cynthia farahat testifying to congress


Cynthia Farahat: Jihad & the War on Egypt's Coptic Christians

chemical weapon used


عبد الحليم قنديل

احنا عايزين "اللى اسمهم ايه" اللى دهسوا الناس فى ماسبيرو

يتقدموا للمحاكمة



الاعلاميه هاله سرحان وتكشف كوارث على الهواء

بطاقات الانتخاب فى الزبالة



المجد للشهداء - جمعة رد الإعتبار - Martyrs of the Egyptian Revolution

copts and arab spring
Double click to watch

House of Lords

Tuesday, 29 November 2011.

2.30 pm

Prayers-read by the Lord Bishop of Liverpool.

Arab Spring


2.36 pm

Asked by Baroness Cox

    To ask Her Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the implications of the Arab spring for religious minorities in the countries concerned.

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Lord Howell of Guildford): My Lords, it is hard to generalise, given the differing circumstances in each country, but, that said, religious minorities have clearly suffered grievous oppression, often predating the so-called Arab spring, in Egypt, Iran, Iraq and, indeed, elsewhere. Egypt, in particular, has witnessed an upsurge in vicious sectarian violence and we continue to urge the Egyptian authorities to establish conditions in which all discrimination on the basis of religion is prevented. We deplore all discrimination against religious minorities and all constraints on their freedom to practise their faiths.

Sheikh Al-Hewini calls for Jihad as a solution to Islamic countries financial problems

"We take the non Muslims prisoners, confiscate their money, properties, children and wives"



مدحت قلادة على ال CTV 23 نوفمبر 2011


Save Egypt call   

Security and army kill protesters in Tahrir Square 

قوات الامن و الجيش تسحل المتظاهرين فى التحرير

To the whole world 

Save Egypt

أنقذوا شباب مصر

د. أحمد حرارة .. قدم نور عينيه حراً 



المفكر الكبير طارق حجى على قناة CTV

Tarek Heggy interview on CTV November 15, 2011 from NiMBUS PRODUCTIONS on Vimeo.


Detailed and long video abot Maspero attack


فيديو مفصل عن مظاهرة ماسبيرو والاعتداء على الاقباط

Are the forces of repressionare making a come back?
hard talk with fouda 


To Yousri Fouda you walked away…..



Dina Rasmy said she is ashamed or working for the state Media



Yousri Fouda says: the guys who are ruling this country are worse than Mubarak



This video proves that Martyr Mina Danial did not carry any weapons


martyr mina
Toronto Demonstration October 23, 2011 3/3


تسجيل للدكتور خالد منتصر على قناة سى تى فى برنامج فى النور

Washington Protest against Maspero massacre of Copts

Stand Up for Egypt's Copts 23 October 2011

Resolution passed by Australian parliament for the Copts


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