Saudi judge refuses to annul 8-year-old's marriage
A Saudi judge has refused for a second time to annul a marriage between an 8-year-old girl and a 47-year-old man, a relative of the girl told CNN.
The most recent ruling, in which the judge upheld his original verdict, was handed down Saturday in the Saudi city of Onaiza, where late last year the same judge rejected a petition from the girl's mother, who was seeking a divorce for her daughter.
Raymond Ibrahim: The History Channel's Distortions of the Crusades
I recently taped and am watching a documentary, "The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross," on the History Channel. While it is more or less historically accurate—names, dates, figures—it suffers from two weaknesses, weaknesses that often take center stage whenever Islam is discussed in the West: 1) biases and apologetics on behalf of Islam, coupled with outright distortions concerning Christians and Christianity; and 2) anachronisms, by projecting the motives and worldview of modern man onto the motives and worldview of pre-modern man, both Muslims and Christians.
CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church has for the first time issued a certificate of conversion to a Muslim-born Christian, his lawyer said, in a country where religious conversion is highly sensitive.
Maher al-Gohari, who is seeking to change his religion on his official documents from Muslim to Christian was asked by a court to provide a conversion certificate from the Egyptian church.
مصري مسلم إعتنق المسيحية يحصل على أول وثيقة في تاريخ الكنيسة
القاهرة: اصدرت الكنيسة القبطية المصرية لاول مرة وثيقة تؤكد دخول مصري في المسيحية التي اعتنقها قبل نحو ثلاثين عاما بعد ان كان مسلما، كما افاد محاميه السبت.
وكان ماهر الجوهري (57 عاما) يحتاج الى هذه الوثيقة ليقدمها الى المحكمة الادارية العليا لكي يتم تغيير ديانته على اوراقه الرسمية من مسلم الى مسيحي.
وقال المحامي نبيل جبرائيل "سلم الشهادة اليوم. انها اول مرة تصدر فيها الكنيسة مثل هذه الشهادة".
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” Heb 13.8
“Iycouc Pi,rictoc `ncaf nem voou @ `ncof `ncov pe@ nem sa `eneh”
“يسوع المسيح هو هو الامس واليوم والي الابد”
The Coptic culture has its genesis in the ancient Egyptian history and mythology. Christian teachings and thought have greatly influenced Coptic culture, norms, and values. They enhanced and invigorated some of the ancient Egyptian cultural attributes, norms and values, whereas they modified and changed others. In previous articles, the writer