An appeal to the President

Lydia Farid

The twins Andrew and Mario Medhat Ramsis and their mother Kamilia Lutfi were expected to meet reporters at a press conference held by the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organisation (EUHRO) in Cairo last Sunday, but declined to attend at the last minute.

Islamist group claims responsibility of US financial meltdown

Fact International  

Mustafa Amarah 

CAIRO- Members of the Egyptian Jihad group have declared that Islamic Jihad groups are responsible for the financial meltdown in the US as they distributed hundred of millions of US dollars in the world stock markets.   


 Protest over Muslim 'harassment'

BBC News

Immigration officer checking passport 

Protesters accuse the authorities of "psychological torture".

A protest has been staged outside Strathclyde Police headquarters over alleged "harassment" of Muslim travellers at Glasgow Airport.

About 60 demonstrators claimed that Pakistani and Afghan passengers had been "interrogated" for up to three hours by officers from Special Branch.

Egyptian deligation gaging the Freedom of speech in UN Human Rights Council

Egypt accuses IHEU of inciting hatred


An Egyptian delegate to the Human Rights Council has accused IHEU of inciting and promoting hatred. “Every statement [by this organization] is incitement to hatred. Every statement is promoting hatred” he said. The accusation was made during a point of order by Egypt’s Amr Roshdy Hassan, who objected to the statement being made by IHEU representative Roy Brown on the subject of Islamophobia. We have a transcript of the Egyptian intervention in full (below). Readers can decide for themselves whether the accusation was justified. We now have video of this intervention.



Muslims rebuffed over sharia courts


Gordon Brown's new minister for race relations has attacked sharia courts, insisting that the Muslim community in Britain is not “advanced” enough to have its own legal system.

Sadiq Khan, whose comments will have added impact because he is a Muslim himself, has also warned that the growing number of tribunals based on Islamic codes could entrench discrimination against women.

A Coptic Man shoots at Muslim convert sister in Cairo

Australia News 

AN Egyptian Coptic Christian shot at his sister and her family, killing her husband, after she converted to Islam and married a Muslim, a security official said today.

Rami Atef Khella, 28, broke into the Cairo apartment of his sister, Miriam Atef Khella, and sprayed her family of three with gunfire, killing Ahmed Saleh and injuring Miriam and her daughter, the official said.

Muslim youths to advise ministers 

BBC News

Muslims praying  Young British Muslims will be advising government ministers

A group of young British Muslims are being named as advisers to ministers as part of a drive against extremism.

The move comes as part of fresh plans to prevent radicalisation and address community concerns.

Revealed: Radical cleric Bakri's pole-dancer daughter

Yasmin Fostok 

Raunchy: Radical Muslim

cleric Omar Bakri's

daughter Yasmin Fostok

is a topless, tattooed

Daily Mail 

As the daughter of firebrand cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, Yasmin Fostok might be expected to share his fanatical beliefs.

But the radical Muslim's daughter has ditched his extreme interpretation of Islam  -  as well as most of her clothing.

The busty blonde has been revealed as a topless, tattooed pole dancer.

Libyan asylum seeker detainee assaulted at detention centre by Muslims for conversion to Christianity


Recorded Telephone conversationspeaker

Moftah Abdulghani, 28y a Libyan Christian convert who fled Libya fearing persecution which could mean death penalty for apostasy according to Islamic Sharia , was severely assaulted by Muslim detainees at Harmondsworth, West Drayton Removal Centre, an assault which could have cost him his Life.

 Brussels: Muslim Radical beat homeless man for eating during Ramadan

Snapped Shot 

Celebrate Diversity: Proper Behavior on Ramadan

A homeless man in Brussels was beaten to a pulp this past Friday. His assailants were arrested and will presumably be charged with assault and battery soon, but what's genuinely shocking is the reasoning behind the attack.

Mickey Mouse can dismiss his bodyguards, Egypt cleric says Mickey Mouse is not agent of Satan


An Egyptian Muslim scholar has called for an end to risible religious edicts after a Saudi cleric said Mickey Mouse was an agent of Satan who should die, local media reported on Wednesday.

Sheikh Mohamed al-Munajid, a cleric who often appears on Saudi television and who is also a former Saudi diplomat in the United States, said last week that mice were "agents of Satan" and should be killed.

British networks reject jihad comedy


LONDON, Sept. 22 (UPI) -- A British TV creator said networks have refused his idea for a comedy about would-be suicide bombers, but the project may find legs as a film.

Chris Morris, who rose to fame as the creator and star of controversial Channel 4 comedy "Brass Eye," said BBC and Channel 4 have rejected his proposal for a comedy about jihadists in the North of London on the grounds that it was deemed unsuitable for prime time audiences.

Destruction of an Historical Church in Rasheed, Egypt  

An attorney of law and his two sons who are public prosecutors, accompanied by a mob of about 50 thugs attacked an historical Roman Orthodox church in Rasheed, Egypt..  The attack took place on the 19th September 2008 directly after the early morning Muslim prayers.

Violence Spreads to Five More States in IndiaAnother man killed, more houses and churches attacked in Orissa’s Kandhamal district.

Compass Direct 

By Vishal Arora and Shireen Bhatia

NEW DELHI, September 16 (Compass Direct News) – A policeman was killed today, the body of another victim of Hindu extremist violence was discovered and more houses and churches burned in Orissa state’s Kandhamal district even as anti-Christian violence spread to at least five more states across India over the weekend.


Snares abound as Christian seeks to protect wife, baby and future faithful.



 Compass Direct

ISTANBUL, September 12 (Compass Direct News) – Egypt’s most famous convert to Christianity is a prisoner of his own home, hiding for his life.

Pakistani army fires shots as U.S. soldiers  

Pakistani troops have fired shots into the air to stop US troops crossing into the South Waziristan region of Pakistan, local officials say.


Reports say nine US helicopters landed on the Afghan side of the border and US troops then tried to cross the border.

South Waziristan is one of the main areas from which Islamist militants launch attacks into Afghanistan.

"An example of Great Britain ‘surrendering’ itself " 

Sharia law is now legally binding

Public Sevice Portal 

It’s been described by one commentator as an example of Great Britain ‘surrendering’ itself and the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams was criticised for saying it will happen, but whatever the reaction, Islamic law now officially operates in the UK.

Iran Parliament Passes Death Penalty for Apostasy Bill

The Iranian Parliament voted in favor of a bill Tuesday that would punish apostasy with the death penalty, a human rights group reported. Lawmakers approved the bill with 196 votes in favor, seven against.

Christian Post 

The Iranian Parliament voted in favor of a bill Tuesday that would punish apostasy with the death penalty, a human rights group reported.

Saudi judge calls for murder of satellite channel owners


Sheik Saleh al-Lihedan says owners of networks that broadcast 'bad programmes' during Ramadan can be killed

Saudi Arabia's top judiciary official has issued a fatwa authorising the murder of owners of satellite TV networks that broadcast "bad programmes".

Egypt rock slide toll rises to 31

Washington Times 

CAIRO, EGYPT - Hopes diminished Sunday for finding survivors among hundreds of people believed trapped beneath massive boulders that destroyed an impoverished neighborhood on Cairo's outskirts, killing at least 31 people, including whole extended families.

Don't let them eat cake, "Birthdays Haraam" Saudi cleric says

A woman looks for a birthday item at a gift shop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 

A woman looks for a birthday item

 at a gift shop in Riyadh
Associated Press 

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – When Hala al-Masaad invited her girlfriends over to celebrate her 18th birthday with cake and juice, the high school student was stepping into an unusual public debate. Is celebrating birthdays un-Islamic?

Egyptian national with Sudanese passport builds unmanned drone designed to carry 600 pounds of explosives -- FBI says no terrorism 

Unmanned Drone On L.I. Sparks Terror Investigation

An unmanned drone being built by an engineer on Long Island sparked a large counter-terrorism investigation across the New York area, officials tell WNBC.com. Police said they had stumbled upon overnight testing of the drone at a little-used airstrip in Calverton, Long Island.

"Atheist Scotland" revealed  Moslem Brotherhood received £400,000 from SNP 

Islam akin to other faiths


Humza Yousaf of the Scottish-Islamic Foundation (Letters, 4 September) does not believe in freedom of expression as he wishes to exempt Islam from critical analysis by claiming that to do so may cause offence to sacred beliefs.

“Hadith of Hate” Banned at USC 

By Reut R. Cohen

As Muslim Student Association (MSA) chapters have become increasingly influential at universities and colleges around the country, critics have charged that it is a hate group that sympathizes with the international jihad and promulgates an anti-American and anti-Semitic ideology in its campus actions.

Muslim wrongly accused of being a terrorist wins £14,000 compensation


A Muslim police worker who was "maliciously" reported to the anti-terrorist squad by colleagues after the July 7 bombings has been awarded almost £14,000 compensation.

Mohammed Hussain, 30, was investigated by the Met's specialist counter-terrorism command after false accusations from co-workers that he was an Islamic extremist.

Malaysian Court Denies Woman’s Appeal to Leave Islam

Muslim protestors disrupt public forum on dual legal system’s jurisdictional disputes.

By Jasmine Kay

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, August 15 (Compass Direct News) – A civil court on Aug. 5 denied a woman’s appeal to renounce Islam in favor of Christianity, highlighting the jurisdictional disputes in Malaysia’s dual legal system.

maher ahmed 

Urgent News: It came to United Copts GB knowledge That Peter Athanasious "Formally Maher Ahmed ElGohari"  and Bishoi "Formally Mohammed Hegazy" were fired at while walking in Shubra street, Cairo, today. Neither of them were hurt, botha re well.

Egypt bans coverage of singer's Suzanne Tamim murder

Associated Press 

CAIRO–Egypt has banned news coverage of the brutal slaying of a Lebanese pop star while media reports in other regional papers are reporting a wealthy Egyptian entrepreneur ordered three men to carry out the killing.

MPs too scared to talk about forced marriage 'in case they lose Muslim votes'

Politicians are too scared to speak out against forced marriage in case they lose valuable Muslim votes, according to a veteran Labour MP.


Ann Cryer said politicians in areas with high Muslim populations, many of which are Labour heartlands, should be at the forefront of the campaign to stop young couples being made to wed against their will by their families.

Al-Qa'eda in Iraq alienated by cucumber laws and brutality

Al-Qa'eda is losing support in Iraq because of a brutal crackdown on activities it regards as un-Islamic - including women buying cucumbers.  


An Iraqi woman buys some food at a market in Baghdad

An Iraqi woman buys some food at a market in Baghdad Photo: EPA

Pakistani lawmaker defends honor killings

Parliamentarian defends killing of five women buried alive, says 'these are centuries old traditions'


Associated Press

A Pakistani lawmaker defended a decision by southwestern tribesmen to bury five women alive because they wanted to choose their own husbands, telling stunned members of Parliament this week to spare him their outrage.

CNN Avoids Mentioning Islam in Segment on 'Honor Killings'

News Buster 

Quite a feat: CNN has pulled off the MSM equivalent of describing a spiral staircase without using one's hands.  It has managed to produce a segment on "honor killings" and related violence in the UK . . . without using the word "Muslim" or "Islam."


Hundreds of church structures and homes destroyed in at least 114 attacks.

NEW DELHI (Compass Direct News) – Three more deaths were reported today in the eastern state of Orissa, where a spate of anti-Christian violence began after suspected Maoists murdered Hindu leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati and four of his disciples on Saturday (Aug. 23).

UK: Sharia-compliant MasterCard launch

The UK's first sharia-compliant prepaid MasterCard has been launched in London - dubbed the "Islamic financial centre of Europe".

Woman wearing veil told to leave Italian museum

By Philip Pullella

ROME (Reuters)  - The head of one of Venice's most prestigious museums apologized on Wednesday to a Muslim woman asked to leave the building by a guard because she was wearing a veil over her face.

Muslim scholar's novel angers Coptic Church

 Gulf News  

Cairo: Tensions between Egypt's Muslims and Coptic Christians are not uncommon. The latest spark is ignited by a book, which Coptic critics accuse of trying to insult the Church and calling into question the tenets of Christianity.

Egyptian convert from Islam to Christianity: "My family has threatened me with death" 

An Egyptian Muslim's long journey towards Christianity

Egyptian Maher Ahmed who was

born a Muslim and converted

to Christianity


Maher al-Gohari converted to Christianity 30 years ago, but the Muslim-born Egyptian only recently took the decision to make his conversion public.

The 56-year-old former policeman has put applied to the Higher Administrative Court to have his religion changed from "Muslim" to "Christian" on his official ID card.


Another Convert in Egypt Tries to Change Religious ID

تغيير الديانة يثير الفتن الطائفية بمصرOnly second case of Muslim-born Egyptian endeavoring to officially alter affiliation.By Damaris Kremida

ISTANBUL, August 7 (Compass Direct News) – One year after the first attempt by an Egyptian Muslim convert to Christianity to change his religious identity, another convert this week became the second to make such a controversial legal request.

Egypt transplant ban sparks discrimination row

Russia Today 

Human rights activists and the country’s Christian minority have accused the Egyptian Medical Association of discrimination following its new regulation banning organ transplantation between Muslims and Christians. The head of the association argues it’s aimed against illegal organ trade.



CHAUDHRY RASHID<BR>Strangled daughter: cops.New York Post 

A Muslim father accused of murdering his daughter in a so-called "honor killing" told cops God would look out for him, as he confessed to the grisly strangulation, authorities said yesterday.

"God will protect me. God is watching," Pakistani immigrant Chaudhry Rashid allegedly confessed to cops. "I strangled my daughter."

For comments on Al-Azhar book which sanctions killing of off springs link 

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