UK schools get guide to Islam 

LONDON, Dec.9: A guide to Islam is being given to primary schools across Britain containing a headscarf, a prayer mat, a prayer cap, sacred Ihram clothing worn during the pilgrimage to Makkah, a poster of the Muslim prophets and a compass to locate the direction of Makkah. 

According to Daily Express the teaching resource, provided by the Muslim Council of Britain, is intended to provide children aged seven and 11 with information about true Islamic beliefs. 

The pack, described on Friday by one head teacher as a "three-foot by three-foot plastic box", also contains CDs, videos, children's books and pamphlets and model kits of a mosque and Islam's holiest site, the Ka'bah. 

Sir Iqbal Sacranie, of the MCB, said: "We believe education is the key to creating a vibrant and understanding society. 

"We want to ensure that every schoolchild has access to high quality Islamic resources in their schools."

Colin Manning, head teacher of North Reddish Junior School in Stockport, which has only four Muslim pupils, said: "The future is in the hands of young people. 

The better they understand each other, the more secure that future will be." Tahir Alam, education spokesman for the MCB, added: "We found that schools were using books that were not accurate about Muslim traditions and beliefs so we put this pack together. 

"We now have over 800 schools using them."

My question is: Can schools in UK issue Muslim students with a cross, a Bible, an icon of Jesus, and the like?. 

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