U.S. cannot deport Egyptian due to torture risk


PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. government cannot deport an Egyptian man accused of murder in his homeland because of the risk he would be tortured if he were returned, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.

US judge blocks deportation of Egyptian Christain detainee despite 'no torture' pledge

Mike Rosen-Molina at 6:42 PM ET

Photo source or description

[JURIST] A US district judge ruled [opinion, PDF; ACLU press release] Thursday that the US cannot deport an Egyptian Christian who fled to the United States in 1998 to reportedly escape religious persecution because of the risk that he may face torture in Egypt [JURIST news archive].

International Herald Tribune

UK court investigates unsolved death of Muslim girl who refused arranged marriage

KENDAL, England: A coroner was due to reopen an inquest Tuesday into the unsolved killing of a British teenager who opposed her Pakistani parents' plans for an arranged marriage.

Shafilea Ahmed vanished in September 2003 shortly after returning home from a family trip to Pakistan where she was introduced to a suitor.

Saudi Official Calls on French President to Visit Kingdom Without Girlfriend

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia —  A senior Saudi official urged French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Monday to respect Saudi Arabia's conservative Islamic culture by visiting the country without his girlfriend, former supermodel Carla Bruni.

Good News ; Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi: Muslims May Wish Christians A Happy Holiday

Memri Blog 

Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, head of the International Council of Muslim Clerics, has permitted Muslims to extend greetings to Christians and to other "people of the book" (i.e. Jews) on their holidays.

Egyptian woman gets divorced because she did not answer her husband SMS telephone message 


An Egyptian woman is seeking clarification from a court on whether her husband's declaration of divorce by text message is legally valid, a state-run newpsaper reported on Thursday.

Texas manhunt on for the Egyptian father of slain girls

 Washington Times  

Texas authorities continued a manhunt today for an Egyptian-born taxi driver accused of murdering his teenage daughters.

Yaser Abdel Said, 50, was wanted on a warrant for capital murder after police say he shot the girls Tuesday and left them to die in his taxi, which was found parked in front a hotel in Las Colinas, a suburb north of Dallas. Police said Mr. Said should be considered armed and dangerous.

Al-Azhar says women pregnant by rape must abort baby  


CAIRO - AL-Azhar, Sunni Islam's highest seat of learning, on Sunday declared that any woman pregnant by rape must abort the baby immediately in order to maintain 'social stability'.

Pakistan's former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is killed in a suicide attack at an election rally in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

Tareq Ramadan Suit for a USA Visa Is Rejected

New York Times

Saying the government had acted properly and for “bona fide” reasons, a federal judge threw out a lawsuit on Thursday that was brought last year by an Islamic scholar who claimed that a portion of the Patriot Act had been used to deny him a work visa to enter the United States.

Guantanamo Bay Britons arrested

Evening Standard

Three British residents held without charge or trial at the US Guantanamo Bay detention centre for several years have arrived back in the UK.

Canada: Teen girl in critical condition after alleged dispute over hijab
A 16-year-old girl is in critical condition after being choked by a man believed to be her father, apparently after a dispute with her family over her refusal to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf worn by some Muslim women.

Terror suspect flees in prayer stop at mosque


Islamabad - A British terrorist suspect in an alleged plot to blow up trans-Atlantic commercial jetliners managed to escape from a mosque when his police escorts allowed him to say prayers on their way back to the prison, police said on Monday.

Thought she was not a virgin
Egyptian kills his bride on their wedding night

CAIRO (Moustafa Suleiman, AlArabiya.net) 

Egyptian police arrested laborer Ibrahim Ali after he killed his wife on their wedding night. Failing to deflower her, Ali thought his bride was not a virgin and killed her, assuming she had an illicit relationship.

Mohammed to beat Jack as top UK boys' name


Mohammed is set to overtake Jack as the most popular boys' name in Britain as a result of the high birth rate in Muslim families, which is driving the British population to a record high.

Maldives: non-Muslims to lose citizenship

The Maldivian constitutional assembly has passed an amendment stating that “none, except Muslims can be Maldivian citizens”.

According to the
Barnabas Fund, an organisation that supports the persecuted Church, the implementation of this amendment to the constitution means that a number of Maldivians will lose their citizenship and become stateless. In the Maldives it is illegal to practise any other religion than Islam.

A 16y old Mississauga Girl, dies after hijab dispute with father
The 16-year-old Mississauga girl who was allegedly strangled by her father in a dispute over her refusal to wear the hijab has died.
Aqsa Parvez, a Grade 11 student at Applewood Heights, succumbed to her injuries late last night, Peel Regional Police said today.

Mystery Shrouds Release of Egyptian Woman Convert

Police withhold Shaymaa Muhammad al-Sayed’s ID card, virtually eliminating all rights.

CAIRO, December 10 (Compass Direct News) – An Egyptian convert to Christianity released by police under murky circumstances has revealed details of her week-long detention last July that differ greatly from original reports of torture.

Copts plan rally in support of jailed Shadia Nagui Ibrahim

47-year-old sentenced for fraud for declaring herself Christian


A rally is being planned on Sunday by Coptic Christians in Egypt who have decided "enough is enough" after a 47-year-old mother was jailed because she married as a Christian.

The case, on which WND reported earlier, involves Shadia Nagui Ibrahim, who was charged and convicted of fraud, with its three-year prison sentence, for marrying more than two decades ago as a Christian.


Daily Express 

Story Image 
TURMOIL: Beds are moved five times a day

OVERWORKED nurses have been ordered to stop all medical work five times every day to move Muslim patients’ beds so they face towards Mecca.

The killing of an innocent Christian man, Michael Issac Shamshoon 20y in cold blood in Tahnash, El-Minya 

Michael Issac Shamshoon  20y old was killed in cold blood after being provoked by throwing water on him by a Muslim called Saber abdu.

Saber Abdu then cursed Michael religion "Christianity" then kept stabbing him till Michael got killed.

Coptic News file "Arabic" from Motagaly speaker

Riots break out in Paris suburbs

Burning car, set on fire by Parisian rioters
Rioters blocked roads with burning cars

Youths have damaged police stations, shops and cars in two Paris suburbs, following the deaths of two teenagers whose motorbike hit a police car.

Briton in Islam insult case leaves Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan - A British teacher jailed for insulting Islam after allowing her students to name a teddy bear Muhammad flew home Monday following a pardon by the president of Sudan, a British Embassy spokesman said.

Briton in Islam insult case leaves Sudan

Guardian Unlimited 

Maker of Undercover Mosque documentary considers suing police

Owen Gibson, media correspondent

The documentary maker cleared by regulators of misleadingly editing a Channel 4 programme about extreme Islamic preachers is considering legal action.

David Henshaw, the managing director of Hardcash Productions which made the Dispatches film Undercover Mosque, said he was still "very, very angry".

Feminist author rewrites novel after death threats from Muslim extremists

Exiled author

Taslima Nasreen has been targeted by Islamic extremists who claim that her books are blasphemous

A feminist author is to rewrite her autobiography after she was forced to flee from Muslim extremists who placed a bounty on her head.

Taslima Nasreen, 45, a former doctor, said today that she hoped that the move would appease fundamentalist groups and end a controversy that forced her to leave Calcutta last week.

Iraqi school guard and wife beheaded as children watch

BAGHDAD - Three suspected al Qaeda militants, including two sisters, beheaded their uncle and his wife, forcing the couple's children to watch, Iraqi police said on Friday.

The militants considered that school guard Youssef al-Hayali was an infidel because he did not pray and wore western-style trousers, they told police interrogators after being arrested in Diyala province northwest of Baghdad.

Attempt to arrest Michael Seehah and his Extortion by Major Ibrahim

 Rasha Noor

Sir Nader Kamal Muhammad Ibrahim, a Major in Kafr Al-Dawar Police Station, of Al-Behara, has placed charges against Michael Milad Haleem Seehah (26), which was reported and finalized in Al-Montazah Police Station of Alexandria, Egypt.

Egypt Copt jailed 45 years after father's conversion 

Middle East Time 

An Egyptian Christian woman has been jailed for three years because her father's brief conversion to Islam 45 years ago made her legally a Muslim while her official papers said she was Christian, her lawyer said Thursday.

Sudan demo over jailed UK teacher and ask for her to be shot. 


Protesters in Khartoum
Protests took place in Khartoum following Friday prayers

Crowds of people have marched in Sudan's capital Khartoum to call for a tougher sentence for a British teacher imprisoned for insulting religion.

Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, was jailed for 15 days on Thursday after allowing children in her class to name a teddy bear Muhammad.

Times Online 

Artists too frightened to tackle radical Islam

Ben Hoyle, Arts Reporter

Teddy Bear Teacher Sentenced to 15 Days in Jail, Deportation

KHARTOUM, Sudan —  British teacher Gillian Gibbons was convicted of insulting Islam for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Muhammad and sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation from Sudan, one of her defense lawyers said Thursday.

UK: Police complaints over "Undercover Mosque" documentary rejected

Birmingham Post 

Media watchdog Ofcom has rejected complaints by West Midlands Police about a Channel 4 undercover programme that exposed extremism in British mosques.

Teddy bear row teacher charged in Sudan


Gillian Gibbons
Ms Gibbons asked students to name the toy


The British schoolteacher who allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Mohammed has been charged in Sudan with insulting religion and inciting hatred.


Lead story - Thursday November 15, 2007


 Mohammed Hegazy battles for religious freedom as HRW report slams country’s abuses.

CAIRO, November 15 (Compass Direct News) – Sick of hiding in a secret apartment in Cairo, Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy risked his life to shop for groceries late one night last week, a cap pulled low over his face.


The Egyptian convert from Islam to Christianity does not normally chance being recognized in public by running errands for himself. Death threats forced Hegazy into hiding in August after he made an unprecedented legal bid to have his national ID card changed to note his conversion.

Over 1,500 Extremists Freed After Repenting

RIYADH, 26 November 2007 — Saudi authorities have released more than 1,500 reformed extremists, who were detained on charges of embracing and spreading takfeer (the ideology that brands other Muslims who disagree with them as infidels).

Women get 'virginity fix' NHS free operations in Muslim-driven trend in UK

Daily Mail 

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Women are being given controversial "virginity repair" operations on the NHS, it emerged last night.


Taxpayers funded 24 hymen replacement operations between 2005 and 2006, official figures revealed.

Egyptian Police Detain Convert Who Wedded Christian

Woman’s family had tied her to chair and beat her for relationship.

by Peter Lamprecht

ISTANBUL, November 27 (Compass Direct News) – Police detained an Egyptian convert to Christianity on her wedding anniversary in Upper Egypt last week, her husband said.

Saudi punishes gang rape victim with 200 lashes

A court in the ultra-conservative kingdom of Saudi Arabia is punishing a female victim of gang rape with 200 lashes and six months in jail, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

'Muhammad' teddy teacher arrested  

 BBC News

A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam's Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad.

In Hiding, Egyptian Convert Continues Fight for Rights

hegaziMohammed Hegazy battles for religious freedom as HRW report slams country’s abuses.

by Peter Lamprecht

CAIRO, November 15 (Compass Direct News) – Sick of hiding in a secret apartment in Cairo, Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy risked his life to shop for groceries late one night last week, a cap pulled low over his face.

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