Queen's Trinity Cross medal scrapped... because it's 'too Christian'

medal personally established by the Queen is being withdrawn after it was deemed offensive to Muslims and Hindus.

The honour - known as The Trinity Cross of the Order of Trinity - has been ruled unlawful and too Christian.

It has been awarded to 62 distinguished residents of the former colony of Trinidad and Tobago over more than 40 years, including cricketers Brian Lara and Garfield Sobers, novelist V.S. Naipaul and many diplomats and politicians.

 Trinity CrossNew Trinity Medal

Caribbean storm: The old Trinity Cross (left) is replaced with the Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, which has removed any Christian symbols


Egypt’s Swine Destruction Threatens Coptic-Run Industry

Government vows to continue slaughter in spite of international criticism.

By Roger Elliott

CAIRO, Egypt, May 5 (Compass Direct News) – Authorities yesterday pressed ahead with the slaughter of Egypt’s pigs – crippling the livelihood of thousands of swine breeders, nearly all Coptic Christians – in spite of World Health Organization (WHO) criticism that the measure was unnecessary for fighting the A(H1-N1) flu strain.

Right to Convert Spotlighted Again in Egypt

The Media Line

Written by Joseph Mayton

Cairo, Egypt] Conversion is always a contentious issue in Egypt. Twenty-one-year-old Samar Mohamed’s conversion to Coptic Christianity in order to marry Tharwat Riad has left her on the run from police and her family.

The case has once again sparked tensions between the minority Coptic population and Muslims across the country.

The case has once again sparked tensions between the minority Coptic population and Muslims across the country.

Egypt pig farmers clash with police over cull


Egyptian riot police clashed on Sunday with stone-throwing pig farmers trying to prevent their animals from being taken away for slaughter as part of a nationwide cull.

Between 300 and 400 residents of the hilly Moqattam slum district of Cairo, where mostly Coptic Christian scrap merchants raise pigs, hurled stones and bottles at police.

Malaysia: Islamic groups none too pleased about ban on "automatic" conversions of children when one parent converts to Islam

Conversion ban slammed

By Elizabeth Looi, Malaysia Correspondent

The Muslim groups say the decision betrayed the religion and infringed on the powers of the Islamic court and the Malay sultans, who have final say on issues involving Islam

Is it Cull or targeting Christians for poverty? 

Egypt presses ahead with pig cull

BBC News        Video Link         

Also reported by BBC "Please press on icon to listen"

Deputy director for veterinary affairs for Cairo, Dr Souad Al-Khouli: 'We haven't had any positive samples'

Deputy director for veterinary affairs for Cairo, Dr Souad Al-Khouli: 'We haven't had any positive samples'

Egyptian authorities have begun in earnest the slaughter of 300,000 pigs, in what was originally described as a precaution against swine flu.

Islamic Scholars Wrestle With Death-For-Apostasy Issue

By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor

(CNSNews.com) – An international Islamic body has appointed a committee of six religious scholars to study one of the most contentious issues in Islam today – whether “apostates” should face the death penalty.

Egyptian Christians riot after swine flu cull

Times Online

Egyptian farmers block the street to prevent vehicles of the Egyptian Health Ministry workers who came to slaughter the Swine

(Nasser Nouri/AP)

Egyptian farmers block the streets to prevent health ministry vehicles getting past to carry out the mass-slaughter of swine

UN agency slams Egypt order to cull all pigs


By Phil Stewart

ROME, April 29 (Reuters) - Egypt's order on Wednesday to cull all the country's pigs is "a real mistake" and another reason why the world needs to rethink using "swine flu" to describe a virus affecting humans, a U.N. agency official said.

Coptic Christian Priest Unjustly Tried And Imprisoned In Egypt

Father Mattaos Wahba 
Father Mattaos Wahba
(RSD) -- Not all the facts were taken into account in a case last year where a Coptic priest was tried and sentenced to an Egyptian prison for his involvement in the falsification of an ID card indicating a young woman was Christian, rather than Muslim.

Egypt Ex-Muslim And Husband In Hiding; Violence Kills Two

By Worthy News Middle East Service

Worthy News) -- An ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity and her Christian husband were in hiding Tuesday, April 28, amid threats from family members and police, the latest in a series of attacks against Coptic Christians this month, in which at least two people were killed, several sources said.

Christian Teacher Suspended after Complaining that a Staff Training Day was used to ‘Promote’ Homosexual Rights


A CHRISTIAN teacher has been suspended from a senior post for complaining that a staff training day was used to promote homosexual rights.


Convert in Egypt Arrested for Marrying Christian

Couple goes into hiding as police place Islamic law over Egyptian penal code.

By Michael Larson

ISTANBUL, April 23 (Compass Direct News) – Christian convert Raheal Henen Mussa and her Coptic husband are hiding from police and her Muslim family for violating an article of Islamic law (sharia) that doesn’t exist in the Egyptian penal code. 

Netherlands: US Islam-critic cancel trip due to death threats

Islam in Europe



Netherlands: US Islam-critic cancel trip due to death threats

Mark A. Gabriel, ex-Muslim and Islam-critic has gotten death threats and must cancel speaking appointments in the Netherlands.

Two Copts Gunned Down in Egypt after Easter Vigil

QENA, Egypt (AFP) – Muslim gunmen shot dead two Coptic Christians as they left church after an Easter vigil in southern Egypt, in an apparent five-year-old vendetta, a security official said on Sunday.


Egypt’s Coptic Church Issues First Conversion Certificate

Key move in former Muslim’s bid to legally convert comes as Islamist outcry peaks.

By Roger Elliot

ISTANBUL, April 14 (Compass Direct News) – In a bold move, Egypt’s Coptic Church has issued its first-ever certificate of conversion to a former Muslim, supporting his petition to have his national identification card denote his Christian faith

Egypt church issues first conversion certificate
Fr. Matthias Nasr Manqarious and Maher Al-Gawhari
CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church has for the first time issued a certificate of conversion to a Muslim-born Christian, his lawyer said, in a country where religious conversion is highly sensitive.

Maher al-Gohari, who is seeking to change his religion on his official documents from Muslim to Christian was asked by a court to provide a conversion certificate from the Egyptian church.

Fire damages Coptic church in Ramallah
Ma'an News Agency






Ramallah – Ma’an – A newly-built Coptic Christian church was severely damaged by fire in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Tuesday.

Firefighters and police rushed to put out the blaze but were unable to prevent damage to the interior of the building. A depiction of Jesus was one of the only items to survive the fire.

Armenians Blast Obama for Failure to State Genocide


An Armenian-American group that backed Barack Obama in the election is now urging its members to call the White House to protest the president’s failure to recognize the “Armenian genocide.”

As many as 1.5 million Armenians living within the Ottoman Empire perished beginning in 1915 as the Turks fought World War 1. Armenians and most historians regard the deaths as state-sponsored mass killings, or genocide, while Turkey insists the death were the result of a civil war coupled with disease and famine.

Asian men in burkhas rob jewellers


Two Asian men wearing traditional female Muslim dress and carrying handbags have robbed a jewellery shop in a possible copycat of an international spate of thefts. The pair wore black Muslim dress, including headwear which completely covered their faces, as well as sunglasses, when they carried out the attack.

Gowhari Court Hearing today adjourned to 2nd May 2009

United Copts GB

maher ahmed

In a phone call to Nabil Gobrial, Gowhari lawyer today, United Copts GB learned that today’s Administrative court hearing in Cairo, was adjourned to 2nd May 2009.

Catholic Church slams new code of conduct forcing teachers to promote Islam and gay rights

Daily Mail

Oona Stannard 

It would not be possible for a person of faith to promote another faith: OonaghStannard with Education Secretary Ed Balls

The Roman Catholic Church has severely criticised a proposed new code of conduct for teachers which it says will force Christian schools to actively promote Islam and gay rights.

The Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has warned the General Teaching Council, by the professional regulatory body, that many teachers will quit the profession because they will not be able to accept the revised code of conduct in good conscience.

Now fire service introduces hijab headscarves for Muslim workers

Dialy Mail


fire service

Covered: The fire service's new uniform for Muslim women

Pop into the firestation and the chances are there'd be a group of reassuringly burly men in there waiting for the call out, with uniforms and firefighting suits tailored for their use alone.


Islamic Lawyers Urge Death Sentence for Egyptian Convert

In case on whether he can legally change religion, Christian is accused of ‘apostasy.’

By Roger Elliott

Maher El Gohary and his daughter 

ISTANBUL, February 26 (Compass Direct News) – In the latest hearing of a Muslim-born Egyptian’s effort to officially convert to Christianity, opposing lawyers advocated he be convicted of “apostasy,” or leaving Islam, and sentenced to death.

UN body OKs call to curb religious criticism


GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.'s top human-rights body approved a proposal backed by Muslims nations Thursday urging the passage of laws around the world protecting religion from criticism.

The proposal by Pakistan had drawn strong criticism from free-speech campaigners and liberal democracies.


Egyptian Law Granting Twins to Muslim to be Reviewed

Christian mother wins right to high court appeal regarding ruling that favored Muslim father.

By Roger Elliott 

ISTANBUL, February 20 (Compass Direct News) – Prosecutor General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud last week granted the mother of 14-year-old twins Andrew and Mario Medhat Ramses the right to appeal a custody decision awarding her sons to their Muslim father. 

Yahoo! News

 Suicide attack kills 48 at Pakistani mosque

 PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber demolished a mosque packed with hundreds of worshippers attending Friday prayers near the Afghan border, killing at least 48 people and injuring scores more, in the bloodiest attack in Pakistan this year. The bomber struck at the climax of the service, as the mosque leader was starting the communal prayer, witnesses said.

Anti-terror code 'would alienate most Muslims'

UK: Any Muslim advocating for the caliphate, sharia, jihad, and the slaying of homosexuals to be branded "extremist" -- new anti-terror code


• Draft strategy brands thousands as extremists
• Ministers ponder plan to be unveiled next month

The government is considering plans that would lead to thousands more British Muslims being branded as extremists, the Guardian has learned. The proposals are in a counterterrorism strategy which ministers and security officials are drawing up that is due to be unveiled next month.



Terror Suspect Faked Mental Illness, Prosecutors Say

By Benjamin Weiser

Aafia Siddiqui

Mark Lenihan/Associated Press Aafia Siddiqui,a neuroscientist, is accused of trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan.

A federal prosecutor in Manhattan said Thursday that two government psychiatrists had concluded that a Pakistani neuroscientist charged with trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan had been faking her symptoms of mental illness.

Egypt unexpectedly frees political prisoner

Los Angeles Times

Ayman Nour

Ayman Nour's release may be a gesture of goodwill to the Obama administration. His imprisonment had strained relations between Cairo and Washington.

Reporting from Cairo -- An Egyptian political dissident whose imprisonment had strained relations between Cairo and Washington for more than three years was unexpectedly freed today in an apparent goodwill gesture toward the new Obama administration.

Wilhelm H. Ludwig letter to president Mubarak 

Muhammad Hosni Mubarak

President of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Abedine Palace

Kairo, Ägypten

c/o S.E. Herr Ramzy Ezz Eldin Ramzy

Kanzlei der Botschaft der Arabischen Republik Ägypten

Stauffenbergstraße 6 - 7, 10785 Berlin

Fax: 030 477 1049

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

URGENT - Fairness before the law for Metaos Wahba - URGENT

Your Excellency,

I am writing to you on behalf of Metaos Wahba, who is a Christian priest in Cairo, who is presently still imprisoned in Tora prison near Cairo.

Metaos Wahba is from the Santa-Maria church at Gizeh.  He was accused of forgery of documents.  He married a Christian man with a female Christian convert from Islam.

A child of Cairo's streets, with a child of her own
Los Angeles Times


Amira Osman Dakhly, 13, who is carrying her daugher Randa, is one of thousands of street children in Cairo, Egypt.

Amira has a baby girl and is expecting. She is 13, with no permanent place to stay, one of thousands of street children in Egypt, whose laws make a hard life harder for a single mother like her.

By Jeffrey Fleishman

Judge says 'honour' crimes have no place in English law

A senior judge has condemned so-called "honour" crimes within a Muslim family as sordid acts with no place in English law.


Lord Justice Wall made his comments in the first care case to reach the Court of Appeal involving conduct within an ethnic minority community.

The 41 year old father of three Muslim children placed with white foster parents was challenging being refused contact with them.

UK to shift anti-terror strategy

"Muslims who teach that Islam is incompatible with Western democracy will be challenged"

British Broadcasting Corporation

Omar Bakri Mohammed 

Until now efforts have been focused on those who advocate violence

The UK government is preparing a major shift in its counter-terrorism strategy to combat radicalisation, the BBC's Panorama programme has learned.

Conservative Muslims who teach that Islam is incompatible with Western democracy will be challenged as part of a new approach, Panorama has been told.

Netherlands Supreme Court: Insulting Islam is not insulting Muslims 

NIS News Bulletin 


The Supreme Court yesterday produced an important ruling in principle in favour of freedom of speech. The highest court of the Netherlands acquitted a man of insulting Muslims although he dubbed Islam a tumour.

The Supreme Court quashed a ruling by an appeal court in Den Bosch. As had a district court earlier, the appeal court did find the man guilty. Yesterday's acquittal can have consequences for all future court cases on insulting followers of a faith or ideology, including the notorious case against MP Geert Wilders.

Calif. polygamist gets life term for family abuses

AP Associated Press


MURRIETA, Calif. – A self-proclaimed polygamist was sentenced Friday to seven consecutive life prison terms for torturing seven of his 19 children, abusing four others and imprisoning two of his three wives.

Demonstration in London Against Islamic Law
London -- Nearly 600 people joined the One Law for All anti-racist rally against Sharia and religious-based laws in Britain and elsewhere and in defence of citizenship and universal rights in Trafalgar Square and marched towards Red Lion Square in London.

Egyptian Christian's recognition struggle


Maher El Gohary and his daughter 

Mr El Gohary and his daughter fear

 for their lives' after converting

By Christopher Landau
BBC Religious Affairs correspondent, Cairo  

Maher al-Gohary has converted from Islam to Christianity. In spite of facing death threats, he's engaged in a legal battle to have his changed religion recognised on his official Egyptian documents.

Gamal Mubarak Meets With Coptic Leaders In U.S. In Advance Of Father's Visit

Memri Blog

The Egyptian daily Al-Masryoon reported that during his recent visit to the U.S., Gamal Mubarak, the son of Egyptian Prime Minister Hosni Mubarak, met with Copt leaders in the U.S., in an attempt to deal with problems connected to the Copts in Egypt, and thus to prevent protests by Copts during his father's visit to the White House next month.

Egyptian cleric: Valentine's Day more dangerous than AIDS, Ebola, cholera

There Is No Fun In Islam* Alert: "Egyptian Cleric Hazem Shuman Warns Muslim Youth Against Valentine's Day – More Dangerous than AIDS, Ebola, and Cholera," from MEMRI, February 6 (thanks to all who sent this in):

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