Anjem Choudary investigated by police over mujahideen fundraising
Police are investigating whether a radical Muslim who has called for money to be collected for Islamic fighters has committed a criminal act.
Choudary's call was posted on an Islamic websitePhoto: FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA
Anjem Choudary, whose supporters hurled abuse at soldiers from the Royal Anglian regiment returning from Afghanistan last week, can be heard on a website calling for other Muslims not to save money for their families but to give it to "mujahideen" - holy warriors - instead.
Hannah Shah had been raped by her father and faced a forced marriage. She fled, became a Christian and now fears for her life
Times on Line
Dominic Lawson
We are all too familiar with the persecution of Christians in countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan. Yet sitting in front of me is a British woman whose life has been threatened in this country solely because she is a Christian. Indeed, so real is the threat that the book she has written about her experiences has had to appear under an assumed name.
أمريكا تتهم بعض الدول الإسلامية بتقييد حرية التعبير والمعارضة باسم الدين
اتهمت الولايات المتحدة بعض الدول الإسلامية بتقييد حرية التعبير والمعارضة فيها باسم الدين، وبعثت واشنطن رسالة أمس إلى الأمم المتحدة تفيد بأن بعض البلدان الإسلامية تستغل مفهوم التشهير بالدين لتبرير فرض قيود على حرية التعبير والمعارضة المدنية.
عزيزى الفاضل / حضره معالى وزير التربيه والتعليم الموقر
أتمنى أن تصل هذه الرساله إليك ، وتجد الوقت لتقراها جيدا ، وأتمنى أن تحيلها إلى مجلس متخصص فى التربيه فهل هذا حلم خيالى وردى ،فجميعنا لاهدف لنا سوى مصلحه هذا الوطن الذى يسكن فى قلوبنا وعقولنا ونحلم بمستقبل أفضل لاولادنا..فعباقره تعليم الدين بالقهر وبالقوه الجبريه بضمه الى منهج اللغه العربيه فى جميع مراحل التعليم فى المدارس حتى للاطفال الصغارمنهم ،فجميعنا يعلم جيدا أنه حتى لو كان الدين سماوى وكتابة منزل من عند الله ، فالله نفسه صاحب الامر ذاته (جل وعلى شأنه ) ، لم يفعل ذلك ، فلا و لم ولن يجبر أحد على حبه وعبادتهو طاعته ويترك الجميع فى حريه تامه مطلقه حتى لو أنكرووجوده ،
Netherlands Supreme Court: Insulting Islam is not insulting Muslims
The Supreme Court yesterday produced an important ruling in principle in favour of freedom of speech. The highest court of the Netherlands acquitted a man of insulting Muslims although he dubbed Islam a tumour.
The Supreme Court quashed a ruling by an appeal court in Den Bosch. As had a district court earlier, the appeal court did find the man guilty. Yesterday's acquittal can have consequences for all future court cases on insulting followers of a faith or ideology, including the notorious case against MP Geert Wilders.
Conflating History with Theology: Judeo-Christian violence vs. Islamic violence
Raymond Ibrahim
Especially after the terrorist strikes of 9/11, Islam has often been accused of being intrinsically violent. Many point to the Koran and other Islamic scriptures and texts as proof that violence and intolerance vis-à-vis non-Muslims is inherent to Islam. In response, a number of apologetics have been offered. The fundamental premise of almost all of these is that Islam’s purported violence—as found in Islamic scriptures and history—is no different than the violence committed by other religious groups throughout history and as recorded in their scriptures, such as Jews and Christians. The argument, in short, is that it is not Islam per se but rather human nature that is prone to violence.
In the above video, David Littman of the Association for World Education and World Union for Progressive Judaism is stopped from describing the antisemitism propagated in publications of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. You can read all about it here. And here, in an interview with Pamela Geller, Littman explains that something is rotten in the state of the UN Human Rights Council, and that Islamic groups are aggressively pursuing a war against free speech at the UN in order to cover up the truth about Sharia: