Six Coptic brothers cafe shop owners sentensed yesterday to 3 years in jail for opening the cafe in Ramadan.
Video of the attack
From Coptic News
Last Ramadan (the Muslim fasting month) the Egyptian police attacked, assaulted and beaten up six Coptic Christian brothers who operate a cafe across the street from the criminal court in the city of Port Saiid.
Egyptian cleric calls Obama to convert to Islam and threaten him if not, "We Have People Who are more Eager to Die than your eagerness to live"
Press to watch
As you may have noticed, the site has been down for several hours -- but don't worry, we have not been hacked. I was told that there was a problem with a server in Atlanta, and that I'd just have to wait, and anyway, now the problem, whatever it was, seems to have been solved.
A year-and-a-half after the critically-acclaimed film Undercover Mosque was first screened, Dispatches goes undercover again to see whether extremist beliefs continue to be promoted in certain key British Muslim institutions.
سامح فوزى: بجانب المشكلات المجتمعية هناك مشكلات قانونية مثل قانون بناء الكنائس.
التمثيل السياسى للاقباط غير عادل والقائمة النسبية هى الحل.
أحد اليهوذات من كندا: إضطهاد دينى, انا لا أقبل هذه الكلمة مطلقأ..... هى فيه إيد خارجية بتلعب....الحلول خطوة خطوة, ربنا بناها فى ٧؟ ايام إحنا هانبناها فى ٣ دقايق.
ياسيد يهوذا... دول أكتر من ٣٠ سنة..وكمان ربنا بناها في ٦أيام مش سبعة لازم حد يعلمه العد.