Military Jury Convicts Bin Laden's Driver on Some Charges in Guantanamo Terror Case

Fox News 

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba —  A jury of six military officers convicted Usama bin Laden's former driver of supporting terrorism Wednesday in the first war crimes trial at Guantanamo Bay, but cleared him of conspiracy charges.

Saudi arrested for having six wives


Police in Saudi Arabia have arrested a man working for the country's vice squad who is accused of having six wives, two more than allowed under Islamic law.

Saudi Arabia: Academic gets 600 lashes for 'phone relationship' with female pupil

Riad, 30 July (AKI) -

 A Saudi court has sentenced a chemistry professor to 600 lashes and 8 months in jail for a 'telephone relationship' with a female student.

Fears of Sectarian Strife Following Gang Rape in Egypt

The Media Line 

Egyptian security forces are again on alert, fearing another spread of sectarian strife between Copts (Egyptian Christians) and Muslims.

Ayman Nour, not among prisoners pardoned by President Mubarak, declares hunger strike 

July 23, 2008

The Leadership Council for Human Rights (LCHR) received a message and press release from Gameela Ismail, wife of political prisoner Ayman Nour, today.  LCHR remains gravely concerned about Nour’s health and is deeply disappointed by the decision not to release him.  Both the message and press release are printed in their entirety below.  They can also be accessed on LCHR’s website, by clicking here. 

Government drops plan to allow Muslim schools to police themselves


Government plans to give Muslim schools the chance to police themselves have effectively been dropped.  

Under proposals unveiled earlier this year private Muslim schools were to be given the chance to carry out their own Ofsted-style inspections.

UK court to rule on Islamic law case


Britain's highest appeals court is scheduled to decide this week whether a divorced woman and her son should be deported to Lebanon, where she claims her abusive husband will gain custody under Sharia law.

Citizenship class for young Muslims


Hazel Blear, new lessons will

begin in September
Press Association

Young Muslims will be taught citizenship in mosque schools as part of a bid to prevent them being turned into extremists, the Government said.

Trials of the new lessons will begin in several cities at the start of the new term in September, said Communities Secretary Hazel Blears.

BBC Bonekickers drama blasted for showing images of a Muslim being beheaded


 The BBC drama Bonekickers has upset many viewers after showing a mulim beheaded by an extremist Christian
 The BBC drama Bonekickers has upset many viewers after showing a Muslim beheaded by an extremist Christian

Daily Mail 

A BBC drama has triggered a barrage of complaints after it showed gruesome images of a Muslim being beheaded.


Condition and whereabouts of two sisters, 12 and 10, unknown.

A Christian father in Pakistan is in a legal battle with kidnappers for the custody of his pre-teen daughters, who allegedly have been forced to convert to Islam.

Yesterday a judge in Pakistan’s Punjab province ordered further investigation into the kidnapping of Saba Younis, 12, and Aneela Younis, 10, who went missing on June 26 in the small town of Chowk Munda.


Police interrogate converts to Christianity about faith, political activity.

Iranian authorities have detained two converts to Christianity in the southern city of Shiraz for eight weeks on suspicion of “apostasy,” or leaving Islam. In Iran, apostasy is a crime that can be punishable by death.

Mahmood Matin, 52, and Arash Bandari, 44, remain imprisoned in a secret police detention center known by its address, Sepah Street 100, located in the center of Shiraz since their arrest on May 15 (previously reported as May 13).

Catholic Online

Iraqi Christians Under Attack says Pew Report

Iraqi Christians have been in Iraq since the time of Christ.The majority of them are Chaldean Catholics.They are our brethren.

BAGHDAD, IRAQ ( - Senior research fellow, Brian J. Grim, paints a harrowing picture of the ongoing persecution of Iraqi Christians.

The research expert on religion and world affairs with the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life in Washington, D.C. reports that the situation for Christians in Iraq is worsening.


Defense turns trial of slaughter of three Christians into missionary witch-hunt.

By Barbara G. Baker

Plaintiff lawyers Ozkan Yucel and Erdal Dogan

Plaintiff lawyers Ozkan Yucel

and Erdal Dogan (right) outside  courtroom

MALATYA, Turkey, July 9 (Compass Direct News) – Despite new court testimony naming a web of ranking local officials behind the slaughter of three Christians in Malatya last year, defense lawyers for the alleged murderers attempted to turn last week’s hearing into an investigation into Christian missionary activities.


Officials give no viable alternative to church caught in land dispute.

Bulldozed Cirebeum church

Bulldozed Cirebeum village church


JAKARTA, (Compass Direct News) – Public Order officials on June 26 demolished a church building in Cimahi regency of Bandung district, West Java, to make way for a new shopping mall and bus terminal after church leaders failed to convince authorities that they owned the land on which it was built.

Italy: Street prayer banned, Proposed fines for Muslims sparks controversy


The President of the northern Italian city of Milan, Filippo Penati, has triggered widespread debate with a controversial proposal to fine Muslims who pray on the streets outside the city's mosque.

The President of the northern Italian city of Milan, Filippo Penati, has triggered widespread debate with a controversial proposal to fine Muslims who pray on the streets outside the city's mosque.

Toddlers who dislike spicy food 'racist'


Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency.

The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.

U.K.: Police dogs to wear "booties" when searching Muslim homes to avoid causing offense 

 Times: Stuart MacDonald


Local police demand US$43,000 bail from convert’s family.

ISTANBUL, After four weeks in police custody, Iranian Christian Mohsen Namvar was released “temporarily” last week to return to his home in Tehran.

A doctor summoned to Namvar’s home after his release last Thursday (June 26) administered medicines and serum to treat the badly beaten prisoner.


Story Image

DEVOUT: Muslims at prayer

Daily Express , By Tony Brooks

PARENTS voiced their anger yesterday after two schoolboys were given detention for refusing to kneel and “pray” to Allah.


The non-Muslim 12-year-olds had been taking part in a practical demonstration of Islam in a religious education lesson.

Muslims in Britain should be able to live under Sharia law, says top judge

Suggestions of Sharia law can be used  have drawn criticism


Muslims attend a mosque: Muslims in Britain should be able to live under Sharia law, says top judge

Suggestions that Sharia law can be used to help govern issues like family disputes and the sale of financial products have drawn criticism

Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat

PosterDaily Mail    

A postcard featuring a cute puppy sitting in a policeman's hat advertising a Scottish police force's new telephone number has sparked outrage from Muslims.

UN Human Rights Council: Any mention of the word “sharia” is now taboo

Muslim countries win concession regarding religious debates

* UN body says only religious scholars should be allowed to discuss
matters of faith

Pakistan Daily Times 

GENEVA: Muslim countries have won a battle to prevent Islam from being criticised during debates by the UN Human Rights Council. Religions deserve special protection because any debate about faith is bound to be “very complex, very sensitive and very intense”, council President Doru-Romulus Costea said Wednesday.

Protest Egyptian government allowing criminal attacks on Coptic Christians

Canada Free Press 

Coptic Christians and their supporters will demonstrate on Parliament Hill at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 5, 2008 against the Egyptian government for continuing to allow criminal elements to wage regular attacks on Egyptian Copts and their properties.

Egyptian Copts pray for church


 Priest Thimosaois Yanni stands before the altar
The National , Nadia abou el Magd, Foreign Correspondent

KAFR El SHEIKH // The smell of burnt wood is heavy in the air at the Sanctuary of the Church of the Virgin Mary, in northern Egypt, after a fire this week swept through one of Christianity's most important landmarks.

Scotland: Pakistani converts to Christianity face last-minute appeal to avoid being deported

11th-hour bid to save family from threats


A PAKISTANI family who sought asylum in Scotland because they received death threats over their religious beliefs are hoping that a last-minute appeal will stop their deportation tomorrow.

Terrorism: Italian PM and Christian convert targets of Islamist death threats


Dubai, 17 June (AKI) - (By Hamza Boccolini) - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and a prominent Italian journalist who recently converted to Christianity, are the targets of new death threats posted on one of the most popular Islamist websites said to be close to al-Qaeda, on Tuesday.

Egyptian e-mail campaign compares women without veils to unwrapped candy attracting flies


Caption: "You can't stop them. But you can protect yourself. Your creator has your best interests at heart."

Saudi wife arrested after going for an illegal drive

Daily Mail 

A woman has been arrested for breaking Saudi Arabia's ban on female drivers.She was stopped by a police patrol after driving six miles to collect her husband near their home in the town of Buraida.

Aqsa brother charged

26-year-old joins father in possible honour killing of 16-year-old girl

2aqsa.jpgToronto Sun 

The shocking murder of Mississauga teen Aqsa Parvez took another disturbing twist yesterday when Peel Regional Police arrested her older brother and charged him with first-degree murder.

Waqas Parvez, 26, now joins his father Muhammad Parvez, 57, before the courts on pre-meditated murder charges in the Dec. 10, 2007 strangling death of the 16-year-old high school student who friends say did not want to wear the traditional Muslim Hijab head scarf and was rebellious against the strict Muslim rules laid down inside her family home.

Egypt stops arab man, 92, from marrying girl of17y.

The Guardian 

Authorities in Cairo have banned a 92-year-old Gulf Arab man from marrying a 17-year-old Egyptian girl, under laws brought in to counter the increasing number of wealthy Gulf men travelling to the impoverished Egyptian countryside to find much younger, temporary brides.

The ministry of justice invoked a law that says the age gap between spouses should not exceed 25 years, the Egyptian Al-Akhbar newspaper reported. In an indication of how prevalent such marriages are becoming, Al-Akhbar reported that 173 couples with more than 25 years between them wed last year, via a loophole in the law that allows a foreign man to take a much younger bride in exchange for depositing about $80,000 (£41,000) in the Egyptian national bank.

Egypt Human Rights Resolution in Congress. Please support now....

Washington DC- The U.S. Copts Association has worked for few weeks now with the Congressional Human Rights Caucus Co-Chair, Congressman Frank Wolf, on Resolution H. Res. 1303.  Mr. Wolf has asked members of congress to co-sponsor the Resolution. The Resolution is calling on the Egyptian Government to respect human rights and freedoms of religion and expression in Egypt. The Resolutoin details Egypt's human rights abuses against the Copts as well as religious minorities, bloggers, and democracy proponents.


Church appeals ‘secretive’ ruling; three officials said to be instigators remain free.

ISTANBUL, (Compass Direct News) – In a snap ruling that surprised local Christians, an Ethiopian court has sentenced three Muslim men to life imprisonment for a deadly machete attack on two churches last March.

EGYPT: Coptic diaspora spreads the word


Los Angles Times 

In the midst of continuing sectarian tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians in Egypt, the Coptic diaspora has recently called for demonstrations in the U.S. and European cities.

California: Muslim polygamist guilty of torturing 2 wives, 19 children

Fox News  

MURRIETA, Calif. —  A self-described polygamist was convicted Wednesday of charges that he starved, tortured and abused his two wives and many of his 19 children and stepchildren.

USA: LCHR Applauds Egypt Human Rights Resolution, Urges Support 

Washington, D.C. – The Leadership Council for Human Rights strongly supports H. Res. 1303, calling on the Egyptian Government to respect human rights and freedoms of religion and expression in Egypt.  LCHR expresses its appreciation to Congressional Human Rights Caucus Co-Chair Frank Wolf for introducing this important resolution, which details Egypt’s human rights abuses against religious minorities, journalists and bloggers, democracy proponents, and civil society development organizations.  The resolution also urges the President and the Secretary of State to prioritize human rights and religious freedom in meetings with Egyptian officials.

Failed London bomber's wife jailed for 15 years

LONDON (AFP) - The wife of one of the failed 2005 London suicide bombers was jailed for 15 years Thursday, after being found guilty of failing to tell the police about the terrorist plot.Yeshi Girma, 32, knew her husband Hussain Osman was planning to unleash carnage in the failed July 21, 2005 attacks and could have stopped the attempted bombings, England's Old Bailey central criminal court heard.

Canadian Parliament: Iraqi Christians are targets of cleansing, committee told

One in three a refugee, but Chaldo-Assyrians want to remain in country

Jennifer Green, The Ottawa Citizen 

Muslim militants are crucifying children to terrorize their Christian parents into fleeing Iraq, a parliamentary committee studying the persecution of religious minorities heard yesterday.


By leaving Islam, ‘apostate’ loses right because he ‘has no creed.’

ISTANBUL, (Compass Direct News) – A Jordanian Islamic law court has annulled the marriage of a former Muslim because of his conversion to Christianity.

The North Amman Sharia Court in April dissolved the marriage of Mohammad Abbad, on trial for apostasy, or leaving Islam.

Hindu man set on fire in East London 'for dating Muslim girl'

The London Paper Thursday, 19 June 2008

Police were appealing for witnesses today following the attempted murder of a man who was doused in petrol and set on fire in east London.The 20-year-old, who is fighting for his life in hospital, was torched as he sat in his car in Forest Gate.

Baroness Cox raises the question of Religious Freedom

with Egypt at the House of Lords. 

Egyptian government abuses will be discussed at the June EU-Egypt political sub-committee established under the European neighbourhood policy action plan.


Egypt: Human Rights

Baroness Cox asked Her Majesty's Government:

Further to the Written Answer by Lord Malloch-Brown on 10 March (WA 199), whether their welcome of the ruling of the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court on 10 February took account of the referral of Article 47 of the civil and personal status law to the Egyptian High Constitutional Court to determine its compatibility with Article II of the Egyptian constitution. [HL3815]

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