Cairo native speaks out against radical Muslims

Central Florida Future. By Monique Valdes


Nonie Darwish, a former member of jihad who has witnessed firsthand the power of radical Islam, came to UCF to ask students and guests one question: Why?

The New York Observer

Spotted Piglet Hiccups: Boozy Breslin Clashes With Mosque

By Meredith Bryan

The much-hyped, soon-to-open Breslin restaurant, situated in the 12-story Ace Hotel on Broadway and 29th, is giving members of the Masjid Ar-Rahman mosque across the street some agita. “Five times a day, there’s a hundred cabs on the street—the good news is you can always get a cab,” co-owner Ken Friedman told the Transom the other evening. He said some mosque visitors “object to seeing people drink alcohol.”

Italy: 'No to teaching of Islam in schools', says minister







Italy's interior minister Roberto Maroni from the anti-immigrant Northern League party said he would not back a proposal to teach Islam in Italian schools to improve integration.

Dutch MP overturns UK entry ban

Far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders has won an appeal against a Home Office decision barring his entry to the UK.

The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal ruling overturns a government decision that led to Mr Wilders being turned back at Heathrow in February.

Dashti seeks to scrap sharia controls in election law

Kuwait Times 

Published Date: October 12, 2009
By B Izzak, Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Liberal female MP Rula Dashti yesterday submitted an amendment to the first article of the election law to scrap a requirement that women must comply to sharia controls. The amendment simply calls for having the same article one of the election law without a reference to sharia guidelines for women that was added in May 2005 when women were granted rights in a historic vote in the Assembly.

Kuwaiti MP seeks to scrap Sharia controls in election law

Rula Dashti

KUWAIT CITY — Kuwaiti female lawmaker Rula Dashti on Sunday submitted an amendment to the Gulf state electoral law that aims to scrap a requirement that women must comply with Islamic Sharia law guidelines.

Police in warning ahead of protest against radical Islam in Manchester

Police are warning troublemakers to steer clear of a planned demonstration against "radical Islam".

The English Defence League (EDL), an organisation which opposes "radical Muslims" and Sharia law, is staging a protest in Manchester city centre.


Church may be Forced to Close over Muslim Neighbour Singing Complaint

A LONDON Church was effectively ‘silenced’ by a Court after a decision by Magistrates to uphold a noise abatement notice, not to play excessive sound, after just one Muslim neighbour complained about noise levels of worship in a church which was next door to the house he purchased.

Egypt Police Detain Muslim In Murder Of Christian

By Worthy News Staff

Worthy News)-- Egyptian police have detained a Muslim man who allegedly killed a Coptic Christian and seriously injured two other Copts in two different villages, north of the capital Cairo, Christians said Wednesday September 23.


Christians face trial for criticising Islam 

Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang 





The Christian Institute is backing a new and significant religious liberty case.

A Christian couple from Liverpool are being prosecuted for a criminal offence because they defended their faith and criticised Islam.

Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out Pigs

New York Times

 Shawn Baldwin for The New York Times
Pigs were the champion garbage consumers in Cairo. Goats just don't seem up to the task.


CAIRO — It is unlikely anyone has ever come to this city and commented on how clean the streets are. But this litter-strewn metropolis is now wrestling with a garbage problem so severe it has managed to incite its weary residents and command the attention of the president

Times Online Logo 222 x 25

Bishop of Rochester to aid persecuted Christians in Islamic world


Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, who is about to retire as the Bishop of Rochester, is to set up a charity to work with persecuted Christians in the Islamic world.

Dr Nazir-Ali, who will leave next week a few days after his 60th birthday, says that he has paid a heavy price for standing up for Christian values and has been stung by criticism of some of his controversial statements — but that he has no regrets.

Indonesian Smugglers 'Hid Heroin In Koran'

Sky News Logo 

A man and his mother-in-law have been arrested for attempting to smuggle thousands of pounds worth of heroin concealed within a copy of the Koran.


The Koran

Heroin bags were found hidden in the pages of the Koran

Egyptian Coptic Christians Protest for Human Rights, Equality, as President Obama Meets Mubarak


Washington DC: August 19, 2009. (Jeffery Imm, REAL report) Egyptian Coptic leaders included Voice of the Copts' president Dr. Ashraf Ramelah and National American Coptic Assembly's Morris Sadek, representatives of the American Coptic Union, and other Egyptian Coptic leaders representing the Coptic American organizations around the country. Responsible for Equality And Liberty's Jeffrey Imm and other human rights supporters also joined this protest. The August 18 protest near the White House followed an August 17, 2009 press conference by Coptic leaders at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Rotterdam fires Tariq Ramadan over Iranian TV show


By Mark Hoogstad













The Rotterdam city government wants to break ties with the Muslim philosopher Tariq Ramadan, sources at city hall say.

Ramadan (46) has been an adviser on integration for the city of Rotterdam for two years. Recently, he has come under criticism because he hosts a weekly talk show on the Iranian TV station PressTV, which is financed by the Tehran regime.

French minister calls for full ban on burka: report

French minister Fadela Amara, speaks to journalists

LONDON — A ban on wearing the all covering burka in France would stem the spread of what French minister Fadela Amara called the "cancer" of radical Islam, a report quoted her as saying Saturday.


Tears of joy

The Fawzy brothers, after 14 months of unjustified detention, are finally back home  

By-Tereza Kamal

“Let us give thanks to the Maker of all good things…”

Letter to President Obama on Religious Liberty in Egypt Prior to Meeting with President Mubarak



The Honorable Barack H. Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama,

Coptics prepare for Washington demonstration

Coptics prepare for Washington demonstration

By: A staff reporter.

Coptic Christians are preparing for peaceful mass demonstration in Washington as the Egyptian President makes a state visit to the USA.  

Egyptian MP, Mostafa El Fiky, Threatens Coptic journalist with Lawsuit and Calls her a Traitor

Dear friends and colleagues: below is my blog on an interesting encounter with Dr. Mostafa El Fiky, head of the foreign affairs committee of the Egyptian parliament, who is currently visiting Washington DC.  I welcome your feedback. 

Feel free to circulate.

Mostafa El Fiky—Fraudulently Elected MP Tells Coptic Community in Washington He Wouldn’t “Mind” a Coptic Prime Minister (no such luck for a Coptic president) & Accuses me of Being a Traitor (apparently still sore over his dishonorable mention in the WP)

Princess facing Saudi death penalty given secret UK asylum

Woman feared she would be stoned after giving birth to an illegitimate child in Britain

The Independent

Saudi Arabia, ruled by King Abdullah, is home to about 30,000 Britons   
Saudi Arabia, ruled by King Abdullah, is home to about 30,000 Britons


A Saudi Arabian princess who had an illegitimate child with a British man has secretly been granted asylum in this country after she claimed she would face the death penalty if she were forced to return home. The young woman, who has been granted anonymity by the courts, won her claim for refugee status after telling a judge that her adulterous affair made her liable to death by stoning.

Justice Egyptian style; Police officers get 5 years for murdering Christians.

From M. Abdelmassih 

Giza Criminal Court has handed down 25th May 2009 a five-year prison sentence to the two Police constables who killed the Copt Nasser Gadallah, by throwing him out of a window.

The Gadallah family's legal team objected to this lenient sentence, and asked the Court to reclassify the charge as 'wilful, premeditated, and deliberate killing.'


Egyptian jailed for insult poem

British Broadcasting Corporation 

President Hosni Mubarak at a news conference on 7 July 2009 

There will be an appeal against the verdict of insulting the president

A civil servant in Egypt has been jailed for three years for insulting President Hosni Mubarak in a poem, according to newspaper reports.

Moneer Said Hanna's family said he wrote satirical poetry for fun, to entertain his work colleagues, and never meant to hurt anyone.


Father Mattaos WahbaEgyptian Convert Airs Declaration of Priest’s Innocence

Christian woman tells TV audience imprisoned clergyman did not know of false ID.

By Roger Elliott

ISTANBUL, May 22 (Compass Direct News) – An Egyptian convert from Islam  who forged Christian identification papers and later used them to marry a Coptic man has appeared on a television show declaring the innocence of a priest serving a five-year sentence for marrying the couple.

Persecuted Church Weblog

Iran holding two young women in prison because they're Christians


The two Iranian Christian women, Maryam Rustampoor (27) and Marzieh Amirizadeh (30) continue to be held in Evin prison in Iran because of their Christian faith, unfairly labeled as ‘anti-government activists’, because of the hostility of the government towards practising Christians.

Mosque registrations up but female Commission staff face barriers

 Mosque in London






At least 124 more mosques have registered as charities since the Charity Commission’s Faith and Social Cohesion Unit began to focus on Muslim groups, despite its female outreach officers encountering hostility in some quarters.


But twins will keep father’s Muslim identity in their records, creating future problems.

A Christian mother in Egypt has won custody of her twin sons from her estranged husband, who had converted to Islam and claimed them according to Islamic legal precepts.

Two Christian Copts detained for a third time under Emergency Law.


Two Christian Copts, brothers Refaat and Ibrahim Fawzy Abdo, who were falsely accused last May of killing one of the militant Muslim raiders on the Abu Fana, Monastery, have been detained for a third time.

In spite of having been released again by a court ruling this month and the Ministry of Interior losing its appeal against this ruling, Minya State Security Services issued a new detention order, and the brothers were transferred back yesterday for the third consecutive time, to the New Valley detention camp. They were awaiting the implementation of the Court verdict to release them at the Minya prison.

 Sarkozy speaks out against burka

British Broadcasting Corporation

French President Nicolas Sarkozy
Mr Sarkozy was speaking at a special session of parliament in Versailles

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has spoken out strongly against the wearing of the burka by Muslim women in France.

In a major policy speech, he said the burka - a garment covering women from head to toe - reduced them to servitude and undermined their dignity.

Baroness Cox asks a question at the House of Lords

about the demolision of the Service Building

in Marsa Matrouh



Question Link

Asked by Baroness Cox

To ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will make representations to the Government of Egypt about reports that their state security forces demolished the services building belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Masrah Matrouh, assaulting the Coptic priests and Coptic women and men, on 26 April at 7.30 am. [HL3479]

Egypt passes quota law for women MPs


Egypt's parliament has passed a law allocating a quota of 64 seats in the lower house to women, in what a minister said on Monday was aimed at promoting their role in society.

The new law adopted on Sunday will give women more than 12 percent of the seats in an expanded parliament after the next election due in 2010, Minister of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Mufid Shehab said.

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama Removes his Shoes While Visiting the Sultan Ahmed Mosque

CFI Urges President Obama to Remember Persecuted Christians in Egypt

Christian Freedom International

 SAULT STE. MARIE, MI -- President Obama has chosen Egypt to deliver a major address to the Muslim world. Obama said after his election in November that he planned to make such a speech to show Muslims that the United States was extending its hand in friendship after years of tension.

Pakistan: Christian Murdered for Drinking Tea From a Muslim Cup

International Christian Concern

WASHINGTON -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that radical Muslims running a tea stall beat a Christian man to death for using a cup designated for Muslims on May 9. The young man, Ishtiaq Masih, had ordered tea at a roadside stall in Machharkay village, Punjab, Pakistan, after his bus stopped to allow passengers to relieve themselves.

Britons Held At Gunpoint In Egypt Over Flu

A British family have told of their holiday hell after being held in quarantine by armed guards amid swine flu panic in Egypt.   

Stewart Harbut, his pregnant wife Sasha and their four young children claim they were "pinned down" at Sharm el Sheikh International Hospital while doctors forced them to give swabs.

Breaking News 

Maher Al-Gohari was refused his request to convert to Christianity on his ID card 

United Copts GB

maher ahmed 

The disappointing verdict by the High Administrative Court in Cairo today has dealt a severe blow to Freedom of Religion to Muslims who would like to come out of Islam and convert to Christianity in a country who persistently and relentlessly claims to be secular and apply “civil Laws”. 

The judge Hamdi Yaseen rejected Maher Ahmed Al-Mo’tasem Bellah Al-Gohari application to change his religious affiliation from Muslim to Christian on his ID card; the verdict was based on the Islamic Sharia which prohibits conversion of Muslims to any other religion and “disruption to Public order”.

A bomb explodes near Cairo church

A small bomb exploded near a revered church in the Egyptian capital but caused no casualties or damage, police officials said Monday.

The officials said late Sunday night's explosion was caused by primitive bomb planted under a parked car near Saint Mary Church in Cairo's Zeitoun district. The church is one of the holiest sites for Egypt's Coptic Christian minority because an apparition of the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared there in 1968.

Saudi woman minister needs permission to be on TV Laughing 

RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's first woman cabinet minister cannot appear on television without permission, a newspaper quoted her as saying on Monday.

Noura al-Faiz's appointment in February as deputy minister for women's education was hailed as a big step for the integration of women in conservative Saudi Arabia where a puritanical form of Islam bans women from driving, voting and mixing with unrelated men.

BBC appoints Muslim to top religious post in controversial first

Aaqil Ahmed has been appointed the Head of Religion and Ethics


The BBC yesterday appointed a Muslim as its head of religious programming in a radical departure from broadcasting tradition. Aaqil Ahmed has been appointed the Head of Religion and Ethics

The post - considered one of the most influential religious roles in the country - has gone to Aaqil Ahmed, who has been working as an executive at Channel 4.

Egyptian Copts to Obama: Reconciliation is a Two-Way Street

by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

( Members of the Egyptian Coptic diaspora urged American President Barack Obama to remember the Middle East's oppressed non-Muslim minorities during his upcoming trip to Cairo. Several members of the U.S. Congress echoed the Copts' concerns.

Bomb explodes in Cairo


A small homemade bomb exploded near a church in the Egyptian capital on Monday but no one was hurt, security sources said.

The device damaged a car and a second one was found and detonated by police in the same area near a Coptic church in the northeast of Cairo, the sources added.

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