UAF Fascists Disrupt Caged EDL Anti-Islamisation Protest in Dudley, Nine Arrested

UPDATE: EDL Member stabbed, Another attacked by Muslim with Broken Bottle


Thousands of fascist agitators descended upon a city centre protest organized by the patriotic English Defense League (EDL). The UAF -- Unite Against Fascism -- members got violent, and two officers were injured following ugly clashes: one fractured a finger, the other was bitten by a police dog. A police helicopter was also dispatched to assist the officers on the ground. There was a total of 7 arrests.

EU to defend Christian minorities

New working group designed to combat persecution


Franco Frattini

The European Union has announced the creation of a working group to assist Christian minorities in countries where they are persecuted.

The initiative launched by Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini is to help EU member countries' embassy staffs know how to intervene on behalf of persecuted Christian minorities.

Austrian activist takes on radical Islam


Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff may not be a household name, but she is now a high-profile personality in the growing movement against radical Islam's steadying foothold in Europe.

A mother and an activist, Sabaditsch-Wolff was launched into the heart of the anti-Jihad movement, and she is currently on trial after a November 2009 article written by an undercover journalist at one of her seminars categorized her as a cold woman who spreads vitriolic rhetoric against Islam. However, Sabaditsch-Wolff insists that all she is doing is telling the truth, and she fully expects to stand trial on charges of hate speech.

Sydney Coptic martyrs Candlelight Memorial Vigil.  


Video-Double click to watch 

By-The Australian Coptic Movement

On Friday evening, the 19th March, 2010, hundreds of members of the Coptic Orthodox Church and several other non-coptic denominations including, Ethiopian Orthodox, Melkite, Catholic, Anglican, Evangelical and Assyrian Churches, gathered at Martin Place in Sydney for a Candlelight prayer vigil. The aim of the vigil was to honour and commemorate the Christian martyrs in Egypt and to pray for all those Christians who are suffering in Egypt and around the globe.

Assyrians in Australia Rally in Support of Egypt's Persecuted Copts


The Assyrian Universal Alliance, Australian Chapter, joined hundreds from the Australian Coptic community, Australian Christians from various backgrounds and political and religious leaders to support calls by the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia to condemn the Egyptian Government for the violation of basic human rights of the Christian Copts of Egypt.

Press conference on religious persecution of Christian minorities draws diverse panel

Voice of the Copts


Justina Uram Mubangu -DC Examiner

On Friday, March 12, representatives of human rights organizations and advocates for religious freedom came together for a press conference at The National Press Club in Washington, DC. Sponsored by Voice of the Copts,



Russian 'Bin Laden' killed by Moscow's special forces

Russia exulted in the death of a terrorist dubbed "the Russian Bin Laden," yesterday claiming it has proof he was behind a deadly train bombing last November that left 28 people dead.

The FSB intelligence service said a special forces operation had resulted in the death of Sheikh Said Buryatsky, an Islamist convert whose real name was Alexander Tikhomirov.

European Bid to Ban Burka

Voters in four EU countries reportedly favour by a wide margin banning burqas from being worn in public. The Financial Times reports as follows on Nicholas Sarkozy's proposed ban in France and the public reaction. logo

Five European states back burka ban

By James Blitz

More than half of voters in four other major European states back a push by France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to ban women from wearing the burka, according to an opinion poll for the Financial Times.


World Council of churches Message of Solidarity

to Christians in Egypt 

Message from WCC Executive Committee to Member Churches in Egypt


For Action
Doc. PI 1 Annex 2 

World Council of Churches
Bossey, Switzerland
23-26 February 2010

We, the executive committee of the World Council of Churches (meeting from 23 to 26 February 2010 in Bossey, Switzerland), send you greetings in the precious name of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Switzerland Unruffled by Qaddafi’s Call for ‘Jihad’ in Wake of Its Ban on New Minarets

PARIS — The Swiss government reacted blandly on Friday to the latest rhetorical sally from the eccentric Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, who called on Thursday for a “jihad” against Switzerland. The two countries have been sparring since the Swiss arrested one of Colonel Qaddafi’s sons and his wife in 2008 on suspicion of beating their servants.

 UK Statement to Universal Periodic Review UN


Thank you, Mr President,

The UK welcomes the Egyptian delegation to Geneva. We recognise Egypt’s commitment to improving human rights and welcome its willingness to discuss challenges.

We note Egypt’s positive steps towards safeguarding human rights in several areas. In particular, we welcome the National Council for Human Rights’ creation and the establishment of a minimum quota of seats for women in the People’s Assembly. However, challenges remain.


European Court Rules Against Turkey’s Religion ID

Designation on identification cards used to discriminate on basis of religion.

By Damaris Kremida and Will Morris

ISTANBUL, February 5 (Compass Direct News) – A European court on Tuesday (Feb. 2) ordered Turkey to remove the religious affiliation section from citizens’ identification cards, calling the practice a violation of human rights.

Religious minorities and in particular Christian converts in Turkey have faced discrimination because of the mandatory religion declaration on their identification cards, which was enforced until 2006. Since then, citizens are allowed to leave the “Religion” section of their IDs blank.

The Independent 

UK: Judge Cherie Blair gives man reduced sentence because he is devout Muslim

Secular society upset by Judge Cherie decision


By Jerome Taylor, Religious Affairs Correspondent

Mrs Blair is a devout Roman Catholic who sits as a part-time judge under the title Cherie Booth QC

A senior judge could be called on to investigate a complaint that Cherie Blair handed down a more lenient sentence to a man who had been convicted of fracturing a person’s jaw because he was religious.


Burqa and naqab have no place in Denmark, says PM

COPENHAGEN: The face-covering burqa and niqab veils worn by some Muslim women have no place in Denmark, Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen said onWednesday, adding his government was considering restricting them.

Catholic Online 

Dina and Maher El-Gohary, Persecuted Coptic Christians Ask Obama for Help

By Deacon Keith Fournier

'We are imprisoned in our own home because Muslim clerics called for the murder of my father.'

The majority of Christians in Egypt are Coptic Orthodox. The very word “Copt” comes from an early Greek name for Egypt. After all Christianity and Egypt have a long and holy history. Perhaps that is part of the reason why the persistent persecution of Christians in Egypt is so appalling.
The majority of Christians in Egypt are Coptic Orthodox. The very word “Copt” comes from an early Greek name for Egypt. After all Christianity and Egypt have a long and holy history. Perhaps that is part of the reason why the persistent persecution of Christians in Egypt is so appalling.
CAIRO, EGYPT (Catholic Online) – The history of Christianity in Egypt goes as far back as the visit of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (Matt. 2) To the Christians who live in this historic land the history of the Church is the history of Egypt. The Evangelist Mark brought the Gospel to Egypt in 61 A.D. and it has a proud and inspiring Christian heritage.

French report calls for burqa ban

French report calls for burqa ban  

AFP/File – A woman wearing a niqab -- the full Islamic veil -- walks through Lyon in eastern France. A French parliament …

PARIS (AFP) – A French parliament report called on Tuesday for a ban on the full Islamic veil in many public places, saying Muslim women who wear the burqa were mounting an "unacceptable" challenge to French values.

European Centre for Law and Justice, submitted Hegazi's case to the UNHCHR
Voice of the Copts Announces
On behalf of Voice of the Copts, President Dottore Architetto Ashraf Ramelah announces the following information regarding the Egyptian citizen, Mr. MOHAMMED BISHOY HEGAZY and FAMILY MEMBERS. 

Mohamed Hegazy


Egypt groups slam govt on Copt killings


Two leading Egyptian rights groups have criticised authorities for refusing to acknowledge the sectarian dimension in the recent killing of six Coptic Christians in southern Egypt.

"What happened in Nagaa Hammadi was a sectarian killing," Hafez Abou Seada, Secretary General of the Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights (EOHR) said in a statement on Wednesday.


Copts march through Sydney to protest at Egyptian deaths

Members of Australia's Coptic Christian community march through Sydney to protest at the deaths of six Copts in Egypt.

Members of Australia's Coptic Christian community march through Sydney to protest at the deaths of six Copts in Egypt. Photo: Ramon A Williams

Members of Australia's Coptic Christian community have marched through Sydney to protest at the deaths of six Copts in Egypt this month.

The marchers numbered more than 5000, Father Gabriel Yassa of the Coptic Orthodox Church said.


Egypt security court to try suspects in Copt killings

FP/File – Three Muslims accused of gunning down six Egyptian Christians on the Coptic Christmas Eve will stand …

CAIRO (AFP) – Three Muslims accused of gunning down six Egyptian Christians on the Coptic Christmas Eve will stand trial before an emergency security court, the state prosecutor said on Saturday.

Coptic leader: Int’l conference on violence against Copts in Egypt a must for rights groups

Bikya Masr 


CAIRO: Prominent Coptic Lawyer Mamdouh Ramzy, called on all media, journalists, Egyptian and international human rights activists, to attend the first International Conference to Stop the Violence Against Copts,” which will be held in Cairo, on December 5. His statement comes as Christians in Egypt continue to complain of widespread injustice and prejudice against the minority group.

Egypt security court to try suspects in Copt killings

Abdel Magid Mahmud said in a statement that the three men were charged with premeditated murder aimed at harming national interests.

Egypt mufti says Swiss minaret ban insults Muslims,
"while building churches is restricted or banned in Muslim countries including Egypt".
UCGP to Mr Gomaa, stop being double standard, the world now knows. 

CAIRO — Egypt's Mufti Ali Gomaa denounced a vote to ban new minarets in Switzerland on Sunday as an "insult" to Muslims across the world, while calling on Muslims not to be provoked by the move.

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 

Canada Condemns Attack on Coptic Christians

(No. 4 – January 7, 20106 p.m. EST) The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued the following statement condemning the attack earlier today on Coptic Christians leaving a midnight Mass celebrating Christmas in Nag Hammadi, Egypt:


Hidden threat from al-Qaeda sleeper cells

Jihadists entering U.K. "by posing as students or legitimate visitors" 

Al-Qaeda terrorists are exploiting loose visa and immigration rules to enter Britain, the security services fear.

Counter-terrorism police and Whitehall officials believe dozens of extremists could have arrived here by posing as students or legitimate visitors.

Detaining children in Britain: No place for the innocent


What kind of country drags vulnerable children from their beds at daybreak, puts them behind bars and fills them with terror? Paul Vallely meets a family who have endured this horror – in Britain. And they're not alone




Corridor of power: Europe's largest detention centre for immigrants, Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, where the Mansours were taken

Corridor of power: Europe's largest detention centre for immigrants, Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre, where the Mansours were taken.

The thundering knock came early in the morning. It was 6.30am. Without waiting for an answer the security chain across the door was smashed from its fittings. Feet thundered up the staircase. The five children, all under the age of 10, were alarmed to be woken from their sleep by the dozen burly strangers who burst into their bedrooms, switched on the lights and shouted at them to get up

ABC News 

Swiss vote to ban minarets

A cow stands next to a display

Controversial: A campaign poster showing the Swiss flag covered in missile-like minarets (Reuters : Dario Bianchi )

Seven Egyptian Christians Sentenced to Prison
Egypt (AINA)

Seven Coptic Christians, including two priests, were sentenced to prison for allegedly being involved in a brawl in connection with a dispute over the purchase of a property by the Coptic Orthodox Bishopric of Delga and Deir Mawas, 270 KM from Cairo. The Misdemeanor Court in Mallawi upheld a verdict passed by the First Instance Court in April, 2007.

Times Online 

UKIP to target Islamic fundamentalism with leadership election

The UK Independence Party is set to head in a fresh direction, fighting radical Islam, with the election today of a replacement for Nigel Farage as its national leader.

The two favourites to take over from Mr Farage are committed to adding the battle against Islamic fundamentalism to the party’s main goal of withdrawing Britain from the European Union.

Crew members stranded in Muslim holy city as non-Muslims not permitted in Medina. 

Return to home pageReturn to home pageReturn to home pageScotland Herald  

Thirty Flyglobespan crew members are stranded in the Muslim holy city airport of Medina in Saudi Arabia after the company declared bancrupt.

  • Medina
  • Medina

The airline had a contract to carry passengers between Delhi in India and Medina for the Hajj pilgrimage.

A Court Decision to Confiscate the First Egyptian Graphic Novel and Imposing a Fine on its Author and Publisher

Cairo, 21/11/09

Three Egyptian Human Rights Organizations stated that “the Court ruling of imposing a fine on Metro’s author and publisher and confiscating the novel is a step backwards to the freedom of expression, and this decision will be appealed to assert our rights.”

christian post 

U.S. Coptic Christians to Rally Against Persecution in Egypt

Coptic Christians are planning to hold rallies in at least four U.S. cities Monday to express their "resentment and rejection" of the persecution that fellow believers are facing in Egypt.

The rallies, organized by members of the The Free Copts, will be held in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington at a time when Christians in Egypt are reportedly facing killings, destruction and looting of their property, deportation from their homes and the forced Islamization of their minor daughters.

Common American Journal

Sen. John Cornyn calls Ft. Hood shootings Islamic terrorism in letter to President Obama

John Cornyn, Texas

Dear President Obama,

I sincerely appreciate you joining us at Fort Hood, Texas, last week for the memorial ceremony honoring the victims of the horrific November 5, attack. Thank you for your participation and your moving, heartfelt words. In the wake of this massacre, my prayers remain with the fallen, the injured, and their families, as I know yours do.

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood split

By Roula Khalaf and Heba Saleh in Cairo

A senior leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has acknowledged that government repression has widened the rifts within the organisation as conservative voices fearful for its survival battle with reformists over the merits of political participation.


More than 100 groups sound alarm over UN’s proposals on ‘defamation of religion’

More than 100 religious and non-religious organisations, including several Muslim, have signed a petition against the proposed United Nations resolutions on the ‘defamation of religions,’ which they state will do more harm than good for religious freedom.



could be next country to ban building of minarets

The minaret of the Mahmud Mosque in Zurich

Ban: The minaret of the Mahmud Mosque in Zurich, Switzerland

could become the next European country to hold a referendum on the building of Islamic minarets.


Egypt: Death sentences for Egypt killing 

Map of Egypt

Two Christians have been sentenced to death in Egypt for killing a Muslim man who married one of their relatives.

Rami and Raafat Khella, the brother and uncle of Mariam Atef Khella, broke into her home in Cairo in 2008 and opened fire on her husband, Ahmed Sallah.

As Muslims bash Swiss minaret ban, Egypt’s Christians cry foul

Bikya Masr

Joseph Mayton


CAIRO: As Egypt’s Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa lashed out at Switzerland voters’ decision to ban minaret construction in the European country on Monday, Christians in the Arab country have voiced their concern of what they are calling the “hypocrisy” of Egyptian society. They question whether Egypt, which has been forceful in its refusal to allow the construction of churches in recent years, is in a position to criticize the Swiss move.


Coptic Blogger in Egypt Threatens Hunger Strike

Authorities deny Christian’s application for release.

By Will Morris



ISTANBUL, November 9 (Compass Direct News) – A Coptic Christian blogger in Egypt held in prison for more than a year without charge said today he will go on a hunger strike unless authorities grant his next application for release.

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