The cross belongs at the heart of British culture 

Source Daily Telegraph


Silence has been the notable response from the bishops of the Church of England to the decision by British Airways to forbid employees from visibly wearing even a tiny cross on a necklace.

It is understandable that the bishops might not wish to become embroiled in the specific case of the check-in worker Nadia Eweida. Nor would they wish to antagonise Muslim sentiment.  

But to pass up the opportunity to explain the centrality of the cross in Christianity and a Christian society is baffling. 

Perhaps the bishops do not see Britain as a Christian country.  The evidence is to the contrary. The Church of England is established by law; the Head of State is the Supreme Governor of that Church.  

Christian culture, the majority culture of the country, is exemplified all around us, in reality not just theory, by the cross.

From the seven-ton cross atop St Paul's Cathedral, to the cross on the crown of the Queen on every postage stamp, the symbol is everywhere. Some discussions of religious symbols in recent days have shown an exaggerated fear that the sight of the cross might offend.

That is woolly thinking.  Individuals can be offended by anything – one Persian sect shies away from lettuces. But the cross is not offensive in the way a Nazi swastika is. It signifies no wicked or lawless intent: quite the opposite.

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