يقوم منهج حسن البنا مؤسس جماعة الاخوان المسلمين على ان الساحة الإسلامية ليست بديلاً عن الأمة الإسلامية، والدولة المدنية ليست بديلاً عن دولة الإسلام، والمطالبة بالحرية والعدالة والمساواة ليست بديلاً عن شرع الله، والجماعات الإسلامية ليست بديلاً عن الدولة الإسلامية، والديمقراطية ليست بديلاً عن الشورى. هذا المنهج الذي يتفق عليه جماعات الاخوان المسلمين اينما وجدت.
Hate cleric leads jihad cash appeal, "Send money to mujaheddin"
Anjem Choudary, who led protests against returning British troops, has urged his followers to send money to 'mujaheddin'
Anjem Choudary, the former head of al-Muhajiroun
Abul Taher and Daniel Foggo
AN Islamic cleric, whose supporters led a hate-filled protest against British troops returning from Iraq, has urged his followers to give cash to front-line mujaheddin fighters.
Hate cleric leads jihad cash appeal, "Send money to mujaheddin"
Anjem Choudary, who led protests against returning British troops, has urged his followers to send money to 'mujaheddin'
Anjem Choudary, the former head of al-Muhajiroun
Abul Taher and Daniel Foggo
AN Islamic cleric, whose supporters led a hate-filled protest against British troops returning from Iraq, has urged his followers to give cash to front-line mujaheddin fighters.
AMSTERDAM (AP) — Dutch police said Friday they were questioning six men and a woman who were arrested following an anonymous tip of a terrorist threat against a popular shopping area.
The warning came in a call from an unregistered phone in Belgium, and appeared linked to the train bombings in Madrid exactly five years earlier. Police said one of those detained is a relative of an Islamic extremist involved in the Madrid attacks who committed suicide a few weeks later as police closed in.
Let's set aside for the moment the gross insult of those who claim to be British citizens hurling abuse at those who have risked their lives to defend our liberties. The Muslims who shouted abuse at the homecoming march by 2nd Battalion, the Royal Anglican Regiment, such as "Baby Killers" and "Terrorists" forget that they would not enjoy this right if it were not for the bravery of the British service men and women who fight to protect the British way of life.
Al-Gama’ at Islamiyya is an Egyptian Islamic movement linked to Al-Qaeda that has been operating in Brazil since 1995. Mohammed Ali Hassan Mokhles, a group member, left Egypt in 1993 and established residency in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. Authorities claim that Mokhles was sent to the TBA to collect funds for the Middle East and to conduct logistic support activities such as forging passports or other documents for Islamic jihadists. Mokhles reportedly attended a training camp in Khost, Afghanistan.