في كتابه الذي صدر باللغة الفرنسية يسرد الكاتب تاريخ أصل الأقباط الفرعوني والتطورات المهمة من تاريخ أصولهم والانتشار الإسلامي حتى القرن الـ 21، مستعرضاً كتابه في 6 فصول ومراجع مهمة ووثائق مستنداً في بحثه بمراجع إسلامية مثل السيوطي والجبرتي وابن أسير وابن خلدون والمقريزي وغيرهم.
كتاب في غاية الأهمية جدير بالقراءة
و"الأقباط متحدون" تشكر الكاتب الدكتور مجدي زكي على هذا المؤلف الذي أضاف إلى المكتبة القبطية والتراث القبطي الكثير من التأصيل العلمي لتاريخ الأقباط.
Le mot copte, syllabe unique et sonore comme un petit coup sec, se confond avec chrétien d'Egypte. Mais étymologiquement, il est la déformation arabe d'un terme grec, qui signifie égyptien, lui même dérivant d'ho ki Phtah, temple de l'esprit de Phtah, dieu créateur de Memphis, antique capitale égyptienne.
Ce livre relate l'histoire tourmentée de ces Coptes, depuis leurs origines pharaoniques jusqu'au XXIè siècle. Il dresse l'inventaire saisissant de leurs tribulations sans négliger d'aborder le sort comparable d'autres opprimés en terre d'Islam : Juifs, Arméniens, Berbères, etc. L'ouvrage comporte aussi d'importants développements inédits sur l'origine et l'expansion de l'Islam, la politique de Byzance, les Croisades, la célèbre expédition d'Egypte de Bonapart.
Dans son argumentation, l'auteur s'appuie sur les témoignages des grands chroniqueurs musulmans : As Souyouti, Baladhuri, Gabarti, Hakam, Ibn Assir, Ibn Hicham, Ibn Iyas, Ibn Khaldoun, Ibn Saad, Makrizi, Waqidi, etc.
Histoire des Coptes d'Egypte,
Vous pouvez le commander auprès de l'éditeur : Editions de Paris 13 rue Saint-Honoré 78000 Versailles Tél : 06 79 17 38 08 Courriel : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ISBN 2-85162-125-4, 991 pages, 2005 Editions de Paris 49 euros.
Beyond al-Qaeda. Part 1 and 2 The Global Jihadist Movement
This book is now available
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Ramses Hanna, from Egypt, a successful surgeon, denied his rights by fanatic superiors, emigrated to Canada in the sixties. His tribulations reveal interesting reading about himself, his family and his love and about his Coptic church.
A comperhensive document of the persecution of Copts with detailed account on the significant events, the various aspects of persecuting and terrorising the Copts in their Home land.
The West, Islam and Islamism (Second Edition) The West, Islam and Islamism Is ideological Islam compatible with liberal democracy? Caroline Cox and John Marks £9.50, 127pp, Second Edition, November 2006
Slavery remains rampant worldwide, despite the celebrations surrounding the bicentenary next year of its abolition in Britain. At least 27m men, women and children are enslaved today, ranging from prostitutes in London to indentured workers in Burma. This popularly written, but carefully researched, volume includes chapters on different forms of contemporary slavery, on the Christian roots of the anti-slavery movement and on the roots of Islamicslavery, and three detailed case studies, on Sudan, Burma and Uganda. It concludes with an