United Copts GB statement in the wake of Ahmed Fathi Soror visit to USA.
The United Copt GB would like to state that Mr Ahmed Fathi Sorour the Egyptian Assembly speaker who has presided over the position of Egyptian Assembly speaker since 1991 has been an obstacle to reformation.
Following the European Parliament resolution to condemn the state of Human Right in Egypt, the imprisonment of political dissidents on trumped up charges like for example imprisoning Ayman Noor and Abdel Karim Nabil as well as criticising the discrimination and persecution of Copts, Mr Soror responded by threatening to boycott the meeting in Brussels. Here
The chances to reform the Egyptian constitution last year was stiffeled by Mr. Sorour.
You cannot miss his Wahabi roots from his inauguration speech at the opening session of the Egyptian Parliament 2July 2000. Here
The Copts demand a serious attempt to reinstate Egypt civil face by criminalizing activities of persecuting and discriminating against Copts and demand equal treament of all Egyptians