A cry of anguish and pain, please help. Egyptian police
and persecution of converts.
Let My People Go
With a cry of anguish and pain, Moses once cried out to Pharaoh saying “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness” (Exodus 5:1). This same cry is the cry of the persecuted in our beloved Egypt for the past 1428 years –years where we have been living under the shadows of fire. Today we, too, cry out to our own Pharaoh, Hosny Mubarak and his party, to let Abdullah Ahmad Reyad go.
Abdullah Ahmad Reyad, a 54 year old engineer, has known God for many years through Yusuf Reyad, his father, also a Muslim Background Believer (MBB).
Being a Christian, Abdullah applied for his refugee status in Italy. After eight years of patiently waiting, he was rejected and was sent back to Egypt on Tuesday, August 1, 2006. Starting his new life in Egypt, Abdullah chose to live on Alexandrian Ave. and eventually became a member in the Church of Abu Sven of Ambruzu, Maharam Bek, Alexandria.
Upon attending the Mass of Intercession on Monday, December 25, 2006, a mass primarily for those who are in need for God’s comfort and peace, police stopped him at the doors of the church as though they have been waiting for him. As procedure calls, identification was asked for and Abdullah was escorted away from the church arrested by the police. Taken to the police division in Muharram Bek, Abdullah was brought forth to Captain Abdel-Ghaffar Aldeep, a man famous for his aggression and his role in converting Christians to Islam. Imagine what would happen if a MBB fell right in the hands of such a man??? Placed under arrest, police looted Abdullah’s home stealing his computer, his telephone (both home phone and cell phone), and his money.
Abdullah’s journey continues as he was then taken to the Eastern division, both handcuffed and blindfolded, and placed in the possession of the State Police, where he was not only forced to memorize the Qur’an, but was tortured in extreme ways until Thursday January 4, 2007. Such torture ranges from being starved for a time period of two weeks, to being whipped and electrocuted in sensitive areas.
Abdullah was finally brought to the mental ward of Alexandria and was forced to be admitted as a patient upon the forced signed documents of Sorya Ahmad Reyad, Abdullah’s sister. Upon questioning his sister of her reasoning in doing so, she states that a member of the State police, Aasam Shahwey, gave her the option of either admitting Abdullah in the Mental Ward or letting him die by an Islamic Group. Apologizing to her brother, Sorya Ahmad Reyad forcefully admitted her brother to the mental ward under the diagnosis of “abandonment of the Muslim Religion”.
Upon visiting the hospital on Tuesday, July 3, 2007, Dr. Hussein Al-Halawany, director of the hospital, declared that “Abdullah does not meet any of the symptoms to be diagnosed as a mental patient. Abdullah however,” states Dr. Al-Halawany, “is admitted in the hospital under the orders of state police and therefore can not be released without their permission.” Granted the approval of Dr. Al-Halawany to meet with Abdullah, we were introduced to a person whom has changed completely, both physically, and psychologically. As we recorded our discussion with him, we personally witnessed how bad the situation is. However, although all this misfortune has happened, Abdullah never ceased to smile saying: “I am ready for martyrdom at any time. Although I am happy with my Lord Jesus Christ, I am sad for my homeland, Egypt, for it has turned into a big jail for all of us”.
Today, we cry out to our God who is able to pour out his mercy and his comfort on us so that his people may rejoice and worship him. For in our times of need, He was our provider, giving us all that was stolen by Islam in seven folds so that our country may become for Christ, fulfilling His own promise saying “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance” (Isaiah 19:25). Whether Hosny Mubarak is unaware of the crimes happening in Egypt or such crimes are the actual results of his orders, he is nevertheless the president and we collectively request for the healing of his paralytic state from being seated at his ‘throne’ way too long, gripping as tightly as he can, with useless authority, to his status.
Your only hope, our beloved Egypt, is to focus on God. The country’s own institutions are of no help to your people for they are becoming jail cells imprisoning those simply exercising their own freedom and human right to change religions. We finally ask the governments to intrude as soon as possible and save Abdullah Ahmad Reyad. Let him go. Your sister,Rasha Noor.