Egyptian low is considered a "Minor" she can not marret or change religion with out the consent of her "Next of Kin"

 حالة خطف جديدة

ميرنا ثابت فهمى – طالبة بالصف الثالث الثانوى – من مواليد 1990 تقيم بشارع 15 المتفرع من شارع 45.
- راسلها شخص يدعى ماهر عن طريق شبكه الانترنت مدعيا انه مسيحى من المنصوره، وأخبرها أنه قادم للاسكندريه يوم الاثنين 23 اكتوبر 2006 ولا يعرف فيها شيئا، وطلب مقابلتها.

Sudan training, arming and supporting Janjaweed militia
Source Khalig Times

LONDON - The Sudanese government is supporting the feared Janjaweed militia, which the United States accuses of genocide against non-Arab ethnic groups in Darfur, the BBC reported on Tuesday.

Egyptian Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks

Richard Kerbaj


Source The Australian


THE nation's most senior Muslim cleric has blamed immodestly dressed women who don't wear Islamic headdress for being preyed on by men and likened them to abandoned "meat" that attracts voracious animals.

Prime minister says Britain needs debate about Islam 

tony blairSource AP

Prime Minister Tony Blair said Tuesday that Britain needed a debate about the position of Muslims, but that the faith also needed to decide how it comes to terms with modernity.

BA employee rejects 'cross' offer

nadia ewidaSource BBC  

A British Airways employee fighting to openly wear a cross necklace at work has rejected a compromise deal.

Nadia Eweida, 55, said BA has offered her a job in recruitment where she would not have to conceal her cross.

مصر تصادر 'الشيوخ المودرن وصناعة الارهاب'

الامن المصري ينفذ طلبا من الازهر لمصادرة كتاب يهاجم التيارات الدينية ويساند امامة المرأة للصلاة.

ميدل ايست اونلاين
القاهرة - اكد الناشر المصري الحاج محمد مدبولي صاحب مكتبة مدبولي التي تعتبر من اهم المكتبات على صعيد العالم العربي ان الامن المصري صادر كتاب "الشيوخ المودرن وصناعة التطرف الديني" الذي يهاجم التيارات الدينية ويساند امامة المرأة للصلاة.


European ministers discuss terror

 Source BBC  

Challenging extremist ideas and finding ways to pre-empt terror attacks will be discussed when six European interior ministers meet in the UK.

Terror suspects escape authorities  

terrorist escapeSource AOL News

In the latest incident, a man who escaped from a mental health unit has been on the run for two weeks.



He is believed to be a 25-year-old British man.


It was understood the man, who has not been named, escaped from a mental health unit and has been on the run for two weeks.

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