Mr Willie Walsh
CEOBritish Airways plc,
PO Box 365,
UB7 0GB.1st November 2006
Dear Mr. Walsh
I am astonished and disappointed at your decision to suspend your employee Ms Nadia Eweida for “failing to comply with uniform regulations by wearing a crucifix “ While the British Airways does not object to wearing other religious symbols by Muslims and Hindu which is more obvious than the crucifix Ms Eweida was wearing.
I find the current situation reflects a shameless double standard as well as being insulting and offensive to Christians.
BA as an employer has responsibility to treat all its employees equally. It is difficult to imagine this unjust situation is coming from British Airways offices.
I strongly support former Tory Home Office Minister Ann Widdecombe who claimed the decision was "religious discrimination" and called for a boycott of BA if it wasn't reversed. Hope to see this decision reversed soon.
I am afraid stopping Ms Eweida from wearing the crucifix while other faiths employee enjoy displaying their religious outfit has caused a lot of resentment to many people in this country to the extent that, I for myself and my friends and members of the Coptic and Middle Eastern Christians, we are going to boycott the BA services.
Yours sincerely