A Coptic Christian from Egypt is battling for a court ruling to allow him to remain in the United States and avoid the sure torture he would face under Egypt's Islamic law, according to his supporters.
CAIRO, June 11 — First came the breast-feeding fatwa. It declared that the Islamic restriction on unmarried men and women being together could be lifted at work if the woman breast-fed her male colleagues five times, to establish family ties. Then came the urine fatwa. It said that drinking the urine of the Prophet Muhammad was deemed a blessing.
It comes as no surprise that the three suspects arrested in connection with the plot to blow up JFK Airport are tied to a Caribbean group, whose evil sheep are largely black converts to Sunni Islam. More and more members of the globe’s disenchanted black communities appear to have found bliss and confirmation in the world’s fastest-growing religion, fattening its rolls to more than one billion, and giving more fodder and tinder to its radical sector.
On January 20, 2005, after President George W. Bush took his second oath of office, he delivered an address in which he laid out his vision for his second term. In his speech, he reiterated his intention to tie U.S. policy to be the promotion of freedom and democracy abroad.
It’s not just Muslims and Jews who have faced persecution in recent years. An estimated 200m Christians in 60 countries are now suffering increasing victimisation. So why isn’t the West doing anything to protect them?
The assault on the Copts of the village of Bemha in al-Ayaat, Giza, on 11 May was the latest incident in a long series that goes back to the 1970s, when the Holy Bible Publishing House (Dar al-kitab al-Moqadas) in al-Khanka neighbourhood in Cairo was attacked and set on fire.
Baroness Cox: Britain has 'been deeply infiltrated by radical Islam'
Yaakov Lappin
Baroness Caroline Cox, former deputy speaker of the House of Lords for 20 years, and author of " The West, Islam, and Islamism, " and Dr. John Marks, co-author of the book, are in Israel as guests of the Jerusalem Summit for a BESA Center conference on radical Islam being held at Bar-Ilan University.
The repercussions of the sectarian violence which erupted on Friday 11 May in the village of Bemha in Ayaat, Giza, are still reverberating around. That fateful Friday, a mosque imam’s call for jihad to defend Islam against the threat of the Christian villagers’ intention to build a church,
This Morning – Memorial Day week end … One of the bravest men in America called me and in his heavy accent wished me a Blessed Memorial Day … and he thanked America for the Blood she leaks and leaked for hundreds of years to create liberty.
Muslim cleric Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal, who has been deported from the UK to Jamaica, was jailed in 2003 for soliciting the murder of Jews and Hindus.
For five years we have been lectured that George Bush ruined the trans-Atlantic relationship. But now we see pro-American governments in both France and Germany, and a radical change in attitudes from Denmark to Holland to Italy.
A group aiming to create Islamic states worldwide has established roots here, in large part under the guidance of Egypt-born Ahmed Elkadi
Over the last 40 years, small groups of devout Muslim men have gathered in homes in U.S. cities to pray, memorize the Koran and discuss events of the day.
Egyptian Muslim Intellectual Criticizes Egypt's Treatment of Copts
Against the backdrop of the recent tension between Muslims and Copts in Egypt, Egyptian Muslim intellectual Tarek Heggy wrote an article titled "If I Were a Copt" in which he sharply criticized the Egyptian regime's policy towards its Coptic Christian population.
How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism - Part Four of Four
By Adrian Morgan
Britain has long had a policy of accepting "asylum seekers" onto its shores. A noble policy in principle, it has allowed Islamists who are too extreme for their own Islamic countries to arrive and thrive. Within Britain, these individuals have been allowed to continue preaching their extremism, with little or no interference from the authorities.
Re: “Egypt guarantees freedom to practice your faith”, May 7.
In his personal attack on me, Egyptian Ambassador Mahmoud El-Saeed has denied the immense amount of work done by the United Nations, Amnesty International, and the Canadian government in verifying my story and bringing me to Canada. My story speaks for itself; I have nothing to prove.
The dramatic events of the last few years have made it plain that the West is in a fight for its life. The terrorist attacks on New York, Washington, Madrid and London have demonstrated with ample clarity the enemy’s commitment to his stated goal of our destruction.
The situation could not indeed be more dire, since never before have we faced a foe so dogged and fanatical. Whether we want to admit it or not we are in a war to the death, for the enemy will not relent until he either accomplishes his objective or is himself destroyed in the effort. Given the stakes, it is vitally important that we understand who this enemy is, because only then we’ll be in a position to formulate an effective strategy for the struggle ahead.
After the attacks of September the 11th, many questioned, “Why do they hate us?” While any deliberate attack on innocent civilians is deplorable, it is important to find the cause of radical Islamic terrorism.
Listen to any Radio 4 discussion on what motivates terrorists, and the same consensus is usually reached – it’s foreign policy, stupid. Bush and Blair, Iraq and Afghanistan, the West’s misguided interventions in the Muslim world, that’s what inflames young hearts with righteous anger, an anger which our leaders have allowed to become a killing rage.
An Administrative Court ruling prohibiting Copts who had converted to Islam from returning -- officially at least -- to their original faith has provoked uproar, reports Gihan Shahine