Islamic Radicalisation of British Universities. Audio. BBC Radio.  

Alarming Radio interview from BBC Radfo for example, in Croydon, south of London Muslim gangs target school children as young as 12 y olds in schools and colleges, begins distribution of leaflets in and around schools and colleges premesis, a call to convert “Kufars” to Islam is followed by fight, intimidation and coercion where gangs of Muslim radicals up to 50 in numbers beat up students. Listen 

Going on for years. 

Radicalisation of youth through the internet is rife in UK schools and universities, Omar Bakri Mohammad praises Abu Musab El-Zarkawi and isites hate of "Kufars". 

Large numbers of listeners log on to web sites available only to members. 

Future activities and demos are organised though the websites which was tracedby police recently as a resulting in Hundreds of Islamic Radicals are being watched by police. 

Um-Terror called for a debate between Muslims and Christians at Staffordshire University campus in Stoke on Trent, it turned out to be the only non-Muslim in the meeting was a Catholic Priest; the debate is merely a Bible Bashing where Christianity was made a laughing stock, the speaker did not introduce himself saying "is enough only to say I am a Muslim", later it turned out to be that he was Abu-Rateb, a fundamentalist from Luton. 

Staffordshire University is being used a platform for Islamic Radicalisation.

Universities admit they knew NOTHING about the meetings which take place at the University campuses nor about the Muslim speakers. 

in Croydon, south of London Muslim gangs target school children as young as 12 y olds in schools and colleges, begins distribution of leaflets in and around schools and colleges premesis, a call to convert “Kufars” to Islam is followed by fight, intimidation and coercion where gangs of Muslim radicals up to 50 in numbers beat up students.

Hear from the mother of 15 years old who was killed because he did not convert. 

“Kufars are worthless, you can take their money and properties” Fundamentalist gangs say. 

These activities are being paid for by "certain mosques"

Is Britain waking up at last?

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