القبض على الدكتور عادل فوزى مسؤول المنظمة فى جمهورية مصر العربية
منظمة مسيحي الشرق الاوسط
بعد ظهر اليوم وفى تمام الساعه الثانيه واربعين دقيقه قامت قوات الشرطه المصريه بألقاء القبض على الدكتور عادل فوزى مسؤل منظمه مسيحى الشرق الاوسط بمصر
واحد الاعضاء واسمه بيتر وغير معلوم حتى الان سبب القبض عليهم وقد قامت مباحث امن الدوله بتحطيم محتوايات شقه الدكتور عادل تماما وتم الاستيلاء على جهاز الكمبيوتر الشخصى كما تم الاستيلاء على اغلفه كتاب المضطهدون.. ونتابع الموقف دقيقه بدقيقهURGENT ACTION NEEDED PLEASE:
Arrest of Middle East Christians Association (MECA) Leaders in Cairo on August 8, 2007
On August 8, members of the State Security Investigations (SSI) of Egypt arrested the 61y Dr. Adel Fawzy Faltas the head of Middle East Christian Association (MECA) branch in Cairo, a licensed Non Governmental Organization based in Canada and has branches in Egypt, and the 35y Mr. Peter Ezzat, a member of MECA, vandalized their homes, confiscated their computers and took them to State Security Intelligence (SSI) headquarters at Lazoghly Square for interrogation where they are being held tell now subject to torture and abuse by the Egyptian police.
Adel and Peter were accused of insulting Islam by breaching Christianity and having an unlawful association with foreign organizations. At least one other administrator received a summons to report to the police by midnight that same day.
Attempts by their attorneys to contact them have been unsuccessful. Other administrators are now in hiding.
MECA was founded a Canadian Coptic Christians, Nader Fawzy. The action of the security services appears to be related to the fact that MECA had filed law suit against members of the Egyptian government including the President, Prime Minister, Interior Minister and Minister of Social Services, seeking compensation for the Coptic victims of al-Kosheh Muslim riots in 2000 where 21 Christians were killed in cold blood and non of the perpetrators were convicted. The ruling is expected on September 6.
The police action represents a grievous infringement on the human rights of the accused and against a legally licensed NGO. The accused should have immediate access to their attorneys and be released.