Please copy and paste this application form and e.mail it to:
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PO BOX 3496
ST16 9PT
Application Form
I would like to join the United Copts of Great Britain as a member.
Name: .............................
Address: ..............................
Telephone Number Home: ....................................
Telephone Number Moblie: .......................................
Fax Number: .......................................
E-Mail Address: .......................................
Aims of UCGB
1-To raise the profile of the discrimination/persecution of Copts in their home land.
2-To provide moral, legal, financial support or any other form of legitimate support to the Copts who suffer discrimination, and/or persecution as deemed necessary.
3-To disseminate information to individuals, governments agencies, Human Rights organizations and any other interested legitimate parties as need arises.
4-To co operate with other Coptic, non-Coptic Human Rights and Christian and non Christian organizations to help achieve the above aims.
5-To provide moral, legal financial or otherwise support to Copts refugees in UK and asylum seekers in UK.
6-To achieve all above aims by peaceful means and the Christian moral code is the guide to our conduct.