Media labels Arab Spring pro-democracy as Muslim Brotherhood fulfills jihadist vision

In late December 2010, the Tunisia uprising was sparked by a tragic public suicide-burning of a twenty-something street vender in an act of civil disobedience. Instantaneously, media commentary like wildfire around the world labeled this event “Arab Spring,” branding it the beginning of a struggle for democracy in the region. Correspondents in the tumultuous Middle East barraged the airwaves with the fast impression that this dreadful incident had value in leading to freedom in that part of the planet, and the image of this terrifying catalyst went viral.

Even those who know me well do not fully understand how my early childhood in Egypt shaped me into the spokesperson I am today. As an outcome of my upbringing, I am an avid fighter for free speech and openly expressive about the need for religious tolerance in society. I was born in Cairo, Egypt, into a Coptic Christian family during the time of King Farouk, just before his overthrow and replacement by President Nasser – a significant turning point for Islam and for Egypt which would influence my life forever.

The relaxed Islamic era of King Farouk who sought to integrate Western culture into an Islamic country was about to transform gradually in the hands of a Muslim Brotherhood-backed president guided by a more rigid religious ideology. Discrimination of Christians moved from the subtle to the overt over time until today Christian persecution and losses are at an all-time high.

As a young man, I worshipped Christ and watched my future wither before me. With a government issued identity card stating my religion Christian all my dreams and pursuits were thwarted. Dominant Islamic religious principles and the government as such had blocked my opportunities either by law or custom and cemented the relegation of a whole nation of non-Muslims to official second-class status.

As co-religionists in the West, we have accepted the Martyrs of the East -- 10,000 miles away -- with relative ease as we pray daily for their survival.

I trusted God then as now, and in spite of the undue hardships inflicted upon Copts by Muslims, I treated fellow Muslims (students and neighbors) with respect and love. I remained a Christian witness to human beings whose souls were caged by a bondage doctrine as my own soared in the freedom of the true and living God. Many were set free as a response to hearing the Truth. Often remaining undercover, the apostate from Islam lives in fear of any Islamist incited to carry out law and kill him.

Interreligious faith programs entail Muslim proselytizing American Christians through means of gaining sympathy. Their success rate has been very high, especially within the African-American Christian community in the United States.

Now, the American church has a ripe opportunity to evangelize Muslims on American soil. Immigrants who pour into our free nation can hear God’s word preached freely. At the same time, in defense of Christianity, the church must not allow Muslim special privilege-jihad to take place in our secular society which they pursue on the basis of mythical American persecution, non-Muslim victimization and knee-jerk claims of racism.

Muslim believers come from all races and nations, and the most hate crimes committed in America are against Jews – a statistic that para-mosque organizations are working gradually to change by reporting baseless discrimination claims to state authorities. These are Egyptian-Muslim deception tactics now implemented in America’s Judeo-Christian democracy to advance a political ideology – no violence against us is necessary in this type of civilization jihad (holy war).

Growing up in Egypt, I lived in a Muslim-Christian mixed neighborhood and attended schools with Muslim friends. My family called me Ashraf, a non-Christian name intended to ease my lifestyle in an Islamic nation where hatred of Jews and Christians is preached daily in mosques and written in school textbooks. It was because of our Christian faith that my first name was to be a functionary of equal status somehow in the naïve approach of my mother to navigate her first born son through the landmines of Arab-Muslim supremacy.

The important point here is that when Muslims become a majority,* whether in their segregated enclaves in western host countries or in Islamic nations, they rule with inequality -- fulfilling mandates of their religious texts. Many times American Christians are denied the benefit of straight talk from Muslims engaging in faith explanations.

Many Muslims immigrate to the West to escape their unavoidable dogma and the rule of Sharia law as its natural consequence. Unfortunately, in America as elsewhere, the Sharia-peddlers follow their flock to college campuses and mosques with pressure to obey Koran scriptures and move toward the true meaning of jihad (holy war declared against Christians and Jews) -- warfare against you and me, the infidel.

Radicalizing peaceful Muslim families is pervasive in the US with plenty of data to back this up. Imported imams from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with Middle East funding control your interfaith partners. Their operations are conducted by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. And this brings us full circle -- back to the Egypt of my youth.

Please see below how 6 out of 10 Muslims in a poll taken believe in silencing my personal history and your understanding of their ideology. As a church, we obey our Scriptures and, in this changing environment, what justifies our existence more than standing up for free speech and religious freedom along with spreading the Gospel?

*A majority in the US means government appointed positions and influence, seats won in local, state, and federal elections, school board positions and judgeships held around the country by those who profess an Islam which leads to Sharia.

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Thank you and May God bless you in this endeavor.

In Christ,

Dr. Ashraf Ramelah,

Founder and President

Voice of the Copts

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