Muslims Stage Demo Outside Police Station in UK 

Life Style Extra  

Islamic supporters of six Muslims arrested in London earlier this week today staged a rowdy demonstration outside the top security police station where they are being held. 


Egyptian security arrest a dozen Brotherhood members, including two lawmakers 

The Associated  

CAIRO, Egypt: Police on Sunday arrested at least a dozen members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group, including two lawmakers, as part of Egypt's ongoing campaign against the country's strongest opposition group, the government and the group reported. 

Florida doctor accused of being al-Qaeda volunteer 


A Florida doctor accused of swearing allegiance to al Qaeda and agreeing to treat wounded militants has been unfairly ensnared in the scheme of a longtime friend, a defense lawyer argued on Wednesday.   



Cairo, 26 April (AKI) - The ten Egyptian Coptic Christians, who after having converted to Islam decided to return to their original faith, will remain Muslims at least on paper for the rest of their lives. A Cairo court has ruled that the ministry of the interior is not obliged to issue them new identity documents. The question of religious belief in Egypt often presents itself as an adminsitrative rather than a spiritual issue given that every Egyptian has an ID card which states his or her religion.  

Egyptian students excel in Cambridge Exams outperforming students across the globe 


University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), the world's largest provider of international qualifications for 14 to 19 year olds, recently held a forum in Cairo for the principals of national and international schools in Egypt that offer Cambridge IGCSE.  

'Egyptian sex god' alibi yet to convince jury 

AN alleged child rapist who claimed to be possessed by an ancient Egyptian sex god will face a retrial after a jury was unable to reach a verdict this week. 

Italy asks Muslim groups to join 'values charter' 


ROME --  Italy's interior ministry has published a "values charter" for religious minorities that promotes integration while shunning polygamy and the wearing of face-concealing veils.  

Guilty Bible Reader rapist's sick ploy 

Daily Telegraph 

 THE man found guilty of raping a woman as punishment for reading the Bible lured her to his unit by claiming he had news of her family overseas. 

In a case that has stunned Sydney, Muslim Abdul Reda al-Shawany was today found guilty of sexually assaulting the then-Muslim mother of four - a refugee from the Middle East who had left her children and husband behind - for her "insult" to Islam. 

The child slaves of Saudi Arabia   

 BBC News 

Ali was beaten up for initially refusing to beg  On the wealthy streets of Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia, thousands of young child-beggars, under the auspices of ruthless gangmasters, are simply trying to survive.

Muslims in UK tracked with cameras 


High-tech CCTV units keep eye on activity in Islamic neighborhoods The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND.   

Proposed Arabic NYC public school causes stir   

Associated Press  

NEW YORK - This city has dozens of small public schools that focus on themes — sports careers, the arts and social justice. Few generate controversy.  

French far-right groups block Great Mosque plans 

Middle East Times 

MARSEILLE, France --  A French court Tuesday ordered construction work on a mosque in the Mediterranean port of Marseille to be suspended in response to legal action by far-right groups.  

Slain evangelists were tortured, says Turkish doctor 


MALATYA, Turkey --  Three Protestants murdered at a Christian publishing house in Malatya, Turkey, were tortured for three hours before their assailants slit their throats, a press report said Friday, quoting one of the doctors involved in the grisly case.  

Ahmadinejad says his letter to President Bush was invitation to Islam
Jakarta, May 11, IRNA

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.

Saudi Arabia sentences Egyptian to death for desecrating Koran   


An Egyptian living in Saudi Arabia has been sentenced to death for desecrating the Koran and renouncing Islam. 

Egyptian expert charged with spying  

Press TV 

Egyptian authorities said they have arrested an Egyptian engineer from the country's nuclear energy agency on charges of spying for Israel.  



Cotabato City, 16 April (AKI) - At least 70,000 Muslim civilians in the southern Filipino province of Sulu were displaced due to fighting between a faction of former rebel group, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the army.

Egyptian opposition arrested 


Shibin el-Kom - Egyptian police detained 15 students from the Muslim Brotherhood on Sunday, one day after Egypt's biggest opposition group said it would contest elections for the upper house of the parliament.  

Don’t stare at Muslims says advice to schools 

Times on Line 

PUPILS and teachers have been told by an official body not to stare at Muslims for fear of causing offence. A document intended to educate against religious intolerance and sectarianism urges teachers to “make pupils aware of the various forms of Islamophobia, ie stares, verbal abuse, physical abuse”.  

Egyptian blogger Abd al-Monem Mahmoud has been arrested  


The 27 year-old Egyptian Muslim Brother journalist and blogger, Abd al-Monem Mahmoud, who is running the “I am Ikhwan” blog has been arrested today by the Egyptian police. 

Swedes Reach Muslim Breaking Point  

Fox News 

MALMO, Sweden —  Swedish authorities in the southern city of Malmo (search) have been busy with a sudden influx of Muslim immigrants — 90 percent of whom are unemployed and many who are angry and taking it out on the country that took them in. 

Trouble Brews At Islamabad's Jihad-preaching Mosque 


The hostage-taking of three police officers by students attached to Islamabad's notorious Red Mosque Wednesday again highlighted the rising strain of religious militancy in the very heart of the Pakistani capital.

Jailed preacher of hate in court battle to stay in Britain 

Evening Standard 

Sheikh Abdullah El-Faisal urged followers to kill Jews, Hindus and Americans A hate preacher blamed for indoctrinating one of the July 7 bombers is using human rights law to fight deportation from Britain, it emerged today. 

UN secretary-general asked to raise imprisoned blogger’s case with Egyptian president 

Reporters Without Borders 

Reporters Without Borders today asked UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon to raise the case of imprisoned blogger Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak during the two-day Arab League Summit that begins tomorrow in Riyadh.

Compass in cell in Holland shows Muslims the East 


AMSTERDAM – Islamic arrestees who are being held at the Segbroek police station in The Hague have a compass in their cell. This way they can always check which way is east so that they know which direction to face when praying. A spokesperson for the police confirmed this on Thursday after a report in the AD. 

Supporters Work to Free Egyptian Blogger

Listen to this story... 

    Warning: This report contains some graphic material.

Clarksville Muslims experience hate crime,

defaced Quran found at center 

CLARKSVILLE — Jerome Heath hadn't even heard of a hate crime in Clarksville in the seven years he's lived here.That changed Friday. 

Schools allowed to ban face veils in UK  

veilBBC News 

Teachers need to be able to see pupils' faces, the DfES says Schools will be able to ban pupils from wearing full-face veils on security, safety or learning grounds under new uniforms guidance issued by ministers.   

Rudd says muslim leader must go quickly 


The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils has denied reports it has sacked controversial Muslim leader Sheik Taj el-Din al Hilaly as mufti of Australia. 

Egyptian People's Assembly approves constitutional amendments   


CAIRO, March 19 (Xinhua) -- The Egyptian lower house of parliament People's Assembly on Monday approved the amendment of34 constitutional articles, the Egyptian official MENA news agency reported.  

The amendments of 34 constitutional articles was approved by the 454-seat People's Assembly with a vote of 315 in favor and is scheduled to go to a nationwide referendum due in early April, parliament speaker Fathi Sorour announced.


Australia PM bans Islamic leader ahead of conference 

News Ninesmn 

A radical Muslim sheik who was expected to speak at a major Islamic conference in Melbourne at the weekend has reportedly been banned from entering the country.  

Well-known Muslim lecturer Sheik Bilal Philips was denied a visa at the last moment by the Howard Government, The Herald Sun reports.

Pakistan blast targets music, videos 

Khaleej Times 

PESHAWAR - A homemade bomb in a Pakistan market damaged four music and video shops on Sunday just weeks after their owners refused an order to close down from Islamic hardliners.  

Police said two people were injured in the blast at a market in Peshawar, the largest city in the deeply conservative North West Frontier Province along the border with Afghanistan. 

UK Government moves to marginalise extremists   

 BBC News  

The government is planning to intervene in some mosques to support Muslims who want to marginalise extremists. Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will announce a new role for the Charity Commission, strengthening its task of overseeing religious institutions.  

US Disappointed With Egyptian Court's Rejection of Blogger Appeal

The United States has expressed disappointment that an Egyptian court has rejected the appeal of a blogger, convicted for insulting Islam and the Egyptian president.

State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack said Thursday the court's decision is a setback for human rights in Egypt.

Rise in radical Islam last straw for Lebanon's Christians 

Sunday Telegraph 

Christians are fleeing Lebanon to escape political and economic crises and signs that radical Islam is on the rise in the country. 

Muslim takes sauna in hijab 

The Sun 

A MUSLIM woman in full hijab robes was allowed to swelter in a SAUNA because worried staff did not want to offend her.  She then jumped into the sports centre’s swimming pool to cool off while still wearing the black top-to-toe Islamic dress.  

Kuwaiti Islamist MPs want minister to wear hijab

Khaleej Times

KUWAIT CITY - Kuwaiti Islamist MPs Sunday called on new Education Minister Nuriya Al Sebih to wear a headcover, or hijab, saying she should comply with Islamic Sharia law regulations.

Church school renames Three Little Pigs to avoid offending Muslims 

Daily Mail 

Honley Church of England Junior School in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. Below: The Three Little Pigs story which has become the three little puppies The story of the Three Little Pigs' battle with the Big Bad Wolf has delighted children since it was written more than 150 years ago.  

Saudi Arabia: Another Wife for 110-Year-Old Man  

NY Times 

A 110-year-old Saudi man has taken a second wife because his first, 85-year-old wife no longer satisfies his needs, the English-language daily Arab News said.

Egypt denounces U.S. human rights report   

China view     

CAIRO, March 10 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Saturday denounced the annual human rights report of the U.S. State Department with critical claims on Egypt's human rights situation.  


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