Christianity 'discriminated against by Gordon Brown's Government'


Christianity is being discriminated against by the Government in favour of Islam and other minority faiths, according to a landmark Church of England report.

The damning critique of Labour, which is endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, says ministers are only paying "lip service" to the Anglican Church while "focusing intently" on other religions.

LCHR condemns Abu Fana Monastery attack, Egyptian government’s indifferent response to incident

The Leadership Council for Human Rights condemns the recent attacks on Egypt’s Abu Fana Monastery and is outraged by Cairo’s lack of response to this latest assault on the nation’s beleaguered Coptic Christian minority.

The May 31 attacks occurred in Mallawi, in Egypt’s El Minya Province.  According to news reports and our colleagues at the Coptic Assembly of America (CAA), a mob of least 60 men carrying automatic weapons stormed the monastery, destroying and burning property, including two on-site churches and crops on monastic farmland.

Egyptian Christian killed by Muslim neighbour: security official


A Coptic Christian youth has been stabbed to death by a Muslim neighbour in southern Egypt, the latest violent incident between members of the two faiths, a security source said on Friday.

Milad Ibrahim Farag, 20, was attacked overnight in the village of Dafash by Khamis Eid Abdel Halim, 21, and died on route to hospital, the source said.

Another murder raises fears of sectarian strife

By Magdy Samaan

AP Photo/Hossam Ali

Coptic Christians Pope Shenouda III, centre, visits an Egyptian Coptic monk, under treatment at a hospital in Cairo, Egypt Friday, June 6, 2008. The monk was injured during bloody clashes between Muslims and Christians last Saturday in a village near the southern city of Minya.

CAIRO: Hundreds of Copts demonstrated yesterday in Samalout, Minya, following the murder of a Copt. At the same time, in Nazlet El Seman, Giza, a fire broke out on the roof of the Mary Girgis Church.

Officials stressed that both incidents are criminal and are not sectarian.

Pope steers clear of Abo Fana clashes 

By Magdy Samaan

A woman touches Pope Shenouda III, as he blesses members of his congregation during his first public appearance at the Abbasiya cathedral in Cairo, on June 4, after an extended trip abroad for medical treatment.

CAIRO: Pope Shenouda III, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Alexandria and the See of St. Mark, avoided discussing the attack on Abo Fana Monastery during his weekly meeting with the Coptic congregation.

The Pope was expected to address the incident, which is  thought to be a sectarian clash. He had cut his extended medical trip to the US short and returned to Cairo on Wednesday following the attack.

British Broadcasting Corporation

Guantanamo 9/11 suspects on trial

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at time of capture in 2003

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is said to be al-Qaeda's number three

The alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the US and four other key suspects have appeared at a military tribunal in Guantanamo Bay.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was captured in Pakistan in 2003, dismissed the trial as an "inquisition".

He said he had had five years "under torture" and wished to become a martyr.

Mail Online

You can't preach the Bible here, this is a Muslim area

(What a community policeman told two Christians)

naeemBy Steve Doughty and Andy Dolan

Two Christian preachers were stopped from handing out Bible extracts by police because they were in a Muslim area, it was claimed yesterday.

They say they were told by a Muslim police community support officer that they could not preach there and that attempting to convert Muslims to Christianity was a hate crime.

Egypt Copts protest against attacks

The Abu Fana monastery was damaged

Calm has returned to Deir Abu Fana, a village 210km south of Egypt's capital, Cairo, after the release of three monks abducted amid tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians.

One killed, four injured in Egypt monastery clash

  Convent of the Virgin Mary

MINYA, Egypt (AFP) 

One Muslim man was killed and four Coptic Christians, including two monks, injured Saturday when a land dispute involving a historic monastery in Egypt turned violent, a security official said.

Britain Tries To Keep The Influence Of Radical Islam Out Of Schools 

Digital Journal 

Recently, the British government has given a warning that school children are at risk of being manipulated by Islamic extremists.

Ed Balls, the British Secretary for Children, Schools and Families, gave a warning that school children were at risk of being exposed to Islamic extremism. He has brought up fears that these children could be new recruits for militant Islamic movements. Balls has urged teachers to attack the problem early by winning the “hearts and minds.”

Bush likens war against Islamic extremism to fight against fascism

US President George W. Bush, seen here on May 27, 2008, on Wednesday likened America's efforts to quell Islamic extremism in Iraq and Afghanistan to the US fight against fascism during World War II.(AFP/File/Yuri Gripas)AFP  

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (AFP) - US President George W. Bush on Wednesday likened America's efforts to quell Islamic extremism in Iraq and Afghanistan to the US fight against fascism during World War II.

Church of England: UK will be "Islamic nation" in 2038 

Religious trends and our religious future

Church of England News  

If recent reports of trends in religious observance prove to be correct, then in some 30 years the mosque will be able to claim that, religiously speaking, the UK is an Islamic nation, and therefore needs a share in any religious establishment to reflect this. The progress of conservative Islam in the UK has been amazing, and it has come at a time of prolonged decline in church attendance that seems likely to continue.


Six churches gutted after recovery of Christians teenagers from Muslim kidnappers.

Deeper Life Bible Church

Remains of Deeper Life Bible Church

NINGI, Nigeria, May 19 (Compass Direct News) – Islamists under the auspices of a paramilitary force last week destroyed six churches to protest a police rescue of two teenage Christian girls kidnapped by Muslims in this Bauchi state town.

Iranian Police Arrest 12 Christian Converts

Four still imprisoned in crackdown in Shiraz.


Campus Direct


By Barbara G. Baker

Police in the southern Iran city of Shiraz this month cracked down against known Muslim converts to Christianity, arresting members of three Christian families and confiscating their books and computers. 

The arrests began at 5 a.m. on May 11, when two couples were taken into custody before boarding their flights at the Shiraz International Airport and sent directly to jail. All four were subjected to hours of interrogation, questioning them solely “just about their faith and house church activities,” an Iranian source told Compass.

UK: Man remanded after 'urine' attack 

BBC News 

A man has been remanded in custody charged with spraying urine at two supermarkets, a pub and a book shop. Sahnoun Daifallah, 42, of Bibury Road, from Gloucester, appeared before magistrates and pleaded not guilty to four charges of contaminating products.

Brooklyn: Suit Accuses Ex-Principal Debbi Almontaser of Defamation

Three opponents of a Brooklyn public school that teaches Arabic filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the school’s founding principal, Debbie Almontaser, claiming that she had defamed them by saying they had stalked her.


Police rescue Christian from angry mob.

ISTANBUL, May 16 (Compass Direct News) – Pakistani police have jailed a Christian doctor after “blasphemy” charges incited a mob attack on his home last week in Punjab province. Officials said Dr. Robin Sardar is being held in Punjab’s Gujranwala Central Jail, and his wife and six children have left their home in the town of Chak Chatta, 200 miles southeast of Islamabad.

Belgian Police Protection for “Mohammed Pulpit”

Brussels Journal 

Belgian police is protecting a 17th century pulpit in the Flemish town of Dendermonde. The pulpit in the Catholic church of Our Lady dates from 1685, two years after the battle of Vienna when the Christian armies of the Polish King John III Sobieski defeated the Turks poised to overrun Europe. The sculpted wooden pulpit, made by Mattheus van Beveren, depicts a man subdued by angels and represents the triumph of Christianity over Islam. The man is generally thought to be Mohammed. He is holding a book which is generally assumed to be the Koran.

Taliban Ban TV In Afghan Province

University student leaves school after Radical Muslim threatens his service dog


Times photo by Jason Wachter,
St. Cloud State student Tyler Hurd, 23, with his service dog, Emmitt, who protects him when he has seizures.

A St. Cloud State University student in a teacher-training program at Technical High School left the school in late April because he says he feared for the safety of his service dog.

Apostacy Penalty "death" will Obama incure it?

President Apostate?

New York Times "Opinion"  

BARACK OBAMA has emerged as a classic example of charismatic leadership — a figure upon whom others project their own hopes and desires. The resulting emotional intensity adds greatly to the more conventional strengths of the well-organized Obama campaign, and it has certainly sufficed to overcome the formidable initial advantages of Senator Hillary Clinton.

Saudi guardianship key to women rights abuse


RIYADH - Saudi Arabia's system of male "guardianship" or wide-ranging control over women lies at the heart of rights abuse in the conservative Islamic state, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Monday.


Police pressure convert to return to Islam during ‘illegal’ five-day detention.

ALGIERS, Algeria, May 9 (Compass Direct News) – An Algerian Christian detained five days for carrying a Bible and personal Bible study books was handed a 300-euro (US$460) fine and a one-year suspended prison sentence last week, an Algerian church leader said.

Police have foiled 15 terror plots in Britain since the 2000, Ian Blair reveals

 Sir Ian Blair

Daily Mail 

Police have foiled 15 terror plots since the turn of the century, with suspects continuing to emerge from unexpected quarters, senior officers said yesterday.

The figure emerged as police backed the Government's controversial proposals to hold terrorist suspects for more than 28 days without charge.

Mock attack on the fake mosque in Illinois sends a wrong message

 by Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Six years and eight months after the 9/11 tragic attacks, Muslims in America remain at the receiving end with the reconfiguration of American laws, policies and priorities to target them. The latest assault on the Muslim community comes in the form of a simulated attack on a fake "mosque" by the law enforcement authorities in Illinois.

Saudi Arabia: Turk Sentenced To Die For Islamic Blasphemy


Western Resistance 

News from Arab News (1), Arab News (2), Turkish Press, Los Angeles Times, Hurriyet, Zaman and blog Impudent Observer:

Sabri Bogday is a Turkish barber, who has been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for blasphemy against Islam. He had gone from Hatay province in southeast Turkey to the Saudi kingdom in 1997 and opened a barbershop.

Fatwah against sniffer dogs

Fatwah against sniffer dogsReligious Intelligence

By: George Conger.

A prominent Muslim cleric has issued a fatwah against the use of sniffer dogs by police in Pakistan. Evidence gathered by the police using the olfactory skills of dogs was “haram”, or forbidden under Sharia law, ruled Maulana Abdul Hakim Haqqani, president of the Darul Uloom Islami Jamhuria seminary in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province.

McCain pressed on 'Islamic' terror label

 Washington Times

A coalition of American Muslim groups is demanding that Sen. John McCain stop using the adjective "Islamic" to describe terrorists and extremist enemies of the United States.

Muneer Fareed, who heads the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), told The Washington Times that his group is beginning a campaign to persuade Mr. McCain to rephrase his descriptions of the enemy.  

German Court Rules Muslim Girl Can't Skip Swimming Lessons, Family will appeal.

Fox News 

A German court on Wednesday ruled that a Muslim student cannot skip co-ed swimming lessons because her religion prohibits form-fitting clothes that do not cover her body, The Local reported.

Saudi Arabia: Young woman married at 10 years old, must pay to obtain divorce


Riyadh, 18 April (AKI) - A 23 year old girl, forced to marry at ten in Saudi Arabia was ordered to pay the equivalent of 16,750 euros to obtain a divorce from his husband, according to Saudi daily al-Watan.

U.K.: Amid concerns over funding of Islamic studies programs

Saudi prince gives universities £16m for study of Islam

The Independant 

Two of the country's best known universities are to set up research centres aimed at promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Cambridge and Edinburgh universities will share a £16m endowment from Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Abdulaziz al-Saud, a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family and chairman of the Kingdom Foundation – a charitable and philanthropic foundation set up to alleviate suffering around the world.

Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur



French former film star Brigitte Bardot went on trial on Tuesday for insulting Muslims, the fifth time she has faced the charge of "inciting racial hatred" over her controversial remarks about Islam and its followers.

Prosecutors asked that the Paris court hand the 73-year-old former sex symbol a two-month suspended prison sentence and fine her 15,000 euros ($23,760) for saying the Muslim community was "destroying our country and imposing its acts".

Kuwait envoy's son behind Jewish abduction

Alarabia, DUBAI (Agencies)

The son of the Kuwaiti ambassador has been charged with briefly abducting three Jewish teenagers at a hotel and claiming he had a bomb, press reports said Tuesday.

Teacher who exposed "apes and pigs" texts receives £70,000.

The Times 

A former teacher at an Islamic school, who alleged that it taught an offensive and racist view of non-Muslims, has been awarded £70,000 by an employment tribunal after winning his case for unfair dismissal.

California: Muslim polygamist goes on trial for imprisoning, abusing 3 wives and 19 children

Sandiego News 

MURRIETA – A man starved the 19 children under his roof, beat some of them and their mothers and made the youngsters and two of his three so-called wives virtual prisoners in their own home, a prosecutor told jurors Monday as the defendant's long-delayed trial got under way

Targeted for converting to Christianity, widow claims  

British headteacher shot dead in Somalia in raid on school by Islamist militia

The Gurdian

A British headteacher who was shot dead in Somalia by Islamist insurgents may have been targeted because he was a Christian convert, his wife said yesterday. Daud Hassan Ali, 64, was killed outside the Hiran community education project English school in Beledweyne in central Somalia late on Sunday night, along with Rehana Ahmed, 33, a fellow British Somali teacher. She was reported to have been shot in the head.

Osama Bin Laden’s son Omar Ossama is banned from Britain

Omar Bin LadenTimes on line 

The son of Osama bin Laden has been banned from entering Britain to live with his new wife because of fears that his presence would cause “considerable public concern”.

British Ambassador in Cairo Visits His Holiness Pope Shenouda.

Cairo, 15 April 2008 -- The British Ambassador in Cairo Dominic Asquith called today on His Holiness Pope Shenouda. During the visit, Ambassador Asquith listened in full to His Holiness views.

New Muslim think-tank aims to challenge extremist ideology

ekklesia staff writers

A new Muslim think-tank, which aims to bring together voices who oppose violence and extremism, and who want to explore Islam in a modern European setting, was launched at the British Museum yesterday.

Author Ed Husain, who charted his own journey away from what he calls "a dark place" in his controversial book 'The Islamist' is a prime mover in the venture, along with Essex-born Maajid Nawaz.

BBC chief Mark Thompson warns of 'over-cautious' Islam coverage

Mark Thompson, the Director General of the BBC, tonight warned broadcasters against becoming overly-cautious in their reporting on Islam for fear of causing offence to Muslims.

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