Today the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), along with its European affiliate the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), asked a federal district court in Pennsylvania to protect the human rights of a Coptic Christian from Egypt who is likely to face torture and possible death if he is returned to his native country. The ACLJ and the ECLJ, which has special consultative status with the United Nations (UN), filed an amicus brief with the district court on behalf of Sameh Sami S. Khouzam.
Iraq’s Christian Exodus Targeted by all sides, Christians must choose to leave, or stay and face death.
By Keith Roderick
The novelist Zora Neale Hurston described one of her characters as a rut in the road, with “plenty of life below the surface but it was beaten down by the wheels.” Since the fall of Saddam, the Christians of Iraq have been beaten down by every wheel in motion: violence, extortion, and murder.
تنظر محكمة القضاء الادارى (دائرة منازعات الإفراد) الدعوى المرفوعة من ممدوح تخله المحامى ورئيس مركز الكلمة لحقوق الإنسان ضد كل من رئيس الجمهورية ورئيسي مجلسي الشعب والشورى لإلغاء القرار السلبى بعدم إصدار قانون دور العبادة الموحدواستندت عريضة الدعوى إلى أن المدعى سبق وقد أرسل إنذارا للمدعى عليهم للمطالبة بسرعة طرح قانون دور العبادة الموحد للمسلمين والمسيحيين واليهود للمناقشة إمام اللجنة التشريعية بمجلسي الشعب والشورى إلا انه رغم مرور المدة القانونية لم يتم مناقشة هذا القانون وأضاف نخله أن تأخير صدور هذا القانون كان سببا مباشرا في كثير من الاعتداءات على المسيحيين
Two young boys ordered to take a school test that would result in their conversion to Islam wrote, "I am Christian," on the exam papers, knowing in advance that could very well spell the end of their educations. Now a U.S.-based organization is lobbying for international pressure on Egypt to quit forcing Christians into such no-win situations.