Travel terror security stepped up in UK   

 BBC News  

Security will be stepped up at railway stations, airports and ports as part of government attempts to tackle terrorism, Gordon Brown has announced.

There will be new security barriers, vehicle exclusion zones and blast resistant buildings, but air passengers will be allowed more luggage from 2008.

Egypt forcing converts from Islam, members of Bahai faith to conceal their religion, watchdogs say

Associated Press 

CAIRO, Egypt: Egypt must change its policy of not allowing converts from Islam and members of the Bahai faith to register their religion in official documents, two human rights groups said Monday.

Egypt Jails More Christian Activists from Rights Group

Like colleagues just released, MECA workers accused of ‘defaming Islam.’

by Peter Lamprecht 

CAIRO, November 12 (Compass Direct News) – Just days after two Christian activists from a human rights group were released from jail, Egyptian authorities took three of their colleagues into police custody over the weekend.



Arrest of two new members of the Middle East Christians Association in Egypt 


In the first hours of this morning November 10th, 2007 at 4:00 am two new members of our organization "Middle East Christians Association" were arrested in Egypt, Mr. Wagih Yaakoob the official spokesman of our association and Mr Victor a member.

The New York Sun

 Muslim Rivalry Hits New York Prisons

Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 7, 2007

The rivalry and violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslims isn't just limited to Iraq. It is increasingly found in one place presumed shut off from the influence of faraway sectarian politics: New York's state prisons.


MECA leader and colleague were jailed on spurious charges of ‘insulting Islam.’

Peter Ezzat wearing t-shirt

Peter Ezzat

CAIRO, November 7 (Compass Direct News) – Egyptian police this week released two Christian rights activists detained for three months.

 BBC News

Historic Saudi visit to Vatican

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has met Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican - the first audience by the head of the Roman Catholic Church with a Saudi monarch.

Pope Benedict XVI (left) and King Abdullah at the Vatican

The Vatican described the private meeting as "warm" and said the two men discussed the presence and hard work of Christians in Saudi Arabia.

Minister detained at US airport
Britain's first Muslim minister, Shahid Malik, says he is "deeply disappointed" that he was detained by airport security officials in America.

Feds in Canada revive veil issue
 Harper government bill would force citizens to bare their faces to vote
The Ottawa Sun

The Conservative government revived a controversy focused largely on veiled Muslim women by announcing plans to legally require all voters to show their face before casting a ballot in a federal election.

Muslims, Christians Clash in El-Minya, Egypt


CAIRO — Muslims and Coptic Christians clashed after Friday prayers over a land dispute, leaving 20 injured, security officials said.

Six Egyptians Involved in Publishing Magazine Facing Interrogation

Human rights director among those summoned for questioning by Egyptian Authorities

Advocates For The Persecuted

Cairo, October 22 (Advocates For The Persecuted) – The Egyptian government has issued a summons to six people involved in the one-time publication of a magazine, “Egypt First,” to appear in court for questioning on October 23.


MECA complain to the OHCHR 


DR. AWAD, Chafik HANNA, Hanna Z.


Army forks out for 95 hijabs

thesun      By TOM NEWTON-DUNN

POLITICALLY correct MoD officials are to issue free hijabs to female Muslim troops — while front line soldiers are having to buy their own kit.

Under new service dress regulations, six of the Islamic hijabs will be given to each Muslim servicewoman wanting them.


Ramzi Yousef, Al-Qaeda terrorist 'converts to Christianity' 

THE mastermind of the first terrorist attack on New York's World Trade Centre claims to have converted from Islam to Christianity.

Ramzi Yousef, a self-proclaimed Muslim extremist with past links to al-Qaeda, plotted with others to blow up the twin towers in lower Manhattan. Six people died in the February 26, 1993, bombing.

Bishoy “formerly Mohamed Hegazi” flat contents in Cairo is smashed and burnt down.  

Bishoy “formerly Mohamed Hegazi” the convert to Christianity with his wife now in hiding in Cairo were informed by friends that their flat contents was smashed and it’s contents burnt down in the middle of the street on 11 October.

Evening Standard, 

Muslim graves could displace 350,000 bodies

A third of a million bodies could be dug up from a historic east London cemetery to make way for a new Muslim burial site.

Ed Harris, Evening Standard 11.10.07

Tower Hamlets council is considering reopening its Cemetery Park in Mile End in response to a long-running campaign for a Muslim graveyard in the area.

The park, off Bow Common Lane, was deconsecrated as a Church of England cemetery by Parliament in 1966, after being deemed full with about 350,000 bodies buried there.

The Daily Mail logo

Airport supervisor suspended for hanging picture of Jesus on staffroom wall

A senior airport supervisor was suspended from his job after he hung a picture of Jesus on a staffroom wall.

Gareth Langmead was escorted from Manchester Airport and suspended from his job after a Muslim colleague complained about the image.

He had found the picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - the subject of devotion by many Catholics - in a desk draw while cleaning out an office.

The Daily Mail logo

'Osama bin London' Muslim fanatic 'trained 21/7 bombers'


A Muslm fanatic who mockingly called himself "Osama bin London" radicalised and trained the July 21 bombers, a court heard yesterday.

Mohammed Hamid is said to have taken his brainwashed followers on paintballing trips and training camps in the English countryside to prepare them for fighting.

Egyptian Islamists Join Case against Convert to Christianity

Former Muslim sues Egypt for right to become Christian.

by Peter Lamprecht 

ISTANBUL, October 10 (Compass Direct News) – Conservative Islamic lawyers came out in support of the Egyptian government last week at the opening court hearing of a Muslim convert to Christianity.

In a move that has caused national uproar, former Muslim Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy is suing Egypt to change the religion listed on his identification papers to Christianity. 

 Guardian Unlimited

Vatican urges Muslim respect for all faiths

Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent
Tuesday October 9, 2007
The Guardian

Muslims must respect people of all faiths and not exclude them on the grounds of religion, race or any other personal characteristic, a senior Vatican official said this week. In a message to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the festival marking the end of Ramadan, the Pope's interfaith expert has called for a "culture of peace and solidarity" between different religious communities and to spread a teaching "which honours all human creatures".

Anti-Muslim Fliers Cause Uproar

Posters May Be Intended to Mock Conservative Group

By Susan Kinzie, Washington Post Staff Writer

Posters appeared all over the George Washington University campus yesterday morning blaring the message: "HATE MUSLIMS? SO DO WE!!!"

Meca members given another 30 days in jail

By Jonathan Spollen, Daily Star


CAIRO: A court in Abbasiya has extended the jail terms of the two Egyptian Christians accused of “defaming” Islam, by another 30 days.

Peter Ezzat and Dr Adel Fawzy Faltas Hanna, both members of the Canada-based Middle East Christian Association (Meca), have been imprisoned since August 8 after police raided their homes confiscating CDs, computers and books, which prosecutors allege contain materials offensive to Islam.


 A Muslim mother’s dying wish: that Christian father lose custody of daughters.

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria, October 9 (Compass Direct News) – It has been more than a year since Allabe Kaku Chibok lost his three daughters because he became a Christian – paradoxically, he lost custody of them only after his ex-wife died.

Muslim checkout staff get an alcohol opt-out clause

MUSLIM supermarket checkout staff who refuse to sell alcohol are being allowed to opt out of handling customers’ bottles and cans of drink.

Islamic workers at Sainsbury’s who object to alcohol on religious grounds are told to raise their hands when encountering any drink at their till so that a colleague can temporarily take their place or scan items for them.

Maid arrested after Saudi employer ‘bewitched’


RIYADH - Saudi Arabia’s religious police have arrested a domestic worker accused of having put a spell on her employer, the Al Madina newspaper reported on Sunday.

The arrest of the maid, whose nationality was not revealed, followed a complaint by the wife of the employer who she said had been ‘bewitched by the maid’


Syrian cleric assassinated

DAMASCUS: A Syrian cleric who recruited foreigners travelling to Iraq to fight US-led forces was assassinated in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo yesterday, his aides said.
Sheikh Mahmoud Abou al-Qaqa was shot dead after he emerged from Friday prayers, they said.

 Haaretz israel news English

Palestinian Christian activist stabbed to death in Gaza

A Palestinian Christian activist who had received repeated death threats was found stabbed to death in a street in Gaza City early Sunday.

Rami Khader Ayyad, 32, was director of the Teacher's Bookshop, Gaza's only Christian bookstore, which is run by the Bible Society of Gaza Baptist church.

Yahoo! News 

Afghan teenager with US dollars hanged

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Taliban militants hanged a teenager in southern Afghanistan because he had U.S. money in his pocket, and they stuffed five $1 bills in his mouth as a warning to others not to use dollars, police said Monday. Taliban militants elsewhere killed eight police.

Times Online

UK: Muslim medical students  refusing to attend lectures on alcohol or sexually transmitted diseases as it offends their religious beliefs

Some Muslim medical students are refusing to attend lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases because they claim it offends their religious beliefs.

Egypt papers agree day of protest

 BBC News 

The editors of 15 opposition and private newspapers in Egypt have agreed not to publish on 7 October.

The action is in protest at what they see as government harassment of the printed press.

Egypt police investigate possible sectarian slaying of two Christians in sensitive village

Herald Tribune 

CAIRO, Egypt: Egyptian police were investigating Friday the slaying of two Coptic Christians found dead in the same village where one of the country's worst sectarian massacres took place seven years before.

Wife divorced for watching male TV host

RIYADH: A Saudi man divorced his wife for watching alone a television programme presented by a male, an act he deemed immoral, the Al Shams newspaper reported on Saturday.

The man, whom the paper did not identify, ended his marriage on the grounds his wife was effectively alone with an unrelated man, which is forbidden under the strict Islamic law enforced in the ultra-conservative kingdom, the paper said.

Men in Saudi Arabia have the authority to divorce their wives without resort to the courts.

Chicago Tribune

Ramadan request stirs tumult in school district

 By Jo Napolitano | Tribune staff reporter

Dozens of parents said at an Oak Lawn school board meeting Tuesday night that while they're happy to have a student body of varying religions, they want to keep celebrating what they say are traditional American holidays and customs.

Experts Debate the Influence of Islamism During the Bosnian War of 1992 to 1995

27 September 2007

Islamis fighters in Bosnia
More than 6,000 Arab volunteers arrived during the early stages of the war. About 1,000 of them remained in Bosnia as naturalized citizens

The role of the mujahadeen, or holy warriors, in Afghanistan during the 1980’s has become well known in the six years since the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. But some Balkan analysts say that in the 1990’s Bosnia served as a “crucible for the global jihad” led by Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization.

Two Copts murdered in cold blood in Sohag  

On Wednesday 3rd October 2007, two Copts Mr. Wasfi Sadek Ishaq (40) and Karam Klieb Endarawis (24) were shot dead in cold blood while guarding their crops of maize in their field 200 meters outside Awlad Toq Garb, Dar El-Salaam district, Sohag Governorate, an incident reminiscent of El-Kosheh I (where 2 Copts were killed by Muslim fanatics and the Egyptian police framed an innocent Christians man, Shaiboub William Arsal who is still in prison for a crime he never committed)

Sharia-bank bids trigger concerns

The Globe  

OTTAWA and TORONTO -- Ottawa has received its first applications to start up Canadian banks operating within the strictures of Islamic religious law - financial institutions that, if approved, would be among the first in the West.

Canada's bank regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, is studying two proposals for banks that offer services in keeping with Islamic laws that forbid speculation and interest but are in favour of transactions where profit and loss is shared.

Terror Threat Against Danish Cartoon Editor Flemming Rose 

PajamasXpress blogger Flemming Rose learned yesterday that he was the target of a planned terrorist attack. The editor who published the controversial Mohammed cartoons writes that he is determined not to let the revelation change his life.


BAKERY giants Greggs have installed a Muslims-only toilet at their new Scottish headquarters - despite the fact that no Muslims work there.

Workers at the state-of-the-art factory were shocked when they were given a tour of the building and told a cubicle had been fitted for the use of Muslim employees. The staff said they are baffled at the decision because they are not aware of any Islamic workers at the base in Cambuslang, near Glasgow.

Girl, 7, who wears veil, allowed back to school


MADRID - DPA - A seven-year-old Moroccan girl living in Spain went back to school Tuesday after the Catalan regional government allowed her to do so wearing the Muslim headscarf.


 Swedish Muslims Upset by Cartoon Ruling

By Ahmad Maher, IOL Staff

CAIRO — Swedish Muslims were disappointed Saturday, September 22, at a ruling by Justice Chancellor Goeran Lambertz, who said the anti-Prophet Muhammad cartoon published in a local newspaper did not constitute incitement to racial hatred.

"Of course we reject the ruling, but we can't help but respect it," Stockholm-based Chaka Benmakhlouf, President of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe, told over the phone.

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