استغاثة المتنصر الأستاذ ماهر الجوهرى وأبنته دينا
إلى رؤساءالدول والحكومات وهيئآت حقوق الإنسان
حياتنا مهددة ساعدونا على الخروج من مصر
SOS from the convert from Islam Peter Athanasious
previously Maher Ahmed Algohari and his daughter Dina to the world,
save our lives and get us out of Egypt or will be murdered.
Letter from Dina to Stephen Harper Canadian Prime minister
Dear Mr Stephen Harper Prime Minister of CanadaI am 15 years old child;
I want to say to you that my father and I are treated very badly in Egypt because Muslim Sheiks produced fatwa to kill my dad because we converted fro Islam to Christianity.
I know Muslims in Canada are treated well, I hope you send strong message to the Egyptian government to treat us well with equality and justice.
We are imprisoned in our house and prevented from leaving the country, confiscated our passports.
We love Christ and will never go back to Islam regardless how much torture we face; our lives are threatened every minute, please save our lives.
Christian for ever.
Dina Maher Al-Gowhari
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