Egypt Copts protest against attacks

Egypt News       

Calm has returned to Deir Abu Fana, a village 210km south of Egyptian capital, Cairo, after the release of three monks abducted amid tensions between Muslims and Coptic Christians

Violence erupted on Saturday when local Muslims claimed the expansion of a Coptic monastery was being carried out illegally on state property.
In Mallawi, a nearby town, on Sunday Coptic Christian protesters chanted: "With our blood and soul, we will defend the cross."

Arrests after attacks on Christian property in Egypt

 Coptic church appears behind a mosque in Cairo

Police arrested 20 people when hundreds of Egyptian Muslims attacked Coptic Christian property after a woman who converted to Islam went missing, a security official said on Saturday.

At least five people were also slightly hurt when police used tear gas to disperse protesters in the village of Al-Nazla, in the province of Fayyum 100 kilometres (62 miles) south of Cairo on Friday, the official said.

"Unreported World" British TV reports today from Egypt

Being a Christian in Egypt can cost you your child

Watch Angi Atef parents talk from Assiut


angi mom
Press on the picture to watch the documentary 


Egyptian police sides with the extremists and

do not bother about kindnapped Coptic Girls

Copts face discrimnation and marginalisation.


حكم قضائي: حضانة «أشرقت وماريا» للأب لأن الأم تصحبهما للكنائس وتطعمهما لحم الخنازير

جريدة الفجر - كتب / فادى إميل

في العام الماضي كان الطفلان أندرو وماريو هما محور اهتمام وسائل الإعلام.. لقاءات صحفية وتليفزيونية.. مناشدات لرئيس الجمهورية وصراع قانوني وديني وحقوقي وأكوام من أوراق القضايا والاتهامات المتبادلة بين الأب والأم في النهاية دفع الطفلان الثمن.
في هذا العام تبدأ قصة جديدة وصراع جديد يحمل نفس تفاصيل الصراع السابق لكن هذه المرة أبطاله أشرقت- 12 سنة- وشقيقتها ماريا- 8 أعوام.

Egyptian Muslims attack Christian-owned shops
CAIRO (AP) — Angry Muslims attacked and destroyed shops owned by Coptic Christians on Sunday in a town in southern Egypt that been witnessing sectarian tensions, a police official said.

Burning of Christian properties in Esna, Upper Egypt

Sun Dec 16, 2007 3:23pm GMT  "Google Translation"

(Reuters) - witnesses said that unknown set fire on Sunday in the property of Christians in the city lock southern Egypt a few days after the arrest of two young Christians suspected of having a sexual relationship with a Muslim girl.

Arrest of Muslim Convert to Christianity Mary Ibrahim

Rasha Noor 

Siham Ibrahim Muhammad Hassan al-SharqawiSiham Ibrahim Muhammad Hassan al-Sharqawi (24), a Muslim convert known by the Christian name of Mary Nabil Ibrahim, has been arrested on her third wedding anniversary (November 22) to a Coptic man.

Although she had been arrested on the outskirts of Qena, located 300 miles south of Cairo, with unclear reasoning behind her detainment by police officers, it is a pondered wonder if this case falls into the repeated patterns of many other cases made against the Christian community of Egypt including the Muslim Background Believers.

Shadia imprisoned 3 years for not converting to Islam   Full Story


In A surprise verdict, Shobra Criminal court in Egypt sentenced Shadia Nagi Ibrahim Elsisi 47 y yesterday 21 November 2007 to 3 years imprisonment for forgery “she did not commit” and for not following her father’s conversion to Islam. Father deserted home and converted to Islam in 1962, father returned to his family and Christianity, changed his document to appear as Christian a few years later, family lived a normal Christian life and all the children grew you at home as Christians believers, attending churchs and conducting their lives in the normal Christian manner.

This section will start from today 5/11/2007 to enlist problems and hardships Copts encounter in Egypt because of their religion. It compliments List of Atrocities.

A Christian woman in prison since 26/8/2007 because her father's conversion when she was 3 years old. 

Shadia and Bahia Nagy Ibrahim, both Christians aged 48y and 46 y old, Shadia in Banha prison since 26/8/2007 for a crime she never committed Bahia is on the run to be arrested for a crime she never committed too. 

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