The veil has become the center of a European fight over how to balance expressions of Muslim identity with the Western idea of citizenship.[1] How can states achieve a balance between republicanism and minority rights? Can majorities in liberal, Western nation-states, force a dress code upon minorities? While Muslim societies have debated various garments and coverings for women through the twentieth century,
CAIRO, Egypt, SEPT. 27, 2007 ( The patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church says that the contradiction in the legal system embodied in the Egyptian Constitution makes life difficult for the faithful.
Patriarch Antonios Naguib explained the difficulties of the Egyptian legal situation to the Germany-based group Aid to the Church in Need.
The Egyptian media has been heavily preoccupied of late with the issue of religious conversions, and authorities usually welcome Christians who seek to convert to Islam. The same cannot be said of the opposite, that is conversions from Islam to Christianity, with many Muslim scholars maintaining that ridda and the punishment that goes with it should apply.
Some of the world's most repressive governments are attempting to use a controversy over a Swedish cartoon to provide legitimacy for their suppression of their critics in the name of respect for Islam. In particular, the Organization of the Islamic Conference is seeking to rewrite international human rights standards to curtail any freedom of expression that threatens their more authoritarian members.
by Daniel Pipes Jerusalem Post September 26, 2007
While the outside world hardly noticed, a significant and rapidly growing amount of money is now being managed in accord with Islamic law, the Shari'a. According to one study, "by the end of 2005, more than 300 institutions in over 65 jurisdictions were managing assets worth around US$700 billion to US$1 trillion in a Shari'ah-compatible manner."
Financial Infrastructure of Islamic Extremists in the Balkans
I am posting this on behalf of TF Blog contributor Darko Trifunovic. Shortly I will be posting two presentations Darko made at the recent Institute for Counterterrorism conference in Herzliya, Israel. Darko's post follows:
Dina Ezzat reports on a new episode of Egyptian-American tension, this time on religious freedoms
As expected, the release of the annual US State Department International Religious Freedom Report was no cause for kind words between Cairo and Washington. Accusations of abuses of religious freedoms met predictable repudiation on the Egyptian side. According to Egyptian and American sources, the matter will not go much further.
Thank you Viviane Paolini for sending this most important article.
Memo lays bare group's plans to destroy U.S. from within 11:17 AM CDT on Sunday, September 9, 2007
"Our strategy is this," President Bush said last month. "We will fight them over there so we do not have to face them in the United States of America."
He was talking about jihadists, of course. And Mr. Bush is behind the curve. The president apparently missed the smoking-gun 1991 document his own Justice Department introduced into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas. The FBI captured it in a raid on a Muslim suspect's home in Virginia. This "explanatory memorandum," as it's titled, outlines the "strategic goal" for the North American operation of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan).
Chairman of the Dutch Ex-Muslim committee Ehsan Jami holds up a t-shirt that reads "I am an ex-muslim too" 11 September 2007 during a press conference where Jami and his counterparts from Germany and England signed the European Statement of Tolerance in The Hague. The Netherlands Committee of Ex-Muslims was founded that day according to their website
abcnews By CHRISTINE BROUWER LONDON, Sept. 17, 2007
As the debate in Western Europe about radical Islam heats up, a new and unlikely group of people are adding their voice to the discussion.
No symbol of cultural difference is more emotive in modern Britain than the headscarf. To many non-Muslims it represents the refusal to integrate, resistance to UK foreign policy and the oppression of women. But to wearers, the hijab has as many meanings as an onion has layers. It can even serve as a symbol of self-determination. So it is appropriate that Muslim women, hijab-wearers among them, are emerging tentatively into public life after years of invisibility within the UK’s highest-profile minority.
Why It’s So Hard to Win by Victor Davis Hanson The American(Sept-Oct 2007)
Is it five or ten or fifteen — years that are necessary to win wars of counterinsurgency such as Iraq? By now, Americans are well acquainted with such warnings that patience — along with political and economic reforms, not just arms — defeats guerrillas.
The international Sunni jihadist group Muslim Brotherhood set up numerous U.S. front groups since the 1990s that should be regarded as hostile and a threat to the United States, a Pentagon Joint Staff analyst said.
Stephen Caughlin, a lawyer and military intelligence specialist on the Joint Staff, stated in a Sept. 7 memorandum that many U.S. Muslim groups viewed as moderate by the Justice Department and other government agencies secretly are linked to the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.
The IISS survey claims al-Qaida is resurgent and capable of "carrying out large-scale attacks in the western world". It also points out that the organisation has acquired a string of affiliates in Iraq, northern Africa and elsewhere prepared to carry out attacks to further Osama bin Laden's objectives. Meanwhile, the war in Iraq has provided both a recruiting tool for al-Qaida and a "crucible" for producing "hardened jihadists", the IISS argues.
How goes the "war on terror"? One would think that the absence of a successful dramatic terrorist operation against Westerners since the London bombings in July 2005 would be heartening. But an atmosphere of gloom predominates. A recent much-publicized Foreign Policy magazine poll of 108 American specialists, myself included, found merely 6% who agreed that "The United States is winning the war on terror." A whopping 84% disagreed.
On Tuesday the Egyptian Church celebrates the Coptic New Year 1724 Anno Martyrus, or year of the martyrs. The Coptic calendar is the ancient Egyptian one of twelve 30-day months plus a "small" five-day month—six-day in a leap year.
A movement fostered by the fear of ‘imperial’ rule
Andrew Norfolk
The conviction that British values pose a deadly threat to Islam has been nurtured by Deobandis since the movement’s birth in 19th century India.
The first madrassa, founded in 1867 in Deoband, 90 miles (145km) north of Delhi, was established as an act of Sunni Muslim defiance against imperial oppression. Ten years earlier its leaders had taken part in the Indian Mutiny against British rule.
By: Sandra Boulos This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Talking about Egypt, the pyramids, the Red Sea coral reefs, and the treasures left by the pharaohs come to mind. But very little is known about its Copts, the Christians of the land of the Nile that constitute a distinct and ancient minority that miraculously survived centuries of hardships living among the Moslem majority.
THE HAGUE – An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 people in the Netherlands could possibly be influenced by ideas of Salafism, a radical and ultra orthodox ideology in Islam. There are approximately 2,500 ‘potential activists’.
AMANPOUR’S POOR JUDGMENT By: Roz Rothstein, International Director of StandWithUs Roberta P. Seid, PhD, Education/Research Director of StandWithUs
It would not be out of line to express concern that Christiane Amanpour’s purpose in making her CNN special, “God’s Holy Warriors,” was to float a theory about a Jewish conspiracy in the U.S. and to float innuendoes with anti-Semitic undertones.
Please respond to this misleading article by e.mail toBill ZlatosThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Local educators learn about Islam on trip to Egypt
"The idea is most Americans don't know much about Islam except what you see in the headlines, which is all violence and oppression of women," said Rebecca Denova, visiting lecturer in religious studies at the University of Pittsburgh. "The purpose of the program is we need to teach more about Islam, starting in high school and in colleges."