Islamic Lawyers Urge Death Sentence for Egyptian Convert
In case on whether he can legally change religion, Christian is accused of ‘apostasy.’
By Roger Elliott
ISTANBUL, February 26 (Compass Direct News) – In the latest hearing of a Muslim-born Egyptian’s effort to officially convert to Christianity, opposing lawyers advocated he be convicted of “apostasy,” or leaving Islam, and sentenced to death.
International poll: Muslims support strict Sharia, Islamic supremacism
They differ with Al-Qaeda on the means, not on the goals.
Here is a pdf of the full report. See especially pages 27 through 30: "Islamist Groups and Shari'a." On page 27, the report says: "The Islamist goal of giving Shari'a a larger role in Islamic society is viewed positively."
He cut a smart figure in his grey suit and crisply ironed shirt. The 6ft tall Somalian bowed to the judge, calling him 'Sir', before begging for his wife, Fatima, and their teenage son to be allowed to stay in Britain.
Fatima, with a black khimar veil covering her hair and shoulders, sat quietly next to her husband.
«ما جعلنى أكتب هذه السطور بهدف توضيح الازدواج والتناقض فى مجال السياحة - وهو مجال عملى – وإليكم بعض الأمثلة التى يقوم بها مقدمو الخدمة السياحية. مثلاً ترى بعض المرشدين السياحيين بعد رجوعهم من الزيارة مع الوفد المرافق له يرفض الجلوس مع السائحين على مائدة الطعام، معللاً ذلك بأنه لا يأكل مع كفرة، خاصة أنهم يشربون الخمر، مقدما فى ذلك بعض الأحاديث النبوية بشكل انتقائى.
انشغل الرأى العام المصرى والعالمى بالعملية الإرهابية الأخيرة "للمتأسلمين" التى أدت لمقتل شابة فرنسية فى عمر الزهور 17 عاماً، وإصابة سبعة عشر آخرين من جنسيات مصرية وفرنسية وألمانية، وتطرقت جميع الصحف والإذاعات العالمية للحادث، وأعادت بعض القنوات الألمانية والسويسرية ذكرى عام 1997 "حادث الأقصر الشهير" الذى راح ضحيته 58 سائحاً منهم 36 سويسرياً.
Coptic Cause Loses Two Great Writers and Activists
A few days ago Father Youta announced that he will retire from writing due to a controversy with a certain website which used to publish his articles. Now the popular Mr. Hanz Hanna has decided to stop writing too in solidarity with Father Youta. Both decisions were based on the behavior of that website. Unfortunately we lost the efforts of two great Coptic writers, and no doubt the website lost its reputation of non-bias to say the least!!!!