Press release: Join us July 16th, for a peaceful Coptic Demonstration in front of the White House

Dhimmi Watch

American Egyptian Coptic Christians to organize a peaceful demonstration, on July 16, 2008, in front of the White House, to protest violent attacks against Coptic Christians in Egypt


Written by Coptic organizations in the United States

Coptic Organizations in America along with activists from Egypt, the Middle East, Europe and the United states, will conduct a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House on Wednesday July 16, 2008, from 12:00 noon to 4:00 pm.

The purpose is to convey, to world's opinion and international human rights organizations, the systematic and continuous persecution, murders, discrimination, marginalization, and the organized (by the security police, and muslim organizations) kidnapping of Coptic girls inflicted on Coptic Christians of Egypt by the Egyptian government and Muslim “extremists,” which in many cases represent the whole "moderate" population of a village or a town, following recent killings and attacks on Christian homes, businesses and institutions.

We will expose the persecution of the Coptic Christians of Egypt, including unprovoked attacks against Coptic families, churches, monasteries, homes and businesses. During the past few weeks, news agencies worldwide reported attacks against the Copts in towns and cities of Zaitoun, Alexandria, Abu Fana, Dafash, El Menia, Luxor, and Fayoum. The situation became so bad to the extent that attempts were made to force Coptic monks to denounce their faith under torture and death threats.Dear Brothers and Sisters

Come join us in condemning the oppression and ethnic cleansing inflicted on the Coptic Christians of Egypt.


Many of our brethren pay the ultimate price which is their lives for their faith and freedom of religion, and we only ask you to sacrifice just a few hours of your time to declare your support of your oppressed brothers and sisters in Egypt by deed not just talk.


In addition to violent attacks by Muslim extremists, the Copts of Egypt suffer from discriminatory laws and practices imposed on them by the Egyptian government. These practices include restrictions on church building, under representation in Parliament (less than 1%), and discrimination in jobs and promotions. Most high ranking jobs in Egypt are out of reach for Copts. [These are issues that are too numerous to mention here and will be the subject of a book that will be published in America soon by Coptic organizations and American researchers.]


We call on the American and International Media, human rightsorganizations, churches and Christian organizations and all freedom loving people to join our demonstration to send a message to the Egyptian government to stop persecuting the Copts and take responsibility in providing adequate protection for them. 

Use the gift that God gave you and be an honest witness to what happens in Egypt. God, who gave you freedom in America, gave you also the responsibility to defend the right of your people in Egypt for freedom and security.


We invite our Ethiopian and Sudanese brothers and sisters in the Washington DC area to take part in this demonstration to defend the persecuted Coptic Church. [Ethiopian and Sudanese Christians belong to the same Coptic Church.]


Those who live in the Washington DC area may go directly to the location of the demonstration. Those who don’t have transportation may gather at St. Mark Coptic Church in Virginia at 10:00A.M., Wednesday July 16, 2008. Those who are coming from other States may go directly to the location of the demonstration.  Those who are coming from New Jersey and New York may use buses provided by the American Coptic Association in New Jersey.


We will be joined in Washington D.C. by several Congressmen and Senators, including Congressman Frank Wolf who introduced House Resolution 1303, condemning the Egyptian government’s human rights violations, and several TV stations will cover the demonstration.   

  For more information, please contact:   Mounir Bishay, Los Angeles (310) 641- 3387 Jacob Keryakos, New Jersey (732) 414- 9451 Fayez Khella, New Jersey (201) 424- 0278 Dr. Dawoud, New Jersey (201) 424- 1001Atef Jacoub, Washington DC (703) 863- 7069 Selim Naguib, Montreal (514) 485- 4550

Atef Macar, Chicago (630) 878- 1333


The use of the buses from the different locations is offered for ALL who want to join our demonstration, Copts and non Copts. Please feel welcomed to call the Coptic organization representative nearest you for the locations and schedules of the buses. 


A reminder for those who are not aware of history: Copts are the native people of Egypt, the descendants of the Ancient Egyptians. Egypt was majority Copts, beside a large and thriving Jewish community. The Jews were driven out of Egypt by the mid fifties after confiscating all their properties, and since then the successive muslim governments of Egypt are working according to plan, "First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people."


It's Egyptian muslims that spread the ideology of jihad through Al Azhar missionary sheiks worldwide and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Saudis were the financiers. It's no coincidence that Mohammad Atta, the leader of the 911 (glorious ghazwa) massacre, Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, serving life in America for the 1993 WTC bombing, Sheik El Qaradawi, and Zawahri (the brain), just to name few illustrious ones are all Egyptians.

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