More than 20 Britons who have trained in al Qaeda terror camps inside Pakistan have returned to Britain, according to Pakistani intelligence.
The Britons, whose families are from Pakistan, were monitored by Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence agency, Sky News reported. But the ISI failed to notify British intelligence until after the men entered the country, the news agency reported.
The arrival of families changed the immigrants' attitudes towards religious and cultural values, transplanting honor culture, modesty standards, and attitudes toward women to the West. Veiled women have now become a common sight on U.S. and European streets.
Western Europe has gone through two major stages in its recent immigration history. In the first stage, European leaders misjudged the effects of immigration and, in the second, they miscalculated how hard it would be to stop an immigration dynamic.
Western Europe has gone through two major stages in its recent immigration history. In the first stage, European leaders misjudged the effects of immigration and, in the second, they miscalculated how hard it would be to stop an immigration dynamic.
حاولت خلال مقالى السابق توضيح الصورة الجميلة للحياة فى سويسرا وكيفية احترام وتقدير الإنسان لأخيه الإنسان خاصة لأصحاب العاهات الذهنية والعضوية، والواقع أن سويسرا بها من الجمال ما لا تستطيع الكتب أن تتحمله من جمال طبيعتها ورقة مشاعر شعبها حبه وتقديره للآخر.
منذ تسلم الرئيس باراك أوباما منصب رئاسة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، راح يبشر بعهد جديد في السياسة الخارجية، تعتمد على الدبلوماسية الناعمة والهادئة بدلاً من سياسة سلفه الرئيس السابق جورج دبليو بوش الخشنة والعصا الغليظة والمواجهات العسكرية. والغرض من هذه السياسة الجديدة هو تحسين صورة أمريكا في العالم، كما يدعون!!
UK combats the spread of radical Islam in its territory
Trends Update
The UK has decided to change its strategy against terrorism and radical Islam at a time of increasing dissolution of the central Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The country will now combat the spread of Islamist ideology in its territory, among British Muslims, by education, discussion, and counter-propaganda.